Skincare and Personal Hygiene Products Development + Regulatory Affairs

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the students with knowledge about the most common and the more innovative formulations currently employed for body cleansing as well as skincare products. Theoretical premises, preparation methods and the aspects of objective and subjective controls to obtain effective, shelf-stable, and reliable product will be deeply described. The European regulation 1223/2009 will be deepen with particular reference to technical indications, annexes and labeling aspects. Regulation concerning ingredients and their safety will also be discussed.
During the laboratory experiences, the students will prepare different types of cosmetic products and apply the basic methodology for the characterization and stability control.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will acquire the knowledge required for the formulation development and manufacturing aspects of products intended for body cleansing and its maintenance.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Skincare and personal hygiene products development: Colloids and Interface Science Principles. Dispersion systems. Cleansing Formulations (aqueous or oil solutions). Emulsions and nanoemulsion: properties, preparation methods and stabilization using different approaches (surfactants, nanoparticles - pickering, Lamellar Liquid Crystals). Aerosol and foam. Specific Product for hair, oral care, deodorants. Sunscreens. Stability studies. Sensory analysis. Scale-up process.
Regulatory affairs: Regulation 1223/2009 and related framework on cosmetic products. GMP. In vitro methods.
Prerequisites for admission
To successfully follow the contents of the course it will be necessary to have acquired basic knowledge of organic and inorganic chemistry, and the ingredients of cosmetic products. Furthermore, a background on the physiology and biochemistry of skin/skin appendages and of the main membranes on which cosmetic products are intended to be applied would be very useful. Attendance of the laboratory experiences related to the first semester courses represents a prerequisite for admission to the practical exercises.
Teaching methods
Lectures, mainly in presence, with the support of slides and digital instruments. Self-verification activities to be carried out online and/or offline. Seminars held by experts in the field to bring students closer to the reality of work/production. 1 CFU (16 hours) dedicated to individual laboratory experiences, which will involve the drafting of a final report.
Teaching Resources
Lesson slides and indications of recommended texts of interest for the course, available on the Ariel website.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The understanding/learning of the topics covered during the course will be verified through ongoing tests, carried out during the lessons, and a final test with both closed and open-ended questions. An oral interview may also be necessary to clarify the contents of the written tests and help improve the final grade. The report of the laboratory experiences is considered part of the final exam, constituting 30% of the final evaluation.
Single bench laboratory practical: 16 hours
Lessons: 48 hours