Placement Ii Year

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/49 MED/50
Learning objectives
The internship aims to provide students with in-depth knowledge of:
- coordination and management of simple organizations
- management of human resources, materials in use and respective costs
- drg related to the services provided
- systematic bibliographic research
- collaborations with quantitative and qualitative research projects
- participation, observation and planning of management processes for updating and ongoing training
- methods for managing professional development plans that include continuous assessments, definitions and identification of objectives and implementation for their achievement;
- observation and management of management processes and coordination of first and second level educational activities
Expected learning outcomes
The student at the end of his internship and based on the objectives set during the planning stage of the internship must be able to:
- coordinate and / or manage simple and complex organizations using tools and measures for planning, human resource management, accounting in the business economy;
- to detect and critically evaluate the evolution of the needs of the service in which he carried out the training internship
- identify the environmental risk factors, evaluate their effects on health and prepare protection measures in the workplace;
- manage work groups and apply appropriate strategies to promote multi-professional and organizational integration processes;
- manage professional development plans, which include continuous assessments, definitions and identification of objectives and implementation for their achievement;
- carry out a systematic bibliographic research, also through databases and related periodic updates, literature reviews, including systematic ones, aimed at the realization of a scientific article;
- collaborate with quantitative and qualitative research projects, verify the application of the results of research activities for continuous improvement;
- organize and correctly interpret the health information of the specific professional from the various resources and databases available and use the technology associated with information and communications as a valid support for monitoring health status;
- plan and carry out training interventions for updating and ongoing training relating to the reference health structures
participate, observe and plan management processes, management and coordination of a Bachelor's and Master's Degree Course, 1st and 2nd level Masters and increase, as part of the tutoring activities and coordination of the internship in basic, complementary and permanent training , teaching skills
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
The teaching programme is specific to each project presented
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge required;
Teaching methods
The teaching consists of the student presenting a project in one of the three specific areas of the master's degree: research, training/teaching and professional management and must be included in the Rehabilitation Class.
The teaching takes place at the teaching headquarters of the course of study under the guidance of Lecturers and Researchers of the University of Milan who play the role of Tutor for educational projects in the field of research and teaching; at convention venues that include public and private health facilities, IRCCS, educational locations of university courses and prestigious research institutes such as the CNR and the Polytechnic university of Milan
Teaching Resources
The bibliography is specific to each project submitted and identified under the tutoring of the tutor
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of learning outcomes consists of an oral presentation and discussion of the final traineeship report, including a power point presentation. The exams take place during specific sessions; the teaching is annual.
The final mark is expressed on a scale of 30, and shall take into account the methodology applied, the consistency of contents with the aims and purposes previously defined in the project as a training contract, as well as the congruence with the objectives defined in the Regulation of the master course of study.
The student is asked to accept the grade and may repeat the exam in subsequent appeals.
The internship is evaluated from a qualitative point of view through a questionnaire created ad hoc by the course of study.
Practicals - Exercises: 200 hours