Final Exam

A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The final exam represents an individual formative moment to complete the course and consists in the presentation and public discussion of a written thesis concerning the student's internship, if it took place in a research laboratory or in a company, or a review of the recent scientific literature on topics agreed with the tutor.
The main objectives are: the documentation of all the activities carried out and the presentation of any links with the current state of the art regarding the literature in the field of herbal science and technology; the critical and reasoned discussion of the results obtained in the light of such knowledge, or of the collected information.
Expected learning outcomes
With the final exam, the student demonstrates that she/he has personally performed a research project and that she/he has acquired the knowledge and practical ability to discuss and present the experimental results obtained or that he has conducted a review of the literature on a specific topic, being able to critically process the collected information. collected. The entire educational path is therefore completed with the acquisition of the latest 3 CFU.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
To be admitted to the final test, the student must have obtained the required credits, by passing the exam tests or other forms of verification required by the teaching plan (177 CFU).
Assessment methods and Criteria
During the final exam, the student will be able to:

- show mastery and communication skills in relation to the issues concerning the final thesis;
- show management autonomy in the processing and interpretation of the obtained data;
- show skills and independence of judgment with regards to the ability to comprehend, process and critically evaluate the content of any questions from the graduation committee and on the ability to effectively communicate the requested information or clarifications.

The graduation committee expresses a final judgment considering the capacity of elaboration and exposition of the scientific results, the student's educational path and the overall cultural maturity.
- University credits: 3
Individual study and practice: 0 hours