Psychiatry and Behavioral Psychology (qualifying activity)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with:
i) the scientific and cultural tools about physiopathology, psychopathology, clinical aspects and therapeutic strategies of the main psychiatric disorders;
ii) information concerning the main models of the mind, the related psychotherapeutic interventions and the main psycho-diagnostic tools;
iii) the deontological and legal aspects of the psychiatric care in Italy.
Expected learning outcomes
Students have acquired the tools:
i) to identify the main psychiatric disorders;
ii) to choose the therapeutic strategies;
iii) to act directly or by referring the patient to the appropriate health care professionals accordingly to the deontological and legal aspects of the psychiatric care in Italy.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Qualifying activities include the following ETU:
1) First consultation with a patient for a possible psychiatric disorder: history taking
2) First consultation with a patient for a possible psychiatric disorder: performing a mental status examination
3) First consultation with a patient for a possible psychiatric disorder: formulating a diagnostic process
Prerequisites for admission
It is highly recommended the attendance to all the previous years' courses.
Teaching methods
Course syllabus and attending modality will be presented during an initial meeting for both students and teacher.
ETU learning should be considered as a kind of committment between the student and the tutor: the student will be engaged in acquiring the knowhow defined by ETU, the tutor will ensure the quality and complete training on ETU.
ETU attending time will be established by the tutor taking into account the student's career and specific needs.
Teaching Resources
Kaplan & Sadock's Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, 4e
By Benjamin Sadock, Virginia A. Sadock and Pedro Ruiz - February 2017
Manuale di Psichiatria Clinica. Edizioni Minerva Medica. 2019
Robert B. White - Robert M. Gilliland - I MECCANISMI DI DIFESA. Ed Astrolabio
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning of each ETU will be verified by the tutors.
The acquisition of the ETU is a mandatory prerequisite before undergoing the final examination and does not provide a mark in thirtieths, but has a qualifying function.
MED/25 - PSYCHIATRY - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Professor: D'Agostino Armando
Gruppo 1
Professor: D'Agostino Armando
Gruppo 2
Professor: D'Agostino Armando