
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is intended:
- To present the basis of the scientific method, with examples and discussions applied to Physics topics.
- To provide a fundamental knowledge on Classical Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Fluids Mechanics, Surface properties, Electromagnetism, Geometrical Optics, with examples and applications to Medical and Dentistry contexts. The course foresees also discussion and application of the methods used to solve simple exercises.
- To present and discuss the physical basis of the main diagnostic methods used in Medicine and Dentistry (RX, TAC, Ecography, NMR, etc.).
Expected learning outcomes
The student will learn the basis of Classical Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Fluids Mechanics, Surface properties, Electromagnetism, Geometrical Optics, with specific examples and applications to Medical and Dentistry contexts. The acquired methodological and scientific knowledge will result useful in following studies, as for example in Physiology, when studying the Mechanics of Mastication or Mechanical Properties of Materials used in Dentistry, etc.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
The experimental method.
Measurement process and errors, systems of measurement units. Significant digits.

Material point and material points systems mechanics.
Reference system and coordinate system. Definition of a material point. Law of motion. Average and instant speed. Uniform rectilinear motion. Average and instant acceleration. Rectilinear motion evenly accelerated. Concepts of force and mass. Principles of classical dynamics. Examples of forces: gravitational, electrical, elastic force. Gravity acceleration; motion of a mass under gravity in two dimensions. Weight and gravity. Motion on curved trajectory: displacement and angular velocity, acceleration and centripetal force; examples of the motions of planets, satellites and electrons. Energy, work and power: definitions and examples. Potential and kinetic energy. Kinetic energy theorem. Mechanical energy conservation theorem. Friction and energy conservation in the presence of dissipative forces. Center of mass and its properties. Momentum, angular momentum and equations that govern their evolution over time (1st and 2nd Cardinal Equations). The equilibrium conditions. The levers. Examples of the application of the lever model to the study of joints in the human body. Elasticity: stress and deformation.

Fluid systems properties.
General information. Microscopic model for the various states of matter. Chaotic motion and drift speed. Density, viscosity and internal friction, compressibility. Pressure and devices to its absolute and relative measurement. Pascal principle and its applications. Stevino's Law. Communicating vessels. Hydrostatic force, Archimedes law and applications. Laminate and turbulent motion. Continuity equation and its consequences. Bernoulli's theorem and its applications. Torricelli's theorem. Poiseuille equation and its application to blood circulation. Reynolds' number. Vacuum and thrust pumps: the heart as a pump for circulation. Measurement of blood pressure. Centrifuge pump. Surface tension and examples. Laplace laws. Capillarity and adherence.

Intensive and extensive variables. Operational temperature definition; Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. Thermodynamic equilibrium. Isolated, open and closed system. Possible channels for energy exchange. Equation of state and Cartesian representation of thermodynamic state. Transformations. Reversible and irreversible processes. The phase diagram of the perfect gas and of the homogeneous real gas. Relationship between kinetic energy and temperature. Distribution of molecular speeds. Internal energy of a perfect gas and a real gas. Internal energy as a state function. Thermodynamic work. Conducting and thermal insulating materials. The heat; thermal capacity and specific heat. Big and small calories and relationship with the Joule. First principle of thermodynamics and energy conservation. Statements of the second principle of thermodynamics and their discussion. Heat transmission. Thermoregulation of the human body.

Elements of electromagnetism.
Notions of the microscopic structure of matter. Attractive and repulsive electrical actions; positive and negative electric charges. Stability of the nucleus and atom. Insulating materials and electrical conductors. Electrostatic induction. The electric charge and the law of its conservation. Coulomb's law. Comparison of electrical and gravitational force. Principle of overlapping effects. Definition of electric field; force lines of the field. Electrostatic field conservative. Electrical potential and potential energy. Capacity and capacitors. Capacitor with dielectric. Electrical forces in molecular biology. Conductors and electrical current; current intensity. Electro-driving force. Ohmic conduction and electrical resistance. Overview of electrical conduction in the nervous system.
Magnetic effects due to moving charges. Magnetic induction field B and Lorentz strength. Biot and Savart's Law. Ampère's equivalence principle. Atomic currents and magnetism in matter. Electromagnetic induction: phenomenology, application examples and Faraday-Neumann-Lenz equation. The alternating current. Electromagnetic waves (e.m.): generation and main properties. Spectrum of the e.m. waves. Corpuscular appearance of the e.m. radiation.
Need for a new physics for the study of the microscopic properties of matter (nods). The cathode ray tube: features and examples (TV and computer screens, the oscilloscope).

Elements of Wave Optics.
Undulating nature of light. X radiation: nature and production. Interaction with matter. Attenuation processes. X-ray technique.
Prerequisites for admission
Analytical geometry, Definition and main properties of sine, cosine, tangent functions. Vectors: properties and operations, scalar product, unit vectors, components.
Teaching methods
Teaching will include lectures with the aid of lecture material (slides) and classroom discussions, and exercises under the guidance of the professor. Some topics will be covered in Team-Based Learning (TBL) mode, with material to be prepared asynchronously and by group activities. All teaching materials used (lecture slides, links to additional online resources) will be available on the MyAriel platform.
Teaching Resources
D. C. Giancoli Fisica Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
F. Scannicchio Fisica biomedica EdiSES, Napoli
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam consists of a written test, with exercises to be solved numerically and open-ended questions. Only the use of calculators is allowed during the written test.
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 60 hours