Occupational Health

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing students with:
i) scientific and cultural tools concerning the aetiology, the clinic and the criteria for diagnosis of the main work-related diseases;
ii) information concerning the criteria for assessing the loss of working ability and the levels of damage, together with the procedures for reporting work-related diseases;
iii) information on the meaning and use of the lists of occupational diseases existing in Italy and abroad;
iv) occupational diseases in current international classifications (ICD 10) and future (ICD 11);
v) essential information regarding the laws in the field of occupational health and safety.
Expected learning outcomes
The students will be able to:
i) do the diagnosis of the main work-related diseases together with the related principles of prevention;
ii) report an occupational disease through a correct use of the relative lists;
iii) address the various problems concerning occupational health and safety, both as object of the laws and as subjects responsible for the application of the laws in the health care system at any level.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
General introduction to Occupational Medicine, risk assessment principles and exposure; occupational exposure limit values, epidemiology and statistics applied to occupational medicine, diseases caused by physical, chemical, biological, biomechanical agents. The risks from mineral and organic dusts with particular attention to asbestos. Allergies. The risks in the health sector. Agriculture and its specificities. Italian and European legislation in the field of occupational medicine.
The latter include discussion of clinical cases and practice in the use of diagnostic and screening devices usually used by the occupational doctor (audiometry, spirometry, Visio Test).
Prerequisites for admission
Knowlegde acquired in the courses of the first 3 years and the following courses of the fourth: Semiotics and Pathology of Systems 2 , Dermatologic Clinics, Eye diseases, Otorhinolaryngology and Infectious Diseases Clinical.
Teaching methods
Each credit includes hours of frontal and innovative teaching. The innovative teaching activities consist in the deepening of specific topics of the course syllabus, that will be selected by the students and the teacher. Such activity will be carried out in active collaboration between students and teacher.
The course consists of lectures and practical exercises.
Teaching Resources
-PA Bertazzi, La Medicina del Lavoro. Raffaello Cortina Editore.
-Hunter's Diseases of Occupations. Editors Baxter PJ, Aw T-C, Cockcroft A, Durrington P, Harrington JM. Tenth Edition, London: Hodder Arnold (advanced textbook)
-Oxford Handbook of Occupational Health (edited by Smedely J, Dick F, Sadhra S), Second edition. Oxford University Press.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test of 30 multiple choice questions (5 answers per question, only one correct). To be admitted to the test, the student must attend the occupational health unit of the university hospital and identify and present a clinical case of suspected occupational disease among the patients seen in clinic.
MED/44 - OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE - University credits: 6
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
: 20 hours
Professor: De Matteis Sara
Professor: De Matteis Sara