Head and Neck
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course is aimed to provide an overview of the anatomy and physio-pathology of the head and neck region and to provide essential information on the main otorinolaryngologic, ophthalmic, dental, audiologic and maxilla-facial diseases and on their diagnosis and treatment.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student should be able to identify the clinical manifestations and to handle key elements of diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of the main otorhinolaryngologic, ophthalmic, dental, audiologic and maxilla-facial diseases.
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Linea Policlinico
Prerequisites for admission
To understand the topics explained during frontal teaching, a series of basic knowledge is required.
Preliminary scientific knowledge corresponds to the notions of the first three teaching years of medicine and surgery.
Preliminary scientific knowledge corresponds to the notions of the first three teaching years of medicine and surgery.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning assessment methods for students are based on written tests.
The written test consists of several questions.
The student will answer the questionnaire with only one indication among four types of answers.
The written test consists of several questions.
The student will answer the questionnaire with only one indication among four types of answers.
Malattie odontostomatologiche
Course syllabus
Introduzione al corso - anatomia orale maxillare, mandibolare, dell'articolazione temporo-mandibolare, delle ghiandole salivari - Istologia della mucosa orale - patologie dei tessuti duri dentari - Patologie della polpa dentaria - Patologie dei tessuti parodontali - semiologia odontoiatrica - Semiologia stomatologica - Patologie dei tessuti molli - Patologie delle mucose Orali.
Teaching methods
The lessons that deal with odontostomatological diseases include a frontal teaching model and innovative teaching. The course includes five frontal lessons lasting 2 hours.
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Chirurgia maxillo-facciale
Course syllabus
Growth anomalies of the maxilla and the mandible: Etiopathogenesis of maxillary and mandibuar deformities - Physical examination in orthognathic surgery (facial examination, occlusal examination, teleradiographic and cephalometric examination) - Treatment planning and role of pre and post surgical orthodontic therapy - Classification and treatment of maxilary and mandibular deformities - Dento-facial asymmetries
Surgical pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Diagnostic aspects and elements of therapy: Temporomandibular disorders - Arthrosis and arthritis - Ankylosis - condylar fractures - malformations - Tumors
Salivary gland surgery pathology: diagnostic aspects and treatment modalities - Obstructive disorders (cyst from mucous retention, sialolithiasis etc.) - Salivary localized infectious or systemic diseases (Tbc, cat scratch disease, Sjogren syndrome) -Tumors (classification, clinical, instrumental and microscopic diagnostic principles and therapy)
Oro-maxillofacial cystic lesions: diagnostic and treatment aspects: Definition and classification of cystic lesions - Bone cysts (odontogenic, non-odontogenic and pseudocyst) - Soft tissue cysts (of the thyroglossal duct, dermoids, brachials etc.)
Benign oro-maxillofacial tumors: diagnostic aspects and treatment modalities - Classification of benign tumors - Odontogenic and non-odontogenic benign bone tumors (clinical, radiographic and microscopic pictures) - Benign soft tissue tumors (clinical and instrumental pictures)
Malignant oro-maxillofacial tumors: Carcinoma of the oral cavity (epidemiology, risk factors, biology, clinical features , staging, treatment and prognosis) - Nose-ethmoid-maxillary tumors and main sarcomas of the extreme cephalic - Skin tumors (classification, risk factors, biology, clinical features, staging, treatment)
Maxillofacial reconstructive surgery: General principles (surgical problems, classification and biology of grafts, flaps and microvascular flaps) - Reconstructive modalities of the facial skeleton (jaw, upper jaw, etc) - Reconstructive modalities of soft tissues (skin, lips, oral floor etc.) - CAD CAM customized recostruction of the facia skeleton
Inflammatory pathologies of oro-maxillofacial hard and soft tissues: microbiology, clinic and treatment principles - Abscesses and odontogenic phlegmons - Osteitis and osteomyelitis - sinusitis - Necrotizing fasciitis
Surgery of the trigeminal and facial nerves: Classification of nerve injuries - Injury of the trigeminal nerve and of the facial nerve: diagnostic features and therapy modalities - Exophthalmos surgery - Classification of exophthalmos - Clinical problems in Graves-Basedow orbitopathy - Exophthalmos surgery: history, technique, indications and results
Surgical pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Diagnostic aspects and elements of therapy: Temporomandibular disorders - Arthrosis and arthritis - Ankylosis - condylar fractures - malformations - Tumors
Salivary gland surgery pathology: diagnostic aspects and treatment modalities - Obstructive disorders (cyst from mucous retention, sialolithiasis etc.) - Salivary localized infectious or systemic diseases (Tbc, cat scratch disease, Sjogren syndrome) -Tumors (classification, clinical, instrumental and microscopic diagnostic principles and therapy)
Oro-maxillofacial cystic lesions: diagnostic and treatment aspects: Definition and classification of cystic lesions - Bone cysts (odontogenic, non-odontogenic and pseudocyst) - Soft tissue cysts (of the thyroglossal duct, dermoids, brachials etc.)
Benign oro-maxillofacial tumors: diagnostic aspects and treatment modalities - Classification of benign tumors - Odontogenic and non-odontogenic benign bone tumors (clinical, radiographic and microscopic pictures) - Benign soft tissue tumors (clinical and instrumental pictures)
Malignant oro-maxillofacial tumors: Carcinoma of the oral cavity (epidemiology, risk factors, biology, clinical features , staging, treatment and prognosis) - Nose-ethmoid-maxillary tumors and main sarcomas of the extreme cephalic - Skin tumors (classification, risk factors, biology, clinical features, staging, treatment)
Maxillofacial reconstructive surgery: General principles (surgical problems, classification and biology of grafts, flaps and microvascular flaps) - Reconstructive modalities of the facial skeleton (jaw, upper jaw, etc) - Reconstructive modalities of soft tissues (skin, lips, oral floor etc.) - CAD CAM customized recostruction of the facia skeleton
Inflammatory pathologies of oro-maxillofacial hard and soft tissues: microbiology, clinic and treatment principles - Abscesses and odontogenic phlegmons - Osteitis and osteomyelitis - sinusitis - Necrotizing fasciitis
Surgery of the trigeminal and facial nerves: Classification of nerve injuries - Injury of the trigeminal nerve and of the facial nerve: diagnostic features and therapy modalities - Exophthalmos surgery - Classification of exophthalmos - Clinical problems in Graves-Basedow orbitopathy - Exophthalmos surgery: history, technique, indications and results
Teaching methods
Lectures with illustration of numerous clinical cases supported by visual and audiovisual means. Discussion of clinical cases. Upon specific request of the student, professional training activities on the patient in the ward or in the operating room. The frontal lessons are integrated with supplementary teaching activities.
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Malattie dell'apparato visivo
Course syllabus
- Refraction - Cornea and ocular surface - Cataracts and diseses lens related - Hereditary ocular diseases - Ocular trauma - Ocular tumors - Basic neurophthalmology - Systemic diseases and eye - Glaucoma - Medical and surgical retina - Ocular annexes and strabismus - Uveitis
Teaching methods
Lectures and non-formal teaching with discussion of clinical cases. The course includes four frontal teaching lessons lasting 2 hours, integrated with hours of innovative teaching, and 8 non-frontal teaching lessons lasting 2 hours. The course also includes professional training activities on the patient in the ward or in the operating room.
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Course syllabus
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the nose and the maxillofacial district;
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the neck and the major salivary gland;
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the upper airways (oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, and hypopharynx) and the nasopharyngeal-ototubaric district;
Diagnostic and therapeutic management of ENT emergencies
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the neck and the major salivary gland;
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the upper airways (oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, and hypopharynx) and the nasopharyngeal-ototubaric district;
Diagnostic and therapeutic management of ENT emergencies
Teaching methods
The teaching activity consists of lectures and innovative teaching, through the assignment of clinical cases to the student to analyze (individually or in groups) and with subsequent discussion and comparison in the classroom. The module also includes hours of professional training activities in the ward/clinic/operating room.
The lessons that deal with odontostomatological diseases include a frontal teaching model and innovative teaching. The course includes five frontal lessons lasting 2 hours.
The lessons that deal with odontostomatological diseases include a frontal teaching model and innovative teaching. The course includes five frontal lessons lasting 2 hours.
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Course syllabus
Notes on the anatomy of the ear and plasticity of the central auditory pathways; Acoustic physics and physiological acoustics; Basic and infantile audiometry techniques; Audiological screening; Childhood deafness and therapy; Pathologies of the external, middle and internal ear; Sensorineural hearing loss; Neuroma of the acoustic nerve; Cholesteatoma; Otosclerosis; Tinnitus; Otosurgery; The cochlear implant; Hearing aid; Vestibology; Vestibular diagnostics.
Teaching methods
10 hours of frontal teaching are provided, integrated with hours of innovative teaching
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
MED/32 - AUDIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
: 2 hours
: 2 hours
Zanetti Diego
Zanetti Diego
Chirurgia maxillo-facciale
MED/29 - MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
: 2 hours
: 2 hours
Gianni' Aldo Bruno
Gianni' Aldo Bruno
Malattie dell'apparato visivo
MED/30 - OPHTHALMOLOGY - University credits: 2
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Nassisi Marco, Viola Francesco
Nassisi Marco
Viola Francesco
Malattie odontostomatologiche
MED/28 - ORAL DISEASES AND DENTISTRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 12 hours
Spadari Francesco
Spadari Francesco
MED/31 - OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Pignataro Lorenzo
Pignataro LorenzoLinea San Donato
Prerequisites for admission
To understand the topics explained during frontal teaching, a series of basic knowledge is required.
Preliminary scientific knowledge corresponds to the notions of the first three teaching years of medicine and surgery.
Preliminary scientific knowledge corresponds to the notions of the first three teaching years of medicine and surgery.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning assessment methods for students are based on written tests.
The written test consists of several questions.
The student will answer the questionnaire with only one indication among four types of answers.
The written test consists of several questions.
The student will answer the questionnaire with only one indication among four types of answers.
Malattie odontostomatologiche
Course syllabus
- Introduction to the course - oral anatomy; maxillary and mandibular anatomy; anatomy and functions of the temporomandibular joint; the salivary glands.- Histology of the oral mucosa;- dental tissue disorders;- Dental pulp diseases - Periodontal tissue disorders;- Dental semeiology- Stomatological semeiology- Soft tissue disorders;- Oral mucosa disorders.
Cranio facial malformations: Lip and palate clefts - Facial clefts - Craniostenosis and craniofaciostenosis (general principles, plagiocephaly, trigonocephaly, scaphocephaly, brachycephaly, S. of Appert, S. of Crouzon etc.) - Latero-facial microsomies
Cranio-maxillofacial traumatology: general principles, pathogenesis, diagnostic aspects and treatment notes: Management of the traumatized patient and emergencies in facial traumatology - Soft tissue traumatology (wound healing, lesions of the glandular ducts etc.) - Traumatology of the facial skeleton (mandibular fractures, maxillary fractures, nose fractures, zygomatic fractures, orbital fractures, craniofacial fractures, complex fractures)
Cranio facial malformations: Lip and palate clefts - Facial clefts - Craniostenosis and craniofaciostenosis (general principles, plagiocephaly, trigonocephaly, scaphocephaly, brachycephaly, S. of Appert, S. of Crouzon etc.) - Latero-facial microsomies
Cranio-maxillofacial traumatology: general principles, pathogenesis, diagnostic aspects and treatment notes: Management of the traumatized patient and emergencies in facial traumatology - Soft tissue traumatology (wound healing, lesions of the glandular ducts etc.) - Traumatology of the facial skeleton (mandibular fractures, maxillary fractures, nose fractures, zygomatic fractures, orbital fractures, craniofacial fractures, complex fractures)
Teaching methods
The lessons that deal with odontostomatological diseases include a frontal teaching model and innovative teaching. The course includes five frontal lessons lasting 2 hours
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Chirurgia maxillo-facciale
Course syllabus
Growth anomalies of the maxilla and the mandible: Etiopathogenesis of maxillary and mandibuar deformities - Physical examination in orthognathic surgery (facial examination, occlusal examination, teleradiographic and cephalometric examination) - Treatment planning and role of pre and post surgical orthodontic therapy - Classification and treatment of maxilary and mandibular deformities - Dento-facial asymmetries
Surgical pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Diagnostic aspects and elements of therapy: Temporomandibular disorders - Arthrosis and arthritis - Ankylosis - condylar fractures - malformations - Tumors
Salivary gland surgery pathology: diagnostic aspects and treatment modalities - Obstructive disorders (cyst from mucous retention, sialolithiasis etc.) - Salivary localized infectious or systemic diseases (Tbc, cat scratch disease, Sjogren syndrome) -Tumors (classification, clinical, instrumental and microscopic diagnostic principles and therapy)
Oro-maxillofacial cystic lesions: diagnostic and treatment aspects: Definition and classification of cystic lesions - Bone cysts (odontogenic, non-odontogenic and pseudocyst) - Soft tissue cysts (of the thyroglossal duct, dermoids, brachials etc.)
Benign oro-maxillofacial tumors: diagnostic aspects and treatment modalities - Classification of benign tumors - Odontogenic and non-odontogenic benign bone tumors (clinical, radiographic and microscopic pictures) - Benign soft tissue tumors (clinical and instrumental pictures)
Malignant oro-maxillofacial tumors: Carcinoma of the oral cavity (epidemiology, risk factors, biology, clinical features , staging, treatment and prognosis) - Nose-ethmoid-maxillary tumors and main sarcomas of the extreme cephalic - Skin tumors (classification, risk factors, biology, clinical features, staging, treatment)
Maxillofacial reconstructive surgery: General principles (surgical problems, classification and biology of grafts, flaps and microvascular flaps) - Reconstructive modalities of the facial skeleton (jaw, upper jaw, etc) - Reconstructive modalities of soft tissues (skin, lips, oral floor etc.) - CAD CAM customized recostruction of the facia skeleton
Inflammatory pathologies of oro-maxillofacial hard and soft tissues: microbiology, clinic and treatment principles - Abscesses and odontogenic phlegmons - Osteitis and osteomyelitis - sinusitis - Necrotizing fasciitis
Surgery of the trigeminal and facial nerves: Classification of nerve injuries - Injury of the trigeminal nerve and of the facial nerve: diagnostic features and therapy modalities - Exophthalmos surgery - Classification of exophthalmos - Clinical problems in Graves-Basedow orbitopathy - Exophthalmos surgery: history, technique, indications and results
Surgical pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Diagnostic aspects and elements of therapy: Temporomandibular disorders - Arthrosis and arthritis - Ankylosis - condylar fractures - malformations - Tumors
Salivary gland surgery pathology: diagnostic aspects and treatment modalities - Obstructive disorders (cyst from mucous retention, sialolithiasis etc.) - Salivary localized infectious or systemic diseases (Tbc, cat scratch disease, Sjogren syndrome) -Tumors (classification, clinical, instrumental and microscopic diagnostic principles and therapy)
Oro-maxillofacial cystic lesions: diagnostic and treatment aspects: Definition and classification of cystic lesions - Bone cysts (odontogenic, non-odontogenic and pseudocyst) - Soft tissue cysts (of the thyroglossal duct, dermoids, brachials etc.)
Benign oro-maxillofacial tumors: diagnostic aspects and treatment modalities - Classification of benign tumors - Odontogenic and non-odontogenic benign bone tumors (clinical, radiographic and microscopic pictures) - Benign soft tissue tumors (clinical and instrumental pictures)
Malignant oro-maxillofacial tumors: Carcinoma of the oral cavity (epidemiology, risk factors, biology, clinical features , staging, treatment and prognosis) - Nose-ethmoid-maxillary tumors and main sarcomas of the extreme cephalic - Skin tumors (classification, risk factors, biology, clinical features, staging, treatment)
Maxillofacial reconstructive surgery: General principles (surgical problems, classification and biology of grafts, flaps and microvascular flaps) - Reconstructive modalities of the facial skeleton (jaw, upper jaw, etc) - Reconstructive modalities of soft tissues (skin, lips, oral floor etc.) - CAD CAM customized recostruction of the facia skeleton
Inflammatory pathologies of oro-maxillofacial hard and soft tissues: microbiology, clinic and treatment principles - Abscesses and odontogenic phlegmons - Osteitis and osteomyelitis - sinusitis - Necrotizing fasciitis
Surgery of the trigeminal and facial nerves: Classification of nerve injuries - Injury of the trigeminal nerve and of the facial nerve: diagnostic features and therapy modalities - Exophthalmos surgery - Classification of exophthalmos - Clinical problems in Graves-Basedow orbitopathy - Exophthalmos surgery: history, technique, indications and results
Teaching methods
Maxillofacial surgery Lectures with illustration of numerous clinical cases supported by visual and audiovisual means. Discussion of clinical cases. Upon specific request of the student, professional training activities on the patient in the ward or in the operating room. The frontal lessons are integrated with supplementary teaching activities.
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Malattie dell'apparato visivo
Course syllabus
- Refraction - Cornea and ocular surface - Cataracts and diseses lens related - Hereditary ocular diseases - Ocular trauma - Ocular tumors - Basic neurophthalmology - Systemic diseases and eye - Glaucoma - Medical and surgical retina - Ocular annexes and strabismus - Uveitis
Teaching methods
Lectures and non-formal teaching with discussion of clinical cases. The course includes four frontal teaching lessons lasting 2 hours, integrated with hours of innovative teaching, and 8 non-frontal teaching lessons lasting 2 hours. The course also includes professional training activities on the patient in the ward or in the operating room.
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Course syllabus
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the nose and the maxillofacial district;
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the neck and the major salivary gland;
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the upper airways (oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, and hypopharynx) and the nasopharyngeal-ototubaric district;
Diagnostic and therapeutic management of ENT emergencies
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the neck and the major salivary gland;
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the upper airways (oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, and hypopharynx) and the nasopharyngeal-ototubaric district;
Diagnostic and therapeutic management of ENT emergencies
Teaching methods
The teaching activity consists of lectures and innovative teaching, through the assignment of clinical cases to the student to analyze (individually or in groups) and with subsequent discussion and comparison in the classroom. The module also includes hours of professional training activities in the ward/clinic/operating room.
The lessons that deal with odontostomatological diseases include a frontal teaching model and innovative teaching. The course includes five frontal lessons lasting 2 hours
The lessons that deal with odontostomatological diseases include a frontal teaching model and innovative teaching. The course includes five frontal lessons lasting 2 hours
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Course syllabus
Notes on the anatomy of the ear and plasticity of the central auditory pathways; Acoustic physics and physiological acoustics; Basic and infantile audiometry techniques; Audiological screening; Childhood deafness and therapy; Pathologies of the external, middle and internal ear; Sensorineural hearing loss; Neuroma of the acoustic nerve; Cholesteatoma; Otosclerosis; Tinnitus; Otosurgery; The cochlear implant; Hearing aid; Vestibology; Vestibular diagnostics.
Teaching methods
10 hours of frontal teaching are provided, integrated with hours of innovative teaching.
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
MED/32 - AUDIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
: 2 hours
: 2 hours
Di Berardino Federica
Di Berardino Federica
Chirurgia maxillo-facciale
MED/29 - MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
: 2 hours
: 2 hours
Gianni' Aldo Bruno
Gianni' Aldo Bruno
Malattie dell'apparato visivo
MED/30 - OPHTHALMOLOGY - University credits: 2
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Malattie odontostomatologiche
MED/28 - ORAL DISEASES AND DENTISTRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 12 hours
Farronato Giampietro
Farronato Giampietro
MED/31 - OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Capaccio Pasquale
Capaccio PasqualeLinea San Giuseppe
Prerequisites for admission
The learning assessment methods for students are based on written tests.
The written test consists of several questions.
The student will answer the questionnaire with only one indication among four types of answers.
The written test consists of several questions.
The student will answer the questionnaire with only one indication among four types of answers.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning assessment methods for students are based on written tests.
The written test consists of several questions.
The student will answer the questionnaire with only one indication among four types of answers.
The written test consists of several questions.
The student will answer the questionnaire with only one indication among four types of answers.
Malattie odontostomatologiche
Course syllabus
- Introduction to the course - oral anatomy; maxillary and mandibular anatomy; anatomy and functions of the temporomandibular joint; the salivary glands.- Histology of the oral mucosa;- dental tissue disorders;- Dental pulp diseases - Periodontal tissue disorders;- Dental semeiology- Stomatological semeiology- Soft tissue disorders;- Oral mucosa disorders.
Cranio facial malformations: Lip and palate clefts - Facial clefts - Craniostenosis and craniofaciostenosis (general principles, plagiocephaly, trigonocephaly, scaphocephaly, brachycephaly, S. of Appert, S. of Crouzon etc.) - Latero-facial microsomies
Cranio-maxillofacial traumatology: general principles, pathogenesis, diagnostic aspects and treatment notes: Management of the traumatized patient and emergencies in facial traumatology - Soft tissue traumatology (wound healing, lesions of the glandular ducts etc.) - Traumatology of the facial skeleton (mandibular fractures, maxillary fractures, nose fractures, zygomatic fractures, orbital fractures, craniofacial fractures, complex fractures)
Cranio facial malformations: Lip and palate clefts - Facial clefts - Craniostenosis and craniofaciostenosis (general principles, plagiocephaly, trigonocephaly, scaphocephaly, brachycephaly, S. of Appert, S. of Crouzon etc.) - Latero-facial microsomies
Cranio-maxillofacial traumatology: general principles, pathogenesis, diagnostic aspects and treatment notes: Management of the traumatized patient and emergencies in facial traumatology - Soft tissue traumatology (wound healing, lesions of the glandular ducts etc.) - Traumatology of the facial skeleton (mandibular fractures, maxillary fractures, nose fractures, zygomatic fractures, orbital fractures, craniofacial fractures, complex fractures)
Teaching methods
The lessons that deal with odontostomatological diseases include a frontal teaching model and innovative teaching. The course includes five frontal lessons lasting 2 hours.
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Chirurgia maxillo-facciale
Course syllabus
Growth anomalies of the maxilla and the mandible: Etiopathogenesis of maxillary and mandibuar deformities - Physical examination in orthognathic surgery (facial examination, occlusal examination, teleradiographic and cephalometric examination) - Treatment planning and role of pre and post surgical orthodontic therapy - Classification and treatment of maxilary and mandibular deformities - Dento-facial asymmetries
Surgical pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Diagnostic aspects and elements of therapy: Temporomandibular disorders - Arthrosis and arthritis - Ankylosis - condylar fractures - malformations - Tumors
Salivary gland surgery pathology: diagnostic aspects and treatment modalities - Obstructive disorders (cyst from mucous retention, sialolithiasis etc.) - Salivary localized infectious or systemic diseases (Tbc, cat scratch disease, Sjogren syndrome) -Tumors (classification, clinical, instrumental and microscopic diagnostic principles and therapy)
Oro-maxillofacial cystic lesions: diagnostic and treatment aspects: Definition and classification of cystic lesions - Bone cysts (odontogenic, non-odontogenic and pseudocyst) - Soft tissue cysts (of the thyroglossal duct, dermoids, brachials etc.)
Benign oro-maxillofacial tumors: diagnostic aspects and treatment modalities - Classification of benign tumors - Odontogenic and non-odontogenic benign bone tumors (clinical, radiographic and microscopic pictures) - Benign soft tissue tumors (clinical and instrumental pictures)
Malignant oro-maxillofacial tumors: Carcinoma of the oral cavity (epidemiology, risk factors, biology, clinical features , staging, treatment and prognosis) - Nose-ethmoid-maxillary tumors and main sarcomas of the extreme cephalic - Skin tumors (classification, risk factors, biology, clinical features, staging, treatment)
Maxillofacial reconstructive surgery: General principles (surgical problems, classification and biology of grafts, flaps and microvascular flaps) - Reconstructive modalities of the facial skeleton (jaw, upper jaw, etc) - Reconstructive modalities of soft tissues (skin, lips, oral floor etc.) - CAD CAM customized recostruction of the facia skeleton
Inflammatory pathologies of oro-maxillofacial hard and soft tissues: microbiology, clinic and treatment principles - Abscesses and odontogenic phlegmons - Osteitis and osteomyelitis - sinusitis - Necrotizing fasciitis
Surgery of the trigeminal and facial nerves: Classification of nerve injuries - Injury of the trigeminal nerve and of the facial nerve: diagnostic features and therapy modalities - Exophthalmos surgery - Classification of exophthalmos - Clinical problems in Graves-Basedow orbitopathy - Exophthalmos surgery: history, technique, indications and results
Surgical pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Diagnostic aspects and elements of therapy: Temporomandibular disorders - Arthrosis and arthritis - Ankylosis - condylar fractures - malformations - Tumors
Salivary gland surgery pathology: diagnostic aspects and treatment modalities - Obstructive disorders (cyst from mucous retention, sialolithiasis etc.) - Salivary localized infectious or systemic diseases (Tbc, cat scratch disease, Sjogren syndrome) -Tumors (classification, clinical, instrumental and microscopic diagnostic principles and therapy)
Oro-maxillofacial cystic lesions: diagnostic and treatment aspects: Definition and classification of cystic lesions - Bone cysts (odontogenic, non-odontogenic and pseudocyst) - Soft tissue cysts (of the thyroglossal duct, dermoids, brachials etc.)
Benign oro-maxillofacial tumors: diagnostic aspects and treatment modalities - Classification of benign tumors - Odontogenic and non-odontogenic benign bone tumors (clinical, radiographic and microscopic pictures) - Benign soft tissue tumors (clinical and instrumental pictures)
Malignant oro-maxillofacial tumors: Carcinoma of the oral cavity (epidemiology, risk factors, biology, clinical features , staging, treatment and prognosis) - Nose-ethmoid-maxillary tumors and main sarcomas of the extreme cephalic - Skin tumors (classification, risk factors, biology, clinical features, staging, treatment)
Maxillofacial reconstructive surgery: General principles (surgical problems, classification and biology of grafts, flaps and microvascular flaps) - Reconstructive modalities of the facial skeleton (jaw, upper jaw, etc) - Reconstructive modalities of soft tissues (skin, lips, oral floor etc.) - CAD CAM customized recostruction of the facia skeleton
Inflammatory pathologies of oro-maxillofacial hard and soft tissues: microbiology, clinic and treatment principles - Abscesses and odontogenic phlegmons - Osteitis and osteomyelitis - sinusitis - Necrotizing fasciitis
Surgery of the trigeminal and facial nerves: Classification of nerve injuries - Injury of the trigeminal nerve and of the facial nerve: diagnostic features and therapy modalities - Exophthalmos surgery - Classification of exophthalmos - Clinical problems in Graves-Basedow orbitopathy - Exophthalmos surgery: history, technique, indications and results
Teaching methods
Maxillofacial surgery Lectures with illustration of numerous clinical cases supported by visual and audiovisual means. Discussion of clinical cases. Upon specific request of the student, professional training activities on the patient in the ward or in the operating room. The frontal lessons are integrated with supplementary teaching activities.
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Malattie dell'apparato visivo
Course syllabus
Refraction - Cornea and ocular surface - Cataracts and diseses lens related - Hereditary ocular diseases - Ocular trauma - Ocular tumors - Basic neurophthalmology - Systemic diseases and eye - Glaucoma - Medical and surgical retina - Ocular annexes and strabismus - Uveitis
Teaching methods
Diseases of the visual system: Lectures and non-formal teaching with discussion of clinical cases. The course includes four frontal teaching lessons lasting 2 hours, integrated with hours of innovative teaching, and 8 non-frontal teaching lessons lasting 2 hours. The course also includes professional training activities on the patient in the ward or in the operating room.
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Course syllabus
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the nose and the maxillofacial district;
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the neck and the major salivary gland;
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the upper airways (oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, and hypopharynx) and the nasopharyngeal-ototubaric district;
Diagnostic and therapeutic management of ENT emergencies
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the neck and the major salivary gland;
Anatomy, physiology, clinical manifestations of inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the upper airways (oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, and hypopharynx) and the nasopharyngeal-ototubaric district;
Diagnostic and therapeutic management of ENT emergencies
Teaching methods
The teaching activity consists of lectures and innovative teaching, through the assignment of clinical cases to the student to analyze (individually or in groups) and with subsequent discussion and comparison in the classroom. The module also includes hours of professional training activities in the ward/clinic/operating room.
The lessons that deal with odontostomatological diseases include a frontal teaching model and innovative teaching. The course includes five frontal lessons lasting 2 hours.
The lessons that deal with odontostomatological diseases include a frontal teaching model and innovative teaching. The course includes five frontal lessons lasting 2 hours.
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Course syllabus
Notes on the anatomy of the ear and plasticity of the central auditory pathways; Acoustic physics and physiological acoustics; Basic and infantile audiometry techniques; Audiological screening; Childhood deafness and therapy; Pathologies of the external, middle and internal ear; Sensorineural hearing loss; Neuroma of the acoustic nerve; Cholesteatoma; Otosclerosis; Tinnitus; Otosurgery; The cochlear implant; Hearing aid; Vestibology; Vestibular diagnostics.
Teaching methods
: 10 hours of frontal teaching are provided, integrated with hours of innovative teaching
Teaching Resources
Pignataro, Cesarani, Felisati, Schindler: Trattato di ORL ed audiologia.
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
Ed. EDISES Università 2012
Giuseppe Ficarra, Manuale di Patologia e medicina Orale - Ed. Mc Graw Hill, JA Regezi JJ Sciuba RCK Jordan - Patologia orale. Correlazioni Clinico Patologiche. Ed. Delfino Editore
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco, Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale - Edizione Masson, Milano 1999
AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
N. Orzalesi "Oftalmologia", Antonio Delfino Editore - Dispense fornite dal docente nel corso delle lezioni
MED/32 - AUDIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
: 2 hours
: 2 hours
Barozzi Stefania Antonia Maria
Chirurgia maxillo-facciale
MED/29 - MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
: 2 hours
: 2 hours
Baj Alessandro
Malattie dell'apparato visivo
MED/30 - OPHTHALMOLOGY - University credits: 2
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
Villani Edoardo
Malattie odontostomatologiche
MED/28 - ORAL DISEASES AND DENTISTRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 12 hours
Spadari Francesco
MED/31 - OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Deganello Alberto, Mozzanica Francesco
Educational website(s)
Friday 11.00-12.00
Via Pace 9 - Audiology Unit - "Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico" hospital
by appointment
PADIGLIONE REGINA ELENA (1° piano)/ via M. Fanti 6