
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The histology course aims to provide knowledge of the microscopic structure and function of cells, human tissues and tissue regeneration mechanisms (histogenesis).
Therefore the objectives are:
1) to provide a description of the main components of the eukaryotic cell;
2) to provide a description of the main methods used in cytology and histology for the study of cells and tissues;
3) to correlate the morphology with the function of cells and tissues;
4) to provide a description of the peculiar characteristics of the main tissues.
5)to provide basic knowledge on germ cells development, the biological processes that underlie fertilization, cell differentiation and morphogenetic events
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will:
- Know the basis of cellular organization at structural, ultrastructural and molecular level.
- Know the distribution of tissues, their main structural and functional characteristics and their cellular organization.
- Know the main histological techniques.
- Know the morphogenetic and molecular events that lead to the formation and differentiation of a human embryo.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Histological methods for the study of cells and tissues.
- Tissue preparation. Principles of histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. Optical and electronic microscopy. Use of vital dyes and fluorescent dyes.
Eukaryotic cell:
- Organization and Structure. Plasma membrane, Nucleus and cell cycle. Cytoplasmic organelles: Rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi apparatus. Endosomes and lysosomes. Peroxisome. Mitochondria. The cytoskeleton. Cilia. Centrosome and mitotic system. Endocytosis and exocytosis.
Epithelial tissues:
- Lining epithelium, glandular epithelium and sensory epithelium. Cell specializations.
Connective tissues:
- Connective tissue cells and extracellular matrix.
- Connective tissue proper; adipose tissue; cartilage; bone tissue and bone formation mechanisms; blood, lymphatic tissues, immune system.
Muscle tissue:
- skeletal muscle tissue, cardiac muscle tissue, smooth muscle tissue. Muscle contraction mechanism.
Nervous tissue
- Neurons and glial cells. Nerve fibers. Transmission of nerve impulse.
Tissue homeostasis and stem cells.
Tooth: Structure of the tooth. Enamel. Dentin. Cementum. Dental pulp. Periodontium. Odontogenesis.
Human Embryology
- Testis. Spermatogenesis. Ovary. Oogenesis. Ovulation. Ovarian cycle, uterine cycle. Hormonal control.
- Fertilization. Pre-implantation development. Embryo implantation. Amniotic cavity, bilaminar embryonic disc and primary yolk sac. Development of the body symmetry axes. Mechanisms of histogenesis: molecular basis of the development of the human embryo and histological differentiation genes.
- Ectoderm derivatives: Epithelial coating of the body. Derivatives of the tube and neural crest: development of the nervous system.
- Endoderm derivatives: development of the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems.
- Mesoderm derivatives: development of the skeletal and muscular systems, the urogenital system, the body cavities and the cardiovascular system
Prerequisites for admission
General knowledge of Chemistry and Biology
Teaching methods
Classroom teaching and exercise through the projection and discussion of images depicting histological sections.
Practical activities using an optical microscope to observe histological sections.
Teaching Resources
- A. A. Vari "Istologia di V. Monesi" Piccin Editore
- M. Ross, W Pawlina " Istologia . Testo e atlante" Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
- Sadler. Embriologia medica di Langman. Edra Masson
- M. Barbieri, P. Carinci "Embriologia". Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
- A. A. Vari "Embriologia Umana. Morfogenesi, processi molecolari, aspetti clinici". Piccin Editore
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral test during which the student's ability to recognize images of histological preparations and to correlate the structure of a tissue to its function will be assessed. Furthermore, the assessment will take into account the quality of the explanation, the ability to reason critically regarding the topics and the correct use of scientific language.
The evaluation is out of thirty
BIO/17 - HISTOLOGY - University credits: 7
Lessons: 70 hours
Professor: Paino Francesca