Training (first year)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide the student with the skills to observe and analyze the typical development of children aged 0-72 months, to observe and analyze the communicative, swallowing, linguistic, phono-articulatory, cognitive and motor skills in adults and elderly population, and to observe and analyze the rehabilitation setting, the speech therapist's professional acts, and the clinical therapeutic relationship. The course also aims to provide the student with the methods and tools to write reports on the educational, socio-welfare and rehabilitation's observations.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to identify the typical development milestones in children aged 0-72 months, to identify the characteristics of communicative-relational, linguistic, cognitive, motor and swallowing skills in adulthood and geriatric age, to identify the characteristics of the educational, health-care and rehabilitation setting, and to identify the main professional acts of the speech therapist. Furthermore, the student will be able to apply methods and use tools to observe and analyze the stages of the typical development of the child in the 0-72 month age range, of communicative-relational, linguistic, cognitive, motor and swallowing skills in adult and geriatric age. Finally the student will be able to elaborate and write reports on the observations carried out in the various educational, socio-welfare and rehabilitation contexts.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
· The observation of the cognitive, psychomotor, linguistic phono-articulatory, playful and swallowing development of the child in the age group 0-72 months
· The observation of communicative, swallowing, linguistic, , cognitive and motor skills in adults and the elderly.
· The observation of the rehabilitation setting, the professional speech therapist's actions and the operator-patient and operator-caregiver therapeutic relationship, also through the use of videos
Prerequisites for admission
No preknowledge is required
Teaching methods
Exercises, traineeship, group works, case reports, bibliographic researches
Teaching Resources
· Caselli M.C., Bello A., Rinaldi P., Stefanini S. e Pasqualetti P. (2015) " Il primo vocabolario del bambino: Gesti e Parole e Frasi. Valori di riferimento fra 8 e 36 mesi delle Forme complete e delle Forme brevi del questionario MacArthur-Bates CDI", Franco Angeli/ Linea Test, Milano
· Mary D. Sheridan (2009) "DALLA NASCITA AI CINQUE ANNI. Le tappe fondamentali dello sviluppo", Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano
· Sabbadini G. (a cura di) (1995) " Manuale di neuropsicologia dell'età evolutiva", Zanichelli, Bologna
· S. Bonifacio L. Girolametto, M. Montico, "Le Abilità Socio-Conversazionali del Bambino", Franco Angeli
· Federazione Logopedisti Italiani (autori vari) (2010), "Il Core Competence e il Core Curriculum del logopedista", Metodologie Riabilitative in Logopedia Vol. 18, Springer, Milano
· O. Andreani Dentici, G. Amoretti, E. Cavallini, «La memoria degli anziani. Una guida per mantenerla in efficienza», Erickson, 2004
· Bellelli, G., & Trabucchi, M. (2009). Riabilitare l'anziano: teoria e strumenti di lavoro. Roma: Carocci Faber
· Magni, E., Binetti, G., Bianchetti, A., Rozzini, R., & Trabucchi, M. (1996). Mini‐Mental State Examination: a normative study in Italian elderly population. European Journal of Neurology, 3(3), 198-202
· Ney, D. M., Weiss, J. M., Kind, A. J., & Robbins, J. (2009). Senescent swallowing: impact, strategies, and interventions. Nutrition in clinical practice, 24(3), 395-413
· Materiale e articoli a cura del docente
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning assessment will consist of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination. Group work , speech presentation and reports are also required for a formative and certificative assessment. The evaluation criteria are the application of the knowledge acquired, the ability to understand, the autonomy of judgment and the communicative and relational skills. The grade will be expressed in thirtieths, resulting from the assessments of the clinical reports and of the traineeship exam conducted through Objective Structured Clinical Examination. The assessments expressed by the traineeship Assistants through specific checklists on the internship booklet and by the professional tutor will be considerate. There are no intermediate tests.
Practicals - Exercises: 250 hours
Sezione: Bosisio Parini
Professors: Civelli Irma Anna, Locatelli Manuela, Pozzoli Raffaella, Rosci Chiara
Sezione: Mantova
Professors: De Pieri Anna, Mode' Maddalena, Pastori Eleonora
Sezione: Sacco
Professors: Piazzalunga Silvia, Todaro Francesca