An Introduction to Medicine

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/01 MED/02 MED/42 MED/43
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the understanding of: i) the historical dimension as synthesis of human and natural sciences as requisite to deal with the challenges of modern medicine; (ii) the evolution of the concepts of health and disease from how the great epidemics have been faced in the past to the WHO definition of health and over; (iii) an introduction to the concept and principles of global health; (iv) an introduction to the quantitative method in the biomedical field (biometry); (v) the ethical dimension of professional behavior also in the field of clinical research.
Expected learning outcomes
i) know and reflect upon the main issues referred to health, health care provision and bioethics in an historical and social framework considering also their quantitative aspects;
(ii) acquire a good understanding of socio-economic, cultural, bioethical complexity of medical problems;
(iii) understand the need of integrating the whole amount of knowledge and competence acquired during the academic path with the relevant methodological and cultural aspects in order to act and behave as competent and mature professional;
(iv) understand the meaning of the new cross-discipline of global health
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Linea Policlinico

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge needed
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test consisting of 32 multiple choice questions on all modules of the course. The exam is considered passed if no more than 14 answers are wrong and more than 50% for each module.
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
An introduction to scientific studies and Evidence Based Medicine (EBM).
Data sources and data collection tools in medical research (questionnaires, clinical databases, pathology registries).
Essential mathematical knowledge for data management and interpretation.
Reading and interpreting statistical data.
Teaching methods
Professors disseminate instruction througt traditional frontal teaching, non-formal teaching, and innovative teaching methods.
Teaching Resources
Materiale fornito dal docente (diapositive PowerPoint e altro materiale) reso disponibile sul sito Ariel del corso. Bibliografia disponibile in piattaforma.
Medical history
Course syllabus
Medicine has a history: origins and meaning of Medicine and of the History of Medicine; The sources for study and research in the historical-medical field. Medicine in ancient Greece and Rome. Medieval Medicine; Knowing the body: Renaissance and animated anatomy. Iatrofisica and Iatrochimica. Microscopic anatomy. Enlightenment and public health: occupational diseases, hygiene and preventive medicine, vaccine prophylaxis, orthopedics, humanitarian treatment of the mentally ill.
The birth of the Clinic and its tools: semiotics, diagnostics and therapy; Surgery problems and their resolution: analgesia, anesthesia, asepsis and antisepsis. Cell theory and microbiology. The twentieth century: new concepts, tools and therapies; Evolution and transformation of hospital locations. History of medical surgical instrumentation. Notes on the history of Lombard healthcare.
Teaching methods
Professors disseminate instruction througt traditional frontal teaching, non-formal teaching, and innovative teaching methods.
Teaching Resources
PORRO Alessandro, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, Medicina nel mondo che verrà. Con un'antologia di testi, Rudiano, GAM, 2021 ISBN 9788831484473
FALCONI Bruno, PORRO Alessandro, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, Lezioni di Storia della medicina 4, Rudiano, GAM, 2021 ISBN 9788831484565.
PORRO Alessandro, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, CRISTINI Carlo, GALIMBERTI Paolo Maria, LORUSSO Lorenzo, FALCONI Bruno, Lezioni di storia della medicina. Gli strumenti 3, Rudiano, GAM, 2013 ISBN 9788898288113.
PORRO Alessandro, CRISTINI Carlo, FALCONI Bruno, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, GALIMBERTI Paolo Maria, LORUSSO Lorenzo, Lezioni di storia della medicina 2, Rudiano, GAM, 2011 ISBN 9788889044841.
PORRO Alessandro, FALCONI Bruno, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, Lezioni di storia della medicina 1, Rudiano, GAM editrice, 2009. ISBN 9788889044513.
PORRO Alessandro, Storia della medicina 1 (fino al XIX secolo). In appendice: Storia dell'odontoiatria, Rudiano, GAM editrice, 2009. ISBN 9788889044506
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
What can be learned looking at how humans coped with the epidemics in the past centuries. The doctors' disease: infection control and hand hygiene. How the paradigm of health and disease has changed following the WHO Constitution. The determinants of health.

The concept and principles of global health, and the main dynamics among socio-economic-environmental conditions and global, community and individual health status, reflecting on their effects in terms of approaches in health and beyond-health interventions. Specific themes: Key concepts and definition of global health (GH); Evolution of GH from tropical medicine to public health and international health; Global burden of disease, epidemiological transition; the future of global health; Social and economic determinants of health; The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); functions of the World Health Organization; climate change.
Teaching methods
Professors disseminate instruction througt traditional frontal teaching, non-formal teaching, and innovative teaching methods.
Teaching Resources
Raviglione M, Villa S. Introduzione alla salute globale e obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (SDGs) (cap. 2: pag. 29-54). In: M. Pontello & F. Auxilia con A. Amendola, E. Tanzi, S. Castaldi, M. Raviglione, G. Cesana eds. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Piccin Editore, Padova, 2022.
In aggiunta:
Materiale fornito dal docente (diapositive PowerPoint) reso disponibile sul sito Ariel del corso.
Saranno, inoltre, resi disponibili durante il corso articoli e materiale di approfondimento per i vari argomenti trattati a lezione
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
° Introduction to bioethics
° End-of-life issues
° The ethics of abortion.
° Conscientious objection in medicine.
° Human experimentation: an introduction to the ethical issues
° Social, legal, and ethical implications of genetic testing
° Ethical aspects of organ transplantation
° Equal access to healthcare
Teaching methods
Professors disseminate instruction througt traditional frontal teaching, non-formal teaching, and innovative teaching methods.
Teaching Resources
Borsellino P. Bioetica tra morali e diritto, Raffaello Cortina, 2018
Boniolo G., Maugeri P. Etica alle frontiere della biomedicina, Mondadori Università, 2014
Cattorini P. Bioetica. Metodo ed elementi di base per affrontare problemi clinici. Elsevier, 4° ed., 2011
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Professor: Piga Maria Antonella
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Medical history
MED/02 - MEDICAL HISTORY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Professor: Porro Alessandro
Professor: Porro Alessandro
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Professor: Menni Cristina
Professor: Menni Cristina

Linea San Donato

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge needed
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test consisting of 32 multiple choice questions on all modules of the course. The exam is considered passed if no more than 14 answers are wrong and more than 50% for each module.
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
An introduction to scientific studies and Evidence Based Medicine (EBM).
Data sources and data collection tools in medical research (questionnaires, clinical databases, pathology registries).
Essential mathematical knowledge for data management and interpretation.
Reading and interpreting statistical data.
Teaching methods
Lesson from the chair
Teaching Resources
Raviglione M, Villa S. Introduzione alla salute globale e obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (SDGs) (cap. 2: pag. 29-54). In: M. Pontello & F. Auxilia con A. Amendola, E. Tanzi, S. Castaldi, M. Raviglione, G. Cesana eds. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Piccin Editore, Padova, 2022.
In aggiunta:
Materiale fornito dal docente (diapositive PowerPoint) reso disponibile sul sito Ariel del corso.
Saranno, inoltre, resi disponibili durante il corso articoli e materiale di approfondimento per i vari argomenti trattati a lezione

PORRO Alessandro, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, Medicina nel mondo che verrà. Con un'antologia di testi, Rudiano, GAM, 2021 ISBN 9788831484473
FALCONI Bruno, PORRO Alessandro, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, Lezioni di Storia della medicina 4, Rudiano, GAM, 2021 ISBN 9788831484565.
PORRO Alessandro, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, CRISTINI Carlo, GALIMBERTI Paolo Maria, LORUSSO Lorenzo, FALCONI Bruno, Lezioni di storia della medicina. Gli strumenti 3, Rudiano, GAM, 2013 ISBN 9788898288113.
PORRO Alessandro, CRISTINI Carlo, FALCONI Bruno, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, GALIMBERTI Paolo Maria, LORUSSO Lorenzo, Lezioni di storia della medicina 2, Rudiano, GAM, 2011 ISBN 9788889044841.
PORRO Alessandro, FALCONI Bruno, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, Lezioni di storia della medicina 1, Rudiano, GAM editrice, 2009. ISBN 9788889044513.
PORRO Alessandro, Storia della medicina 1 (fino al XIX secolo). In appendice: Storia dell'odontoiatria, Rudiano, GAM editrice, 2009. ISBN 9788889044506

Materiale fornito dal docente (diapositive PowerPoint e altro materiale) reso disponibile sul sito Ariel del corso. Bibliografia disponibile in piattaforma.

Borsellino P. Bioetica tra morali e diritto, Raffaello Cortina, 2018
Boniolo G., Maugeri P. Etica alle frontiere della biomedicina, Mondadori Università, 2014
Cattorini P. Bioetica. Metodo ed elementi di base per affrontare problemi clinici. Elsevier, 4° ed., 2011
Medical history
Course syllabus
Medicine has a history: origins and meaning of Medicine and of the History of Medicine; The sources for study and research in the historical-medical field. Medicine in ancient Greece and Rome. Medieval Medicine; Knowing the body: Renaissance and animated anatomy. Iatrofisica and Iatrochimica. Microscopic anatomy. Enlightenment and public health: occupational diseases, hygiene and preventive medicine, vaccine prophylaxis, orthopedics, humanitarian treatment of the mentally ill.
The birth of the Clinic and its tools: semiotics, diagnostics and therapy; Surgery problems and their resolution: analgesia, anesthesia, asepsis and antisepsis. Cell theory and microbiology. The twentieth century: new concepts, tools and therapies; Evolution and transformation of hospital locations. History of medical surgical instrumentation. Notes on the history of Lombard healthcare.
Teaching methods
Lesson from the chair
Teaching Resources
Raviglione M, Villa S. Introduzione alla salute globale e obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (SDGs) (cap. 2: pag. 29-54). In: M. Pontello & F. Auxilia con A. Amendola, E. Tanzi, S. Castaldi, M. Raviglione, G. Cesana eds. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Piccin Editore, Padova, 2022.
In aggiunta:
Materiale fornito dal docente (diapositive PowerPoint) reso disponibile sul sito Ariel del corso.
Saranno, inoltre, resi disponibili durante il corso articoli e materiale di approfondimento per i vari argomenti trattati a lezione

PORRO Alessandro, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, Medicina nel mondo che verrà. Con un'antologia di testi, Rudiano, GAM, 2021 ISBN 9788831484473
FALCONI Bruno, PORRO Alessandro, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, Lezioni di Storia della medicina 4, Rudiano, GAM, 2021 ISBN 9788831484565.
PORRO Alessandro, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, CRISTINI Carlo, GALIMBERTI Paolo Maria, LORUSSO Lorenzo, FALCONI Bruno, Lezioni di storia della medicina. Gli strumenti 3, Rudiano, GAM, 2013 ISBN 9788898288113.
PORRO Alessandro, CRISTINI Carlo, FALCONI Bruno, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, GALIMBERTI Paolo Maria, LORUSSO Lorenzo, Lezioni di storia della medicina 2, Rudiano, GAM, 2011 ISBN 9788889044841.
PORRO Alessandro, FALCONI Bruno, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, Lezioni di storia della medicina 1, Rudiano, GAM editrice, 2009. ISBN 9788889044513.
PORRO Alessandro, Storia della medicina 1 (fino al XIX secolo). In appendice: Storia dell'odontoiatria, Rudiano, GAM editrice, 2009. ISBN 9788889044506

Materiale fornito dal docente (diapositive PowerPoint e altro materiale) reso disponibile sul sito Ariel del corso. Bibliografia disponibile in piattaforma.

Borsellino P. Bioetica tra morali e diritto, Raffaello Cortina, 2018
Boniolo G., Maugeri P. Etica alle frontiere della biomedicina, Mondadori Università, 2014
Cattorini P. Bioetica. Metodo ed elementi di base per affrontare problemi clinici. Elsevier, 4° ed., 2011
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
What can be learned looking at how humans coped with the epidemics in the past centuries. The doctors' disease: infection control and hand hygiene. How the paradigm of health and disease has changed following the WHO Constitution. The determinants of health.

The concept and principles of global health, and the main dynamics among socio-economic-environmental conditions and global, community and individual health status, reflecting on their effects in terms of approaches in health and beyond-health interventions. Specific themes: Key concepts and definition of global health (GH); Evolution of GH from tropical medicine to public health and international health; Global burden of disease, epidemiological transition; the future of global health; Social and economic determinants of health; The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); functions of the World Health Organization; climate change.
Teaching methods
Lesson from the chair with use of visual aids
Teaching Resources
Public Health: PowerPoint slides, learning materials provided and bibliography made available on Ariel platform
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
° Introduction to bioethics
° End-of-life issues
° The ethics of abortion.
° Conscientious objection in medicine.
° Human experimentation: an introduction to the ethical issues
° Social, legal, and ethical implications of genetic testing
° Ethical aspects of organ transplantation
° Equal access to healthcare
Teaching methods
Lesson from the chair
Teaching Resources
Raviglione M, Villa S. Introduzione alla salute globale e obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (SDGs) (cap. 2: pag. 29-54). In: M. Pontello & F. Auxilia con A. Amendola, E. Tanzi, S. Castaldi, M. Raviglione, G. Cesana eds. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Piccin Editore, Padova, 2022.
In aggiunta:
Materiale fornito dal docente (diapositive PowerPoint) reso disponibile sul sito Ariel del corso.
Saranno, inoltre, resi disponibili durante il corso articoli e materiale di approfondimento per i vari argomenti trattati a lezione

PORRO Alessandro, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, Medicina nel mondo che verrà. Con un'antologia di testi, Rudiano, GAM, 2021 ISBN 9788831484473
FALCONI Bruno, PORRO Alessandro, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, Lezioni di Storia della medicina 4, Rudiano, GAM, 2021 ISBN 9788831484565.
PORRO Alessandro, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, CRISTINI Carlo, GALIMBERTI Paolo Maria, LORUSSO Lorenzo, FALCONI Bruno, Lezioni di storia della medicina. Gli strumenti 3, Rudiano, GAM, 2013 ISBN 9788898288113.
PORRO Alessandro, CRISTINI Carlo, FALCONI Bruno, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, GALIMBERTI Paolo Maria, LORUSSO Lorenzo, Lezioni di storia della medicina 2, Rudiano, GAM, 2011 ISBN 9788889044841.
PORRO Alessandro, FALCONI Bruno, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, Lezioni di storia della medicina 1, Rudiano, GAM editrice, 2009. ISBN 9788889044513.
PORRO Alessandro, Storia della medicina 1 (fino al XIX secolo). In appendice: Storia dell'odontoiatria, Rudiano, GAM editrice, 2009. ISBN 9788889044506

Materiale fornito dal docente (diapositive PowerPoint e altro materiale) reso disponibile sul sito Ariel del corso. Bibliografia disponibile in piattaforma.

Borsellino P. Bioetica tra morali e diritto, Raffaello Cortina, 2018
Boniolo G., Maugeri P. Etica alle frontiere della biomedicina, Mondadori Università, 2014
Cattorini P. Bioetica. Metodo ed elementi di base per affrontare problemi clinici. Elsevier, 4° ed., 2011
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Professor: Piga Maria Antonella
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Medical history
MED/02 - MEDICAL HISTORY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Professor: Marazia Chantal
Professor: Marazia Chantal
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Professor: Menni Cristina
Professor: Menni Cristina