A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge necessary to identify the bacteria responsible or not of infection. They will also achieve basic notions of antibiotic resistance and of the most frequent resistance mechanisms known to date. As regards viral infections, the topics dealt with are the following: virus structure, classification, replication strategies, main principles of drug resistance to antiviral and antiretroviral drugs, viruses responsible of human infections, diagnostic methods and clinical cases.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge on the main characteristics of microrganisms (structure, laboratory methods of identification, diseases)
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
Bacterial classification; bacterial morphology and function of bacterial cell structures; bacterial metabolism and growth; bacterial genetics.
Classification, structure and replication of Mycetes and Protozoa.
Microbial flora in the host in conditions of normalcy and disease; host-microorganism relationship; mechanisms of microbial pathogenesis; guest response to microbial insults; clinical bacteriology of the various systems (respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, CNS); nosocomial infections.
Virology: emerging viral infections; the discovery of viruses; origin, classification and nomenclature of viruses; viral structure and replication; properties of viral genomes; respiratory infections, influenza and SARS viruses; hepatitic viruses and antiviral therapy; HIV virus, antiretroviral therapy and drug resistance; herpetic viruses; gastrointestinal viruses; viruses of interest in human pathology.
Classification, structure and replication of Mycetes and Protozoa.
Microbial flora in the host in conditions of normalcy and disease; host-microorganism relationship; mechanisms of microbial pathogenesis; guest response to microbial insults; clinical bacteriology of the various systems (respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, CNS); nosocomial infections.
Virology: emerging viral infections; the discovery of viruses; origin, classification and nomenclature of viruses; viral structure and replication; properties of viral genomes; respiratory infections, influenza and SARS viruses; hepatitic viruses and antiviral therapy; HIV virus, antiretroviral therapy and drug resistance; herpetic viruses; gastrointestinal viruses; viruses of interest in human pathology.
Prerequisites for admission
Preparatory knowledge is not required
Teaching methods
The teaching will be developed through lectures, laboratories and exercises (the latter will take place at the Laboratory of Microbiology, Virology and Bioemergency Diagnostics in Building 62, 3th floor)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento adottati
La Placa, Principi di Microbiologia Medica
Konemann's Testo Atlante di Microbiologia diagnostica / Microbiologia Medica
Diapositive fornite durante il corso agli studenti
La Placa, Principi di Microbiologia Medica
Konemann's Testo Atlante di Microbiologia diagnostica / Microbiologia Medica
Diapositive fornite durante il corso agli studenti
Assessment methods and Criteria
For passing the Microbiology exam there is only one written test with multiple answers . In order to pass the test it is necessary to correctly answer at least 20 questions, 32 for praise. The results achieved by the students will be published on the University's SIFA Terminal once the test has been corrected.
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
: 20 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
: 20 hours
Bandi Claudio, Borghi Elisa, Comandatore Francesco, Micheli Valeria, Rimoldi Sara Giordana
Gruppo 1
Micheli ValeriaGruppo 2
Rimoldi Sara GiordanaProfessor(s)
by appointment
San Paolo Hospital, blocco C, 8th floor, room 813