Clinical Dentistry 1
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Provide the fundamental notions regarding the two most common pathologies in the field of odontostomatology, namely caries and periodontal disease.
Illustrate the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of diseases concerning the pulpo-dentin complex and periodontal tissues
Provide the fundamental notions related to the scheletal problem of the jaws related to the developmental age
Illustrate the principles relating to the reconstruction of teeth with severe loss of enamel-dentin tissue and to the resolution of mono-edentulas without the aid of osseointegrated implants.
Illustrate the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of diseases concerning the pulpo-dentin complex and periodontal tissues
Provide the fundamental notions related to the scheletal problem of the jaws related to the developmental age
Illustrate the principles relating to the reconstruction of teeth with severe loss of enamel-dentin tissue and to the resolution of mono-edentulas without the aid of osseointegrated implants.
Expected learning outcomes
Know the etiopathological principles that determine the pathologies of the pulpo-dentinal system and periodontal disease
Know how to use the most suitable diagnostic means to highlight the pathologies described and know how to use the techniques for their therapy
Know and be able to diagnose the main dysgnathic pictures in the developmental age
Perform, on the simulator, the treatments and maneuvers suitable for the execution of therapies related to the areas of the integrated course
Possess sufficient knowledge to know and understand in depth the etiopathogenesis of periodontal diseases and the changes it causes at the level of periodontal tissue; possess the ability to clinically frame periodontal diseases and classify them, in a multidisciplinary perspective; possess the ability to plan and correctly execute all the phases of causal periodontal therapy and to evaluate the results obtained
Know how to use the most suitable diagnostic means to highlight the pathologies described and know how to use the techniques for their therapy
Know and be able to diagnose the main dysgnathic pictures in the developmental age
Perform, on the simulator, the treatments and maneuvers suitable for the execution of therapies related to the areas of the integrated course
Possess sufficient knowledge to know and understand in depth the etiopathogenesis of periodontal diseases and the changes it causes at the level of periodontal tissue; possess the ability to clinically frame periodontal diseases and classify them, in a multidisciplinary perspective; possess the ability to plan and correctly execute all the phases of causal periodontal therapy and to evaluate the results obtained
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of oral anatomy and physiology
Knowledge of the fundamentals of microbiology
Knowledge of the fundamentals of microbiology
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning will be assessed by means of a multiple choice written test
The evaluation will be made in thirtieths, considering sufficient when at least 60% of the questions will be answered correctly.
The outcome will be communicated to the students via internet
The evaluation will be made in thirtieths, considering sufficient when at least 60% of the questions will be answered correctly.
The outcome will be communicated to the students via internet
Prosthetic technology
Course syllabus
Treatment planning, preparations for full coverage crowns, Provisional restorations,impressions cementation and bonding
Teaching methods
Training on endodontic simulators
Training on endodontic simulators
Teaching Resources
AA.VV. Endodonzia, Ed.EDRA, 2015
LANG NP, LINDHE J. Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale. VI Edizione. EdiErmes 2016
SIDP. Testo atlante di parodontologia e terapia implantare. Quintessenza 2017
Ortognatodonzia: Giampietro Farronato - Edi-Ermes
Herbert T. Shillingburg "Fondamenti di protesi fissa, Quintessence Pub.
Clovis Pagani "Preparazioni dentali Scienza & Arte" Quintessence Pub
Massironi "Estetica e Precisione", Quintessence Pub
LANG NP, LINDHE J. Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale. VI Edizione. EdiErmes 2016
SIDP. Testo atlante di parodontologia e terapia implantare. Quintessenza 2017
Ortognatodonzia: Giampietro Farronato - Edi-Ermes
Herbert T. Shillingburg "Fondamenti di protesi fissa, Quintessence Pub.
Clovis Pagani "Preparazioni dentali Scienza & Arte" Quintessence Pub
Massironi "Estetica e Precisione", Quintessence Pub
Course syllabus
Anatomy and physiology of the dento-enamel tissue and peri-apical tissues
Pathogenesis of endodontic diseases
Epidemiology of endodontic diseases
Endodontic treatments for the pathologies of dental pulp and periapical tissues
Pathogenesis of endodontic diseases
Epidemiology of endodontic diseases
Endodontic treatments for the pathologies of dental pulp and periapical tissues
Teaching methods
Training on endodontic simulators
Training on endodontic simulators
Teaching Resources
AA.VV. Endodonzia, Ed.EDRA, 2015
LANG NP, LINDHE J. Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale. VI Edizione. EdiErmes 2016
SIDP. Testo atlante di parodontologia e terapia implantare. Quintessenza 2017
Ortognatodonzia: Giampietro Farronato - Edi-Ermes
Herbert T. Shillingburg "Fondamenti di protesi fissa, Quintessence Pub.
Clovis Pagani "Preparazioni dentali Scienza & Arte" Quintessence Pub
Massironi "Estetica e Precisione", Quintessence Pub
LANG NP, LINDHE J. Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale. VI Edizione. EdiErmes 2016
SIDP. Testo atlante di parodontologia e terapia implantare. Quintessenza 2017
Ortognatodonzia: Giampietro Farronato - Edi-Ermes
Herbert T. Shillingburg "Fondamenti di protesi fissa, Quintessence Pub.
Clovis Pagani "Preparazioni dentali Scienza & Arte" Quintessence Pub
Massironi "Estetica e Precisione", Quintessence Pub
Course syllabus
Anatomy and physiology of the periodontal and peri-implant tissues
Pathogenesis of periodontal diseases
Epidemiology od periodontal diseases
Periodontal causal therapy procedures
Periodontal Diseases Classifications
Pathogenesis of periodontal diseases
Epidemiology od periodontal diseases
Periodontal causal therapy procedures
Periodontal Diseases Classifications
Teaching methods
Training on endodontic simulators
Training on endodontic simulators
Teaching Resources
AA.VV. Endodonzia, Ed.EDRA, 2015
LANG NP, LINDHE J. Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale. VI Edizione. EdiErmes 2016
SIDP. Testo atlante di parodontologia e terapia implantare. Quintessenza 2017
Ortognatodonzia: Giampietro Farronato - Edi-Ermes
Herbert T. Shillingburg "Fondamenti di protesi fissa, Quintessence Pub.
Clovis Pagani "Preparazioni dentali Scienza & Arte" Quintessence Pub
Massironi "Estetica e Precisione", Quintessence Pub
LANG NP, LINDHE J. Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale. VI Edizione. EdiErmes 2016
SIDP. Testo atlante di parodontologia e terapia implantare. Quintessenza 2017
Ortognatodonzia: Giampietro Farronato - Edi-Ermes
Herbert T. Shillingburg "Fondamenti di protesi fissa, Quintessence Pub.
Clovis Pagani "Preparazioni dentali Scienza & Arte" Quintessence Pub
Massironi "Estetica e Precisione", Quintessence Pub
Course syllabus
Anatomical bases of the stomatognatic apparatus
Aetiopathogenesis of drawing frameworks and treatment timing
Anamnestic surveys:
The first visit
Radiological investigations
Instrumental investigations
Orthodontic treatment at public growth peak
Orthodontic treatment in the young adult
Commodity study
Biomechanical principles
Laboratory techniques
Aetiopathogenesis of drawing frameworks and treatment timing
Anamnestic surveys:
The first visit
Radiological investigations
Instrumental investigations
Orthodontic treatment at public growth peak
Orthodontic treatment in the young adult
Commodity study
Biomechanical principles
Laboratory techniques
Teaching methods
Training on endodontic simulators
Training on endodontic simulators
Teaching Resources
AA.VV. Endodonzia, Ed.EDRA, 2015
LANG NP, LINDHE J. Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale. VI Edizione. EdiErmes 2016
SIDP. Testo atlante di parodontologia e terapia implantare. Quintessenza 2017
Ortognatodonzia: Giampietro Farronato - Edi-Ermes
Herbert T. Shillingburg "Fondamenti di protesi fissa, Quintessence Pub.
Clovis Pagani "Preparazioni dentali Scienza & Arte" Quintessence Pub
Massironi "Estetica e Precisione", Quintessence Pub
LANG NP, LINDHE J. Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale. VI Edizione. EdiErmes 2016
SIDP. Testo atlante di parodontologia e terapia implantare. Quintessenza 2017
Ortognatodonzia: Giampietro Farronato - Edi-Ermes
Herbert T. Shillingburg "Fondamenti di protesi fissa, Quintessence Pub.
Clovis Pagani "Preparazioni dentali Scienza & Arte" Quintessence Pub
Massironi "Estetica e Precisione", Quintessence Pub
Dental prosthetics
Course syllabus
Treatment planning, preparations for full coverage crowns, Provisional restorations,impressions cementation and bonding
Teaching methods
Training on endodontic simulators
Training on endodontic simulators
Teaching Resources
AA.VV. Endodonzia, Ed.EDRA, 2015
LANG NP, LINDHE J. Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale. VI Edizione. EdiErmes 2016
SIDP. Testo atlante di parodontologia e terapia implantare. Quintessenza 2017
Ortognatodonzia: Giampietro Farronato - Edi-Ermes
Herbert T. Shillingburg "Fondamenti di protesi fissa, Quintessence Pub.
Clovis Pagani "Preparazioni dentali Scienza & Arte" Quintessence Pub
Massironi "Estetica e Precisione", Quintessence Pub
LANG NP, LINDHE J. Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale. VI Edizione. EdiErmes 2016
SIDP. Testo atlante di parodontologia e terapia implantare. Quintessenza 2017
Ortognatodonzia: Giampietro Farronato - Edi-Ermes
Herbert T. Shillingburg "Fondamenti di protesi fissa, Quintessence Pub.
Clovis Pagani "Preparazioni dentali Scienza & Arte" Quintessence Pub
Massironi "Estetica e Precisione", Quintessence Pub
Dental prosthetics
MED/28 - ORAL DISEASES AND DENTISTRY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 30 hours
Practicals - Exercises: 25 hours
Practicals - Exercises: 25 hours
Lops Diego, Re Santo, Storelli Stefano
Lops Diego, Re Santo
Polo Centrale
Re SantoPolo San Paolo
Storelli Stefano
MED/28 - ORAL DISEASES AND DENTISTRY - University credits: 7
Lessons: 50 hours
Practicals - Exercises: 50 hours
Practicals - Exercises: 50 hours
Gagliani Massimo Mario, Perondi Isabella, Taschieri Silvio Luigi Maria, Villani Federico Alcide
Gagliani Massimo Mario, Taschieri Silvio Luigi Maria
Polo San Paolo
Gagliani Massimo Mario
MED/28 - ORAL DISEASES AND DENTISTRY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 50 hours
Practicals - Exercises: 25 hours
Practicals - Exercises: 25 hours
Maspero Cinzia Maria Norma
Polo Centrale
Caprioglio AlbertoPolo San Paolo
Garagiola Umberto
MED/28 - ORAL DISEASES AND DENTISTRY - University credits: 7
Lessons: 50 hours
Practicals - Exercises: 50 hours
Practicals - Exercises: 50 hours
Bellucci Gionata, Corbella Stefano, Di Stefano Massimo, Francetti Luca Angelo, Rasperini Giulio, Taschieri Silvio Luigi Maria
Prosthetic technology
MED/28 - ORAL DISEASES AND DENTISTRY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 30 hours
Practicals - Exercises: 25 hours
Practicals - Exercises: 25 hours
Arnone Alessandro, Re Santo
Polo Centrale
Re SantoPolo San Paolo
Adami AlfredoProfessor(s)
Tuesday 10-12 a.m. by appointement (e-mail/phone)
IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio - Floor 13^, Suite 92
Tuesday morning
Office, Via della Commenda, 9 - 2° floor