Clinical Practice 1

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
In the 1st year clerkship, the student learns to carry out the preparation of the work environment, including disinfection and sanitation to avoid the transmission of cross infections and to recognize the instruments used in the dental and dental hygiene activity and the methods for their cleaning and sterilization. In clinical training students also learn to welcome the patient and implement primary prevention strategies by working as a second operator.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the 1st year clerkship the student will have acquired the following skills:
- preparation and reorganization of the dental unit and of the instruments,
- use of environmental sanitization techniques to avoid the transmission of cross infections;
- patient reception;
- knowledge and use of dental instruments;
- play a second operator role in primary prevention.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Disinfection and sterilization of dental instruments
Disinfection and sanitation of the working area
Second operator activity in assistance to the professional dentist / hygienist
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites are required
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Farronato G. Odontostomatologia per l'igienista dentale - Basi anatomo-cliniche e protocolli operativi. Piccin 2007.
Lang NP, Lindhe J. Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale. VI Edizione. EdiErmes 2016.
Wilkins EM. La pratica clinica dell'igienista dentale. Piccin Nuova Libraria 2010.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The end-of-year assessment of the internship is accessible only to students who have reached the number of compulsory attendance hours for the current year and gives rise to a mark expressed in thirtieths by the exam commission. The assessment of learning is composed of three parameters each of which gives rise to a score from 1 to 10 for a final total of maximum 30 points: 1) attendance2) clinical skills 3) theoretical skills. To pass the exam it is necessary to reach a minimum score of 6 points for each parameter.
About the frequency parameter the points are attributed in proportion to the hours attended. Thus, 6 points will be attributed to the students who have attended at least 75% of the internship hours and proportionally the other assessments up to 10 which represents 100% of the available hours attended.
Clinical skills are assessed by the reference tutor by completing specific grids that provide for the achievement of specific clinical objectives for the course year and the technical and behavioral skills acquired by the student during the internship.
The practical evaluation usually takes place between the end of July and the first 10 days of September. Deadline within which the evaluation is sent to the didactic director.
The assessment test of theoretical skills consists of a 10 multiple choice questions with only one correct answer (each correct answer is assigned a value of 1 point) on the basic principles and rationale for practical training activities according to specific training objectives.
The written test is held on the same day for all students of both clinical centers enrolled in the first year of the course.