Pathological Anatomy (clinical skills)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Expected learning outcomes
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Cytological, histological and molecular examination concept. The frozen analysis during surgery. Electron microscopy.
Biopsy. The examination of the surgical sample, with particular reference to the grading and staging of neoplasms.
Molecular approach to diagnosis and therapy.
Concept and elementary rules for a correct fixation of the materials to be sent to the pathology unit.
Prerequisites for admission
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
To understand the contents of the course, a preliminary knowledge in Histology, Anatomy and General Pathology is strongly recommended.
Teaching methods
Attendance in hospital wards, surgeries, day hospital, operating room, first aid activities, discussion of clinical cases. Frontal lessons supported by powerpoint slides and / or digital slide projections.
Professional activities in the laboratory and under the microscope.
Teaching Resources
Robbins - Pathological basis of the disease, last edition
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of:- preliminary written test: 30 multiple choice questions (one exact, time available 30 minutes). Score: for each correct answer 1 point, for each wrong answer -0.25 points, for each answer not given 0 points. Passing this test with a minimum of 18/30 allows admission to the oral test.
- oral test: it is carried out on the whole program, the ability to expose the key concepts of histocytopathological lesions and anatomoclinical correlations is assessed.
Passing the test will determine a mark expressed in thirtieths. No intermediate tests are foreseen.
MED/08 - PATHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours