Other Activities (laboratories)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
· To study and to evaluate the characteristics of the different types of scientific work.
· To introduce students to the Transfusion System and to the organization of the Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine Service.
· To introduce students to the Audiological screening and to organization of Audiological and ORL outpatient service
· To acquire methodological and technical-operative cultures for the analysis of health processes within the Laboratory Medicine Services and Microbiology
· To develop assessment and intervention skills related to the organization, management and monitoring of Laboratory Medicine and Microbiology Services
· To apply managerial skills in the field of human, structural and technological resources, planning interventions with a view to improving efficiency and effectiveness within the Laboratory Medicine and Microbiology Services
Expected learning outcomes
· To acquire the ability to critically evaluate scientific works, to acquire the methodological capacity to draft scientific work itself.
· To know the activities, coordination, structures and regional, national and European regulations of the Blood Bank.
· To know the activities, the management, the regional, national and European regulation of the Audiological sceening
· To apply the methodologies presented during the course. In particular: the student must be able to analyze and / or develop a work shift scheme that complies with current legislation and the CCNL in force for daily / 24 hour shifts / ready availability in the considered laboratory services; he must be able to hypothesize and / or implement a reorganization of a laboratory service also following a request based on departmental / corporate reorganization; he must be able to use the tools of the Health Technology Assessment
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
· Introduction of the professional figure of the Audiologist , of his normative and professional evolution
· Introduction to the main methods of Audiological investigation in the adult and pediatric patients
· Organization of child audiological screening
· Introduction to the structural, technical and organizational requirements for the organization of Audiology clinics
· To propose to students the professional role of Neurophisiology technician, its professional and regulatory evolution and the overlapping fields with other health professionals
· To introduce students to organization of a Neurophisiology ambulatory, to the main methods of investigation in neurophysiology on central and peripherical nervous system analysis, for diagnostic and research purpose
· To introduce to structural, technical and organizational needs on the management of a Neurophisiology ambulatory
· Basic knowledge on brain death assessment and on national transplant net organization
· The activity, organitazion and management of the blood bank, national blood bank service, SiSTRA, regional coordination structures, transfusion medicine and hematology department, validation processing center, the regional, national and European regulation of the Blood Bank.
· Analysis of health processes in Laboratory Medicine and Microbiology Services. Organization, management and monitoring of a Laboratory Medicine and Microbiology Service. Planning, management and organization of the necessary human resources.
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures using slides
Teaching Resources
I docenti mettono a disposizione slide che ripercorrono esaustivamente gli argomenti trattati a lezione. Non è obbligatorio nessun testo. Per eventuali approfondimenti che lo studente ritenga opportuni si consiglia di visionare il sito internet del Ministero della Salute.
Sono suggeriti i seguenti testi:
"Elementi di audiologia" Silvano Prosser , Alessandro Martini. Omega ed.

The teachers provide slides that comprehensive retrace the topics covered in the lesson. The adoption of the text is no required. For any further information that the student deems appropriate it is recommended the Ministero della Salute website.
The following books are suggest:
"Elementi di audiologia" Silvano Prosser , Alessandro Martini. Omega ed.

"Vertigini: diagnosi diffferenziale e trattamento" Dario Carlo Alpini, edi-ermes

Il Dirigente delle professioni sanitarie
Ruolo e prospettive nel contesto della Pubblica Amministrazione
Alvaro - Antonetti - Guerrieri - Petrangeli

La dirigenza delle professioni sanitarie. Un'analisi del ruolo e delle prospettive nell'ambito del lavoro pubblico e privato
di G. Antonetti, P. Scampati, L. De Vincenzo, M. Mattei, R. Alvaro
Editore: Universitalia
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam consists of a single written test which includes 10 multiple-choise item test with only one correct answer for each individual part. The evaluation will be expressed as suitability or non-suitability.
- University credits: 5
Lessons: 40 hours