Functional Ingredients

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide a detailed and critical description of functional ingredients, based on their effects on skin, hair, lips, mucosa and teeth. A detailed explanation of the molecular mechanisms underlying the functions will be provided. The course will also describe the in vitro tests used to evaluate the activities of the ingredients described.
In the laboratory, students will conduct chemical experiments to evaluate the functional activities of certain ingredients. Aim of the course is that students acquire knowledge and understand the structure-activity relationship of the ingredients as well as the chemical, physical and biological mechanisms through which they exert their functions. In vitro methods used to evaluate the ingredients' function will also be considered including cutting edge techniques such as OMICS and MS-imaging.
Expected learning outcomes
On completion of the course, the student will have acquired the knowledge to select the functional ingredient according to the desired effect and will also have the knowledge to critically select ingredients from the producers. This basic knowledge will also be crucial for those who want to pursue the discovery of new functional ingredients in the future.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The aim of the course is to provide a detailed and critical description of functional ingredients, based on their effects on skin, hair, lips, mucosa and teeth. A detailed explanation of the molecular mechanisms underlying the functions will be provided. The course will also describe the in vitro tests used to evaluate the activities of the ingredients described.
The Course will begin with a detailed description of the functional ingredients used for skin, hair, lip, tooth and mucosa. In particular, the following classes of ingredients will be reported (listed in alphabetical order):
· After-sun products
· Anti-dandruff
· Antioxidants
· Anti-wrinkle and Anti-aging
· Bleaching or hair-dye removal products
· Conditioner and moisturizing agents for skins
· Emollient
· Fragrance compounds
· Hair-dye
· Hair repairing
· Preservatives
· Tanning and whitening agents
· Tooth Whitening and anti-bleaching products
· UV sunscreen

The structure-activity relationship of the ingredients will be detailed as well as the chemical, physical and biological mechanisms through which they exert their functions. In vitro methods used to evaluate the ingredients' function will also be considered including cutting edge techniques such as OMICS and MS-imaging.

Lab experiments: the student will conduct chemical experiments to assess anti-oxidant and ant-glycating activities, in-vitro moisturizing retention testing; spectrophotometric testing on UVA and UVB products.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of inorganic, organic, and polymeric ingredients, as well as the anatomy and physiology of the skin and skin annexes, is required.
Teaching methods
Traditional lessons supported by slides (available in Ariel). Additional teaching tools such as Wooclap, Padlet will be also employed. Individual laboratiry training.
Teaching Resources
Slides presented in class and a selection of scientific publications
Assessment methods and Criteria
For each of the two teaching units, the learning assessment is evaluated by a mark out of thirty with a minimum grade of 18/30.
The final result will come from the average of the marks obtained in the two teaching units weighted by the credit value of each unit.

Teaching unit: Drug Analysis 2
The exam consists of a written test which is related to the topics covered in class, and is articulated in several points with exercises and open-ended questions with a final grade out of thirty. The written test lasts 120 minutes.
In order to be able to take the examination, it is essential to register for the exam session through the online SIFA service of the University. The outcome of the written exam will be published on the Ariel portal of Unimi.

Teaching unit: Laboratory of Drug Analysis 2
The Laboratory unit does not include an examination, but an acknowledgement of attendance, which is granted only if the student has correctly performed the experimental work. The overall evaluation of the activity performed by the student in the exercises included in the Laboratory unit is made on the basis of the experimental activity and on the compilation of the laboratory notebook.

During a solar year, there will be seven exams and the students can take consecutive exams without any constraining.
CHIM/08 - PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
Single bench laboratory practical: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Every day, upon request
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, via L. Mangiagalli 25