Complementary Course: "financial Market Contracts"

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is aimed to provide students with the following skills:
- Knowledge and understanding in the field of study. The student will acquire a specific knowledge of contract law that provides a basis for originality in developing and/or applying ideas, also within a research context.
- Students are requested to apply their knowledge and understanding, and problem solving abilities in contexts related to contract law;
- Students are requested to develop the ability to gather and interpret relevant data within their field of study to inform judgments and reflections on contract law.
- Students are requested to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions regarding contract law to specialist audience;
- Students are requested to develop those learning skills that are necessary for them to continue to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students who have successfully studied the subject will have a detailed knowledge of the topics covered by the course and will develop a method in order to tackle and communicate more specific and complex legal issues than basic elements of private law, with specific reference to the subject covered by the course.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course - with a specialised approach and seminar-based format - will deal with the regulation of financial contracts, focusing on new legislation and case law developments in this area. In addition, concrete examples of contractual drafting will be examined and discussed in the light of the rules and notions analysed. In details:
- The financial intermediation contract between law, case law and Consob regulations (in particular, the definition of 'financial instruments')
- Derivative contracts
- Door to door and remote offers
- Contracts relating to collective asset management
- Market management contracts
- Rules of conduct for financial intermediaries
- Remedies in case of breach
- Analysis of the relevant case law
- Examination and discussion of contractual texts.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is designed for students in the last three years who have a strong interest (and preparation) in civil and commercial law subjects, and who have a propensity for legal research and oral discussion of legal problems in class.
Teaching methods
Lessons will be seminar-based. If the number of participants will allow it, the course will require students to work in group and discuss, from various perspectives, a complex legal problem, underlying a case taken from business practice.
Teaching Resources
D. Legislative Decree 58/1998 (Consolidated Law on Finance)
Consob Regulations
Supreme Court decisions, available on the web
Assessment methods and Criteria
The aforementioned skills are verified through discussion in class.
IUS/01 - PRIVATE LAW - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Ferrari Camilla
Professor: Ferrari Camilla