Complementary Course: Introduction to French Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Aim of the course is to develop the knowledge of the French legal system in theory and practice. In the first part, the course aims to provide theoretical knowledge regarding French constitutional law also in a comparative perspective. In the second part, the course focuses on the features that characterize French constitutional law. In the third part, the characterizing features of French private law will be examined. The course will be held by Prof.ssa Baraggia and by professors from the University of Toulouse. At the end of the course, the student who has successfully learned the subject will know the elements characterizing the French legal system. The course is particularly suitable for students who intend to undertake a Double Degree course with one of the Universities with which UNIMI has agreements (Toulouse and Cergy Pontoise).
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims to provide the student with:

- knowledge of the comparison methodology and adequate understanding of the essential aspects of the French legal system;

- ability to autonomously re-elaborate the legal principles analyzed, increasing the argumentative and connecting skills essential in the legal comparison;

- ability to illustrate the essential aspects of the French legal system with adequate legal language
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three parts:
1. The first part ​(in French) will be dedicated to introducing the student to the fundamental principles of French public law.
2. The second part (in French) will be dedicated to introducing the student to the fundamental principles of French private law.
3. The third part (in Italian) will provide a brief introduction to the French system from a comparative point of view, with respect to the Italian system.
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites are required. The knowledge of a basic level of French language is recommended.
Teaching methods
The course will be developed through theoretical lessons, case law discussion and guests seminars, taught also by professor of the University of Toulouse.
Active participation in class is particularly welcome.
Teaching Resources
The reading material will be made available on the Moodle website of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The evaluation will take into account active participation in the lessons and attendance (at least 80% of classes). The evaluation will be expressed as: pass/failed
IUS/21 - COMPARATIVE PUBLIC LAW - University credits: 3
Lessons: 21 hours
Professor: Violini Lorenza
Professor: Violini Lorenza
To schedule an appointment write to [email protected]
On Microsoft Teams