Others Activities (seminars, lectures and informatic)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Expected learning outcomes
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
- Management of the operating positions and the workspace (Lab I year - Ergonomics);
- main whitening techniques in the office and at home currently available (Lab II year - dental aesthetics protocols)
- devices recently proposed to support non-surgical periodontal therapy, biofilm control, primary prevention and maintenance protocols implantation, in different categories of patients (Lab III year - New technologies in oral hygiene)
- principles of Community Dentistry
Prerequisites for admission
To attend the other activities, it is necessary to acquire the skills required by the professionalizing activities proposed in the corresponding year of the course.
Teaching methods
3cfuinformatica offers an e-learning platform for students who must acquire 3 university credits of basic computer skills as foreseen in the study plan of the degree course.
The professional Labs provide a theoretical-practical activity with the participation of students in small group activities on the topics planned for each year of the course. Community projects request a collegial preparation of material useful for carrying out the activity among the population to whom the project is intended.
Teaching Resources
Farronato G. Odontostomatologia per l'igienista dentale - Basi anatomo-cliniche e protocolli operativi. Piccin 2007.
Lang NP, Lindhe J. Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale. VI Edizione. EdiErmes 2016.
Wilkins EM. La pratica clinica dell'igienista dentale. Piccin Nuova Libraria 2010.
Assessment methods and Criteria
No specific assessment is expected for this activity. The activity is approved based on the attendance.
For information technology, the asessment is organized by the office in charge.
- University credits: 9
Informal teaching: 135 hours
Professor: Paino Francesca