Organic Chemistry

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course aims to provide a basic knowledge of theoretical and experimental aspects of organic chemistry, with particular emphasis to the most important classes of organic compounds in the agrifood area.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to understand the formulas of organic compounds and will be able to identify the main functional groups. He will acquire the ability to predict and recognize properties, reactivity and environmental and food importance of organic molecules. He will have skills in the fundamental operations for the manipulation of organic compounds.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The aim of the course is to supply the fundamental knowledge on the structure and reactivity of organic compounds. Particular attention will be given to the relationship between chemical formula, three-dimensional structure and chemical-physical properties (solubility, boiling point, color etc.) of organic molecules. The student will analyse the main transformations of organic compounds (acid-base reactions, ox-red, hydrolysis, etc.) necessary to understand the behaviour of the natural components of food. Theme n°1. The organic compounds: structure, isomerism, compact formula, functional groups. Nomenclature of organic compounds. Alkanes: structure, isomerism, chemical-physical proprieties, combustion reaction. Conformational analysis of alkanes and cycloalkanes, geometric isomerism in the disubstituted cycloalkanes. Alkenes: structure, chemical-physical properties, geometric isomerism. Polyenes, terpenes (short account). Electophilic adddition reactions of alkenes. Mechanism. Reactions of oxidation. Reactions of polymerization, properties and applications of polymers. Benzene and aromatic compounds: structure, nomenclature. Theme n°2 . Alcohols: structure, properties, natural sources and importance in food chemistry, acidity, oxidation to carbonylic compounds. Alkyl halides of hydrocarbons: structure, properties, reactivity with nucleofilic reagents, short account to the ecological problems (pesticides, halogenated compounds, dioxins, PCB). Phenols: structure, acidity; poliphenols, flavonoids, tannins. Use of poliphenols as anti-oxidants in food. Theme n°3 . Chirality and optical activity, absolute and relative configuration. Enantiomers, diasteroisomers and racemic mixtures. Relationship between biological proprieties and optically active compounds. Aldehydes and ketones: structure, properties, redox and nucleophic addition reactions. Semiacetals, acetals and hydrated derivative of aldehydes and ketones. Some typical carbonyl addition reactions of nitrogen nucleophilic reagent. Theme n°4 . Carbohydrates: mono-, di- and polysaccharides. Monosaccharides: structure and Fischer projections, stereochemistry. Cyclic structure and mutarotation. Disaccharides and polysaccharides: proprieties and importance in biological system. Theme n°5 . Carboxylic acids: structure, proprieties and acidity. Funcional derivatives of carboxilyc acids: acid halides, esters, amides. Reactions of nucleophilic displacements: esterification and hydrolysis of esters. Lipids: fatty acids, triglycerids, phospholipids. Natural and synthetic soaps and tensioactives. Steroids and liposoluble vitamins. Amines: structure, properties, basicity. Natural nitrogen containing compounds (alkaloids). Aminoacids and peptides: structure, acid-base properties, PI. Biologically important aminoacids. Structure of DNA (short account). Practices: Practices in laboratory: fundamental techniques for identification, separation and purification of organic compounds. Distillation, column chromatography and thin layer chromatography, extraction from aqueous solutions at different pH. Exercises on topics covered in class.
Prerequisites for admission
General and inorganic chemistry
Teaching methods
Lessons: 5 CFU
Organic Chemistry Laboratory : 1 CFU
Teaching Resources
Slides of all the lessons available on Ariel platform. Suggested Books : Bassoli et al Semi di Chimica Organica, EdiSES; B.Botta : Chimica Organica Essenziale, Edi-ermes; W. H Brown. Introduzione alla Chimica Organica (EdiSes); R. Hart, Chimica Organica (Zanichelli). All the slides presented during the course are available on the "MyAriel" platform.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of the achievement of the learning outcomes takes place by means of a written test. The written test requires the solution of application-type exercises, having contents and difficulties similar to those faced in class exercises. The test will deal with all the topics covered during the lessons and laboratory experiences. The following skills will be evaluated: knowledge of the nomenclature, structure and reactivity of organic molecules; knowledge of the main transformations of organic compounds; knowledge of the fundamental techniques for the recognition, separation and purification of organic compounds.
Students with DSA and disabilities are requested to contact the teacher via email at least 15 days before the scheduled exam. In the email addressed to the lecturer, it is necessary to put in c.c. the respective University Services: [email protected] (for students with DSA) and [email protected] (for students with disabilities)"
To take the exam it is necessary to register on the UNIMIA platform.
The mark is first reported on the ariel platform ands uccessively communicated to each student by e-mail by the University's verbalization system.
There are no differentiated modes of examination between attending and non-attending students.
In the Ariel platform there are examples of previous exams.
CHIM/06 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
Laboratories: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours