Other Activities
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Provide the essential elements of ultrasound diagnostic
Expected learning outcomes
The student must demonstrate to have understood the physical principles of ultrasound, the formation of the ultrasound image and the following clinical applications: body and cardiac ultrasound.
Lesson period: Second semester
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
Ultrasound: technical principles.
Biological effects
Ultrasound vs. other imaging techniques
The role of the RT (R)
Biological effects
Ultrasound vs. other imaging techniques
The role of the RT (R)
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge required.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
During the lessons practical exercises will also be carried out.
During the lessons some cases will also be discussed.
During the lessons practical exercises will also be carried out.
During the lessons some cases will also be discussed.
Teaching Resources
CATALANO, FARINA: Ecografia. Dalle basi metodologiche alle tecniche avanzate - Esculapio, 2014
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final assessment will consist of a written test aimed to ascertain the preparation of the student. The test will result in a judgment of "approved" or "not approved".
The booking on the UNIMIA portal, within the dates established for each appeal, is mandatory for the examination.
The booking on the UNIMIA portal, within the dates established for each appeal, is mandatory for the examination.