
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the bascic specific knowledge related to the disciplinary vocabulary and the theoretical-methodological skills to understand geographical and socio-economic issues of a complex nature.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will acquire the ability to deal with geo-territorial problems presented in critical, autonomous and proactive terms.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The curriculum aims to trace the historical evolution of Geography and geographical thought, spanning various theoretical currents up to the major contemporary developments in the discipline. Subsequently, multiple fields of study and research within Geography will be presented, with particular attention given to topics related to Climate Change and the History of Climate. This serves to demonstrate the significance and relevance of the geographical approach in analyzing major contemporary issues.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of major historical events in the modern and contemporary eras. Knowledge of the main physical and anthropic geographical features of Italy, European countries, and non-European countries.
Teaching methods
The main teaching method will be frontal lectures, but with particular attention to actively engaging students through the use of multimedia materials, digital tools, dialogic lessons, and contributions from experts in the field.
Teaching Resources
Students attending classes:
1) Class notes
2) Greiner L., Dematteis G., Lanza C., "Geografia Umana. Un approccio visuale", (quarta edizione a cura di Vanolo), Torino, UTET, 2023.
3) A text to choose from:
- Wulf. A "L' invenzione della natura. Le avventure di Alexander Von Humboldt, l'eroe perduto della scienza", Roma, Luiss University Press, 2017.
- Diamond J. "Armi, acciaio e malattie. Breve storia del mondo negli ultimi tredicimila anni", Torino, Einaudi, 2014.

Students not attending classes:
1) Greiner L., Dematteis G., Lanza C., "Geografia Umana. Un approccio visuale", (quarta edizione a cura di Vanolo), Torino, UTET, 2023.
2) A text to choose from:
- Wulf. A "L' invenzione della natura. Le avventure di Alexander Von Humboldt, l'eroe perduto della scienza", Roma, Luiss University Press, 2017.
- Diamond J. "Armi, acciaio e malattie. Breve storia del mondo negli ultimi tredicimila anni", Torino, Einaudi, 2014.
3) A text to choose from:
- Wilson B., "Metropolis. Storia della città, la più grande invenzione della specie umana", Milano, Il Saggiatore, 2021.
- Pievani T., Varotto M., Ferrarese F., "Il giro del mondo nell'Antropocene. Una mappa dell'umanità del futuro", Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2022.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will be conducted in computerized mode, with closed-ended questions. You will have 40 minutes to answer 31 questions (with 4 answer options for each question). Each correct answer will earn one point, and there will be no penalties for incorrect or missing answers.

To ensure orderly conduct of the exam, in cases where the number of registered students is very high, the exam will be held in multiple sessions. These sessions, organized by time slots, will be determined at the time of registration, and no exceptions to the registration order will be allowed.

The evaluation criteria aim to assess:

- Knowledge of the course program topics and recommended bibliography.
- Accuracy in using discipline-specific language.
- Analytical and argumentative skills related to geographical facts and phenomena.
- Ability to contextualize geographical facts and phenomena in time and space.
- Proficiency in recognizing and utilizing geographical tools such as maps, graphs, and images.

Grades will be expressed on a scale of thirty.

International students and Erasmus incoming students are encouraged to promptly contact the course instructor.

Examination arrangements for students with disabilities and/or specific learning difficulties (DSA) should be agreed upon with the instructor in coordination with the relevant office.
M-GGR/01 - GEOGRAPHY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Lorusso Daniele
Thursday 14:30-17:30 by appointment via e-mail