Forensic Medicine

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Expected learning outcomes
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Legal Medicine: definitions, generalities, and application fields. Medical practice in the context of Social Medicine and its relationship with the healthcare system and organization. Juridic,
Deontological and Moral duties.
· Legal and medico-legal foundations of the doctor-patient relationship: informed consent, the duty of secrecy and the Privacy.
· Mandatory complaints, the report, the criminal complaint.
· Medico-legal activities: certificate, medical record, medico-legal technical advice, medico-legal expert opinion.
· Person as a legal subject: elements of forensic psychopathology. Juridic and civil capacity, imputability.
· Injury, from a firearm, asphyxiated, white weapon, electric, thermal energy. Forensic toxicology: injury from chemical cause.
· Tanatology. Medico-legal concept of sudden death.
· Criminal forensic medicine: murder, infanticide and feticide, beatings and personal injuries, sexual and domestic violence; abortion.
· Civil legal medicine: compensation of personal injuries.
· Professional accountability.
· Clinical risk management and prevention of litigation.
· Legal and Insurance medicine: insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases.
· Civil invalidity and disability regulations.
· Legal medicine of private insurance: private life, accident and sickness insurance policies.
· Special laws of medical interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs for transplantation purposes, mandatory health treatments.
Prerequisites for admission
Having passed the examination of basic medical sciences.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Cazzaniga A., Cattabeni CM., Luvoni R., Zoja R. Compendio di medicina legale e delle assicurazioni. UTET
Editore 2018;
- Genovese U. et al. La nuova responsabilità professionale in Sanità Maggioli Editore 2017;
- Ronchi EF., Mastroroberto L., Genovese U. Guida alla valutazione medico legale dell'invalidità permanente
in responsabilità civile e nell'assicurazione privata contro gli infortuni e le malattie. Giuffrè Editore 2015;
- Genovese U. et al. Le linee guida e la responsabilità sanitaria. Maggioli Editore 2013;
- Genovese U. et al. Responsabilità sanitaria e medicina difensiva. Maggioli Editore 2013.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam includes multiple choice "closed" questions to achieve 30/30 score.
A brief open-ended question will allow those who have correctly answered all "closed" questions to receive
cum laude.
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 5
Lessons: 40 hours
: 20 hours