Complementary Course: Law and Religion in a Multi-Cultural Society. Laboratory At the San Vittore Prison

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The module aims to provide students with the conceptual and legal tools necessary to address the issue of religious and cultural diversity in a plural society. This in order to:
- better understand the nature of the relationship between law and religion;
- reflect on the juridical relevance that the observance of religious practices can assume within the secular systems;
- analyze possible models of religious diversity management aimed at facilitate the coexistence between the rules of the Italian legal system and the questions raised by the evolution in a multicultural and multi-religious sense of society.
Expected learning outcomes
- Knowledge and understanding of the main legal issues posed by the evolution in a multi-religious sense of our societies, with particular attention to the legal relevance that observance of religious practices can take within the secular systems
- Ability to reason in an interdisciplinary way.
- Autonomous judgment in the analysis of the cases treated and in the identification of the solutions applicable to them.
- Communication skills, argumentative consistency, systematic rigor and language properties.
- Ability to adapt these skills in relation to the contexts studied.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The multicultural and multi-religious evolution of the societies in which we live raises with particular clarity the question of the relationship between the civil and religious identity of those individuals who are both citizens of a State and members of a denomination. That is to say, those citizens who, being also members of a religious community, have to observe both the laws of the State in which they reside and the provisions of the denomination to which they belong. Religions, too, impose rules of conduct on their adherents, which may concern various aspects of life such as clothing, education, prayer or diet. The observance of these rules, especially if they are not part of the traditional socio-cultural context, risks causing misunderstandings or conflicts whenever the observance of a religious rule clashes with the provisions of secular orders.

The lectures, mainly frontal, will be held at the Milan San Vittore prison, will be open to students and inmates and will deal with the following topics:

- the return of religion to public space
- the legal dimensions of religion
- the relationship between religion and human rights
- the different family models
- religious practices
- religious dietary codes
Prerequisites for admission
As per the Academic Regulations of the degree course.
Teaching methods
The module is seminar-based and consists of lectures, readings and discussion of cases. The participation of experts and the use of documentary materials are planned.
Teaching Resources
Given that the attendance at the course is compulsory, materials will be distributed in class.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Attendance at the course is compulsory. The final examination will be oral in itinere in the form of a discussion, by the students, of material relating to the topics addressed in the course. The evaluation is expressed as "approved/not approved".
IUS/11 - ECCLESIASTICAL AND CANON LAW - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Milani Daniela
Professor: Milani Daniela