Surgery: Clinics and Therapy (5th year) (qualifying activity)
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with: i) the principles of clinical diagnosis of the most frequent skin diseases and sexually transmitted diseases; ii) the knowledge of the main laboratory investigations for the diagnosis of skin diseases; iii) the knowledge of the main therapeutic treatment and dermatologic surgical procedures of skin disease.
Expected learning outcomes
Al termine dell'insegnamento lo studente deve avere la conoscenza delle pratiche inerenti all'insegnamento; lo studente avrà assistito allo svolgimento di alcune procedure e/o avrà acquisito in autonomia alcune competenze pratiche. Lo studente affronterà un esame idoneativo che attesti la sua competenza pratica acquisita.
Lesson period: year
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
The student must possess the knowledge acquired in the teachings of Human Anatomy, Human Physiology, Pathology and General Pathology, Semeiotics and Pathology of the Apparatuses 1 and 2, Medical Pharmacology
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning of each ETU will be verified by the tutors.
The acquisition of the ETU is a mandatory prerequisite before undergoing the final examination and does not provide a mark in thirtieths, but has a qualifying function.
The acquisition of the ETU is a mandatory prerequisite before undergoing the final examination and does not provide a mark in thirtieths, but has a qualifying function.
Thoracic surgery
Course syllabus
The qualifying activities include the Elementary Teaching Units (ETU) listed below.
Participation in first aid activities
Participation in outpatient activities
Participation in OR activities
Participation in first aid activities
Participation in outpatient activities
Participation in OR activities
Teaching methods
Course syllabus and attending modality will be presented during an initial meeting for both students and teacher.
ETU learning should be considered as committment between the student and the tutor: the student will be engaged in acquiring the knowhow defined by ETU, the tutor will ensure the quality and complete training on ETU.
ETU attending time will be established by the tutor taking into account the student's career and specific needs.
ETU learning should be considered as committment between the student and the tutor: the student will be engaged in acquiring the knowhow defined by ETU, the tutor will ensure the quality and complete training on ETU.
ETU attending time will be established by the tutor taking into account the student's career and specific needs.
Teaching Resources
F. Minni: Chirurgia Generale (2 voll.), CEA, 2019
D.F. D'Amico: Manuale di Chirurgia Generale, II Ed., Piccin, 2018
R. Dionigi: Chirurgia, VI Ed. (2 voll.), Elsevier, 2017
J.L. Cameron, A.M. Cameron: Current Surgical Therapy, XIV Ed., Elsevier, 2023
C.M. Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, XXI Ed., Elsevier, 2021
M.W. Mulholland: Greenfield's Surgery, VII Ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2021
F.C. Brunicardi: Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, XI Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2019
D.F. D'Amico: Manuale di Chirurgia Generale, II Ed., Piccin, 2018
R. Dionigi: Chirurgia, VI Ed. (2 voll.), Elsevier, 2017
J.L. Cameron, A.M. Cameron: Current Surgical Therapy, XIV Ed., Elsevier, 2023
C.M. Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, XXI Ed., Elsevier, 2021
M.W. Mulholland: Greenfield's Surgery, VII Ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2021
F.C. Brunicardi: Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, XI Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2019
Course syllabus
The qualifying activities include the Elementary Teaching Units (ETU) listed below.
Participation in first aid activities
Participation in outpatient activities
Participation in OR activities
Participation in first aid activities
Participation in outpatient activities
Participation in OR activities
Teaching methods
Course syllabus and attending modality will be presented during an initial meeting for both students and teacher.
ETU learning should be considered as committment between the student and the tutor: the student will be engaged in acquiring the knowhow defined by ETU, the tutor will ensure the quality and complete training on ETU.
ETU attending time will be established by the tutor taking into account the student's career and specific needs.
ETU learning should be considered as committment between the student and the tutor: the student will be engaged in acquiring the knowhow defined by ETU, the tutor will ensure the quality and complete training on ETU.
ETU attending time will be established by the tutor taking into account the student's career and specific needs.
Teaching Resources
F. Minni: Chirurgia Generale (2 voll.), CEA, 2019
D.F. D'Amico: Manuale di Chirurgia Generale, II Ed., Piccin, 2018
R. Dionigi: Chirurgia, VI Ed. (2 voll.), Elsevier, 2017
F.C. Brunicardi: Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, XI Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2019
J.L. Cameron, A.M. Cameron: Current Surgical Therapy, XII Ed., Elsevier, 2017
C.M. Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, XX Ed., Elsevier, 2016
M.W. Mulholland: Greenfield's Surgery, VI Ed., Wolters Kluwert, 2016
D.F. D'Amico: Manuale di Chirurgia Generale, II Ed., Piccin, 2018
R. Dionigi: Chirurgia, VI Ed. (2 voll.), Elsevier, 2017
F.C. Brunicardi: Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, XI Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2019
J.L. Cameron, A.M. Cameron: Current Surgical Therapy, XII Ed., Elsevier, 2017
C.M. Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, XX Ed., Elsevier, 2016
M.W. Mulholland: Greenfield's Surgery, VI Ed., Wolters Kluwert, 2016
General surgery
Course syllabus
The qualifying activities include the Elementary Teaching Units (ETU) listed below.
Participation in first aid activities
Participation in outpatient activities
Participation in OR activities
Participation in first aid activities
Participation in outpatient activities
Participation in OR activities
Teaching methods
Course syllabus and attending modality will be presented during an initial meeting for both students and teacher.
ETU learning should be considered as committment between the student and the tutor: the student will be engaged in acquiring the knowhow defined by ETU, the tutor will ensure the quality and complete training on ETU.
ETU attending time will be established by the tutor taking into account the student's career and specific needs.
ETU learning should be considered as committment between the student and the tutor: the student will be engaged in acquiring the knowhow defined by ETU, the tutor will ensure the quality and complete training on ETU.
ETU attending time will be established by the tutor taking into account the student's career and specific needs.
Teaching Resources
F. Minni: Chirurgia Generale (2 voll.), CEA, 2019
D.F. D'Amico: Manuale di Chirurgia Generale, II Ed., Piccin, 2018
R. Dionigi: Chirurgia, VI Ed. (2 voll.), Elsevier, 2017
F.C. Brunicardi: Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, XI Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2019
J.L. Cameron, A.M. Cameron: Current Surgical Therapy, XII Ed., Elsevier, 2017
C.M. Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, XX Ed., Elsevier, 2016
M.W. Mulholland: Greenfield's Surgery, VI Ed., Wolters Kluwert, 2016
D.F. D'Amico: Manuale di Chirurgia Generale, II Ed., Piccin, 2018
R. Dionigi: Chirurgia, VI Ed. (2 voll.), Elsevier, 2017
F.C. Brunicardi: Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, XI Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2019
J.L. Cameron, A.M. Cameron: Current Surgical Therapy, XII Ed., Elsevier, 2017
C.M. Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, XX Ed., Elsevier, 2016
M.W. Mulholland: Greenfield's Surgery, VI Ed., Wolters Kluwert, 2016
General surgery
MED/18 - GENERAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Gruppo 1
Bianchi Paolo Pietro Cesare AttilioGruppo 2
Ghelma FilippoGruppo 3
Formisano GiampaoloGruppo 4
Salaj Adelona
Thoracic surgery
MED/21 - THORACIC SURGERY - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Baisi Alessandro
Baisi Alessandro
MED/24 - UROLOGY - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Ferro Matteo
Ferro MatteoProfessor(s)
To be defined by mail