Latin Literature Ma
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims at: a) improving language skills of students concerning phonetics, vocabulary, morphology and syntax of the Latin language, in agreement with level B1 of the Linguistic Certification of Latin (; b) leading students to the comprehension of Latin literary texts read in the original language, through the analysis of significant passages of prose and verse; c) transmitting tools and methods for a deep exegesis of Latin literary texts; d) providing challenging correspondences between literary texts and iconographic codes as well as with figurative language.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course the student will have achieved a) a proper knowledge of phonetics, morphology and syntax of the Latin language; b) the full understanding of the passages read in class (vocabulary, morphology, syntax), in agreement with level B1 of the linguistic certification of Latin ( c) full knowledge of contents and relation with the literary tradition and historical-social context; d) the mature awareness of the development of Latin language and literature with respect to the permanence of Latin classics in modernity.
Skills: the student will be able to analyze prosaic and poetic texts, examined in class, from the linguistic, lexical, content and stylistic point of view, recognizing the main expressive codes and any correspondences between literature and iconographic codes as well as with figurative language; he will be able to develop clearly, in relation to the topics dealt with in the course, a well-articulated argument aimed at the exegesis of the texts, by means of specific vocabulary of the discipline. The student will also be able to apply the acquired skills to evaluate the importance of the permanence of the Latin classics in a wider cultural context.
Skills: the student will be able to analyze prosaic and poetic texts, examined in class, from the linguistic, lexical, content and stylistic point of view, recognizing the main expressive codes and any correspondences between literature and iconographic codes as well as with figurative language; he will be able to develop clearly, in relation to the topics dealt with in the course, a well-articulated argument aimed at the exegesis of the texts, by means of specific vocabulary of the discipline. The student will also be able to apply the acquired skills to evaluate the importance of the permanence of the Latin classics in a wider cultural context.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course aims to explore the myth of Hercules in Latin literature (first part), as well as its Greek roots, anthropological components and relationship with material sources from an interdisciplinary perspective (second part of the course, integrated with the classes of Numismatica antica, prof. A. Cavagna and Mitologia del mondo classico, prof. S. Romani; N.B. to syncronize the classes in the second part of the course the weekly calendar will undergo some changes which will be promptly communicated at the beginning of the course).
Prerequisites for admission
A level of language proficiency (grammar and lexicon) is required as a prerequisite, corresponding to Level A2 of Latin Language Certificates (
Teaching methods
The focal points of the teaching method are: 1) on behalf of the teacher, texts' presentation (through loud reading, translation, linguistic analysis, practical criticism); 2) on behalf of the students, an active cooperation that is stimulated unceasingly (also with Wooclap), so that they will be be able to analyze prosaic and poetic texts, examined in class, from the linguistic, lexical, content and stylistic point of view, recognizing the main expressive codes.
Teaching Resources
Modules A-B: All literary texts discussed by teacher will be available on Ariel website of the course, as a serie of original handouts, including translation. Any bibliographical references are embodied in teacher's critical reading of the texts: students are not required to know them in an autonomous and detached way.
Non-attending students are required to know all the original handouts, including translation, as will be published on the Ariel website at the beginning of the course. Non-attending students are also required to know the following text:
A. Brelich, Gli eroi greci, Milano, Adelphi, 2010.
Erasmus Students and Students with Specific Learning Disabilities are kindly invited to contact prof. Chiara Torre [email protected].
Non-attending students are required to know all the original handouts, including translation, as will be published on the Ariel website at the beginning of the course. Non-attending students are also required to know the following text:
A. Brelich, Gli eroi greci, Milano, Adelphi, 2010.
Erasmus Students and Students with Specific Learning Disabilities are kindly invited to contact prof. Chiara Torre [email protected].
Assessment methods and Criteria
A summative assessment is done at the end of the course, consisting of: (1) a preliminary and mandatory test to evaluate the level of language skills (= the translation of a brief passage of Latin canon of authors, max 15 lines; use of the dictionary is NOT forbidden) and (2) an oral interview to assess the knowledge and skills in reading and interpreting of latin texts of poetry and prose. The vote of oral interview is expressed in 30/30.
Unita' didattica A
L-FIL-LET/04 - LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-FIL-LET/04 - LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Educational website(s)
I semester (from 20th September 2024): Friday at 14.30 PM by appointment (send an email before)
Online_Teams. Team: "ricevimento Prof. Chiara Torre" CODE: qia34rx