Calculus and Computer Laboratory
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
To provide the basic method and calculus tools of mathematical analysis and linear algebra which are propaedeutic to a full understanding and correct handling of biological data and information. These tools represent a mandatory cultural element for a modern biologist who wants to comprehend the life in its quantitative aspects.
To teach concepts and tools of Computer Science for an appropriate use of application software. Topics will concern basic introductory notions of informatics, data analysis and management, and introduction to Bioinformatics. The course is offered in e-learning through a dedicated online software platform, with the addition of two frontal lectures and two hands-on in computer laboratory.
To teach concepts and tools of Computer Science for an appropriate use of application software. Topics will concern basic introductory notions of informatics, data analysis and management, and introduction to Bioinformatics. The course is offered in e-learning through a dedicated online software platform, with the addition of two frontal lectures and two hands-on in computer laboratory.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the study the students will be able to use computational processes to analyze the biological phenomena. In particular the student: i) will be able to formalize elementary problems by mean of mathematical models; ii) will know the main basic results of differential and integral calculus (for real functions of one real variable) and of the linear algebra; iii) will be able to deal with such a theoretical part and related tools in order to solve problem in sciences of live for which a mathematical approach is suitable.
The students will benefit from this course since they will learn concepts of data representation, hardware, and software. In addition, they will acquire the ability to process data by using spreadsheets, databases, Internet and the web consultation related to biological databases.
The students will benefit from this course since they will learn concepts of data representation, hardware, and software. In addition, they will acquire the ability to process data by using spreadsheets, databases, Internet and the web consultation related to biological databases.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
A - L
Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
Elementary algebra, analytic geometry, trigonometry. Elementary functions and their graphs. Inequalities.
(see also the MiniMat course material available online at
(see also the MiniMat course material available online at
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of two parts, one for each of the two modulus of Matematica Generale (6 CFU) and of Laboratorio di Informatica (3 CFU).
To participate to the test of each modulus, the student must register through SIFA to the module itself.
The final grade is obtained after passing the tests related to the two modulus.
The two tests must be passed within the 31st December 2025.
The grade resulting from the weighted average of the grades reported in the two modulus (approximated to the unit by default / excess depending on the decimal number 0-4 / 5-9) will be registered by the professor of the modulus of Matematica Generale.
To pass the exam relating to the modulus of Matematica Generale it is necessary to know the theory (definitions, theorem statements) presented during the lectures and to be able to solve some exercises exploiting what illustrated during the exercises lectures.
The test of the modulus of Matematica Generale consists of exercises and some multiple choice questions on the contents of the theory. The test is considered passed if at least 18 points are obtained out of a total of 30.
There will be 7 tests distributed during the academic year, dates appearing on SIFA.
The written test can be replaced by passing two in itinere tests, the first indicatively in mid-November, the second in the same date of the January test. These tests are strictly reserved to students attendind the first year of the bachelor degree.
The two in itinere tests are passed if in each one a score of at least 16 points is obtained out of a total of 30 and if the average of the two scores (approximated by excess to the unit) is greater or equal to 18.
Candidates must attend the written tests or in itinere tests with a valid identity document with a photograph during which it is not allowed to consult any type of material, nor the use of calculators.
In case the student wants to obtain the Laude, the student must also pass an oral exam that will focus on the detailed program indicated on Ariel during the semester (definitions, statements of theorems, proofs of theorems).
In the event of a negative evaluation of the oral exam, the mark obtained in the written test could be modified accordingly or even the written test will have to be repeated.
To participate to the test of each modulus, the student must register through SIFA to the module itself.
The final grade is obtained after passing the tests related to the two modulus.
The two tests must be passed within the 31st December 2025.
The grade resulting from the weighted average of the grades reported in the two modulus (approximated to the unit by default / excess depending on the decimal number 0-4 / 5-9) will be registered by the professor of the modulus of Matematica Generale.
To pass the exam relating to the modulus of Matematica Generale it is necessary to know the theory (definitions, theorem statements) presented during the lectures and to be able to solve some exercises exploiting what illustrated during the exercises lectures.
The test of the modulus of Matematica Generale consists of exercises and some multiple choice questions on the contents of the theory. The test is considered passed if at least 18 points are obtained out of a total of 30.
There will be 7 tests distributed during the academic year, dates appearing on SIFA.
The written test can be replaced by passing two in itinere tests, the first indicatively in mid-November, the second in the same date of the January test. These tests are strictly reserved to students attendind the first year of the bachelor degree.
The two in itinere tests are passed if in each one a score of at least 16 points is obtained out of a total of 30 and if the average of the two scores (approximated by excess to the unit) is greater or equal to 18.
Candidates must attend the written tests or in itinere tests with a valid identity document with a photograph during which it is not allowed to consult any type of material, nor the use of calculators.
In case the student wants to obtain the Laude, the student must also pass an oral exam that will focus on the detailed program indicated on Ariel during the semester (definitions, statements of theorems, proofs of theorems).
In the event of a negative evaluation of the oral exam, the mark obtained in the written test could be modified accordingly or even the written test will have to be repeated.
Modulo: Matematica generale
Course syllabus
· Natural, integer, rational, real numbers. The field of real numbers and its operations. The symbols + ∞ and -∞.
· Real functions of real variable. Properties: injectivity, surjectivity, biunivocity, monotony. Inverse functions. Composition of functions. Cartesian representation of the graph of a function.
· Elementary functions: powers, logarithms, exponentials, trigonometric functions, absolute value.
· Linear algebra: vectors, matrices and their operations. Determinant of a square matrix. Inverse matrix. Systems of linear equations and matrix representation; Gauss method. Eigenvectors, eigenvalues and applications. Rank of a matrix and Rouchè-Capelli theorem (if we have time).
· Limits of functions: definitions and first properties. Uniqueness of the limit. Limits of monotone functions. Limits of elementary functions. Operations with limits. Indeterminate forms. Asymptotic functions. Comparison theorems.
· The number of Nepero. Special limits. Hierarchy of infinities and infinitesimals. Continuous functions and their properties: zeros theorem and Weierstrass theorem.
· Differential calculus: definition of derivative; geometrical meaning; tangent line. Derivability and continuity. Operations with derivatives. Derivatives of composition of functions and inverse functions. Derivatives of elementary functions. Applications of derivatives. Stationary points.
· Fermat's theorem. Rolle theorem and Lagrange theorem. Increasing and decreasing functions. Convexity. De l'Hôpital theorem. Taylor expansion and applications.
· Study of the graph of a function. Horizontal, vertical, oblique asymptotes.
· Indefinite integral. Calculus of primitives: integration by sum decomposition, integration by parts, integration by substitution. Integration of rational functions (outline).
· Definite integral. Definition, geometric interpretation, properties. The integral mean value theorem. The fundamental theorem of integral calculus. The formula of integral calculus theorem. Area of plane regions.
· Outline of first order differential equations: separation of variables and qualitative study (autonomous case). Application to biology. Second order differential equations with constant coefficients (if we have time).
· Real functions of real variable. Properties: injectivity, surjectivity, biunivocity, monotony. Inverse functions. Composition of functions. Cartesian representation of the graph of a function.
· Elementary functions: powers, logarithms, exponentials, trigonometric functions, absolute value.
· Linear algebra: vectors, matrices and their operations. Determinant of a square matrix. Inverse matrix. Systems of linear equations and matrix representation; Gauss method. Eigenvectors, eigenvalues and applications. Rank of a matrix and Rouchè-Capelli theorem (if we have time).
· Limits of functions: definitions and first properties. Uniqueness of the limit. Limits of monotone functions. Limits of elementary functions. Operations with limits. Indeterminate forms. Asymptotic functions. Comparison theorems.
· The number of Nepero. Special limits. Hierarchy of infinities and infinitesimals. Continuous functions and their properties: zeros theorem and Weierstrass theorem.
· Differential calculus: definition of derivative; geometrical meaning; tangent line. Derivability and continuity. Operations with derivatives. Derivatives of composition of functions and inverse functions. Derivatives of elementary functions. Applications of derivatives. Stationary points.
· Fermat's theorem. Rolle theorem and Lagrange theorem. Increasing and decreasing functions. Convexity. De l'Hôpital theorem. Taylor expansion and applications.
· Study of the graph of a function. Horizontal, vertical, oblique asymptotes.
· Indefinite integral. Calculus of primitives: integration by sum decomposition, integration by parts, integration by substitution. Integration of rational functions (outline).
· Definite integral. Definition, geometric interpretation, properties. The integral mean value theorem. The fundamental theorem of integral calculus. The formula of integral calculus theorem. Area of plane regions.
· Outline of first order differential equations: separation of variables and qualitative study (autonomous case). Application to biology. Second order differential equations with constant coefficients (if we have time).
Teaching methods
Traditional. Attendance is strongly recommended. Tutoring activity for the preparation of the written tests.
Teaching Resources
· P. Marcellini, C. Sbordone, Calcolo - edizione aggiornata per i nuovi corsi di laurea, Liguori editore
· D. Benedetto, M. Degli Esposti, C. Maffei: Matematica per le scienze della vita, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
D. Benedetto, M. Degli Esposti, C. Maffei: Dalle funzioni ai modelli, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
· Online course "Matematica Assistita",
- Metodi Matematici per le scienze applicate, Bisi-Fioresi, CEA editore (for chapters 5 and 6 about EDO).
· D. Benedetto, M. Degli Esposti, C. Maffei: Matematica per le scienze della vita, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
D. Benedetto, M. Degli Esposti, C. Maffei: Dalle funzioni ai modelli, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
· Online course "Matematica Assistita",
- Metodi Matematici per le scienze applicate, Bisi-Fioresi, CEA editore (for chapters 5 and 6 about EDO).
Modulo: Laboratorio di informatica
Course syllabus
The Course program is focused on the following topics:
· Foundations of Computer Science
o Introduction to Computer Science
o Information coding
o Computer structure
o Programs and software
o The "Infosphera" risks
· Spreadsheets
o Introduction to spreadsheets
o General functions in Excel
o Statistical functions in Excel
o Chart creation in Excel
· Information management
o Introduction to information management
o Data storing and databases
o Relational databases
o Database creation
o Query composition
o Web databases
· Internet and web
o Computer networks
o The Internet network
o Web architecture
o Web standards
o Web contents
o Search engines
o Web evolutions
· Foundations of Computer Science
o Introduction to Computer Science
o Information coding
o Computer structure
o Programs and software
o The "Infosphera" risks
· Spreadsheets
o Introduction to spreadsheets
o General functions in Excel
o Statistical functions in Excel
o Chart creation in Excel
· Information management
o Introduction to information management
o Data storing and databases
o Relational databases
o Database creation
o Query composition
o Web databases
· Internet and web
o Computer networks
o The Internet network
o Web architecture
o Web standards
o Web contents
o Search engines
o Web evolutions
Teaching methods
The Course provides the basic notions of the computer-science discipline with focus on i) foundations of Computer Science, ii) spreadsheets, iii) information management, and iv) Internet and web. Furthermore, the Course provides skills about the main functionalities of spreadsheet software tools, with focus on the use of formulae, functions, and chart creation.
The Course is provided as a blended-learning course.
For acquisition of expected knowledge, a student has to browse the program contents on the online course according to an e-learning modality. Contents are organized into the following training courses: G) Foundations of Computer Science, F) Spreadsheets, B) Information management, and I) Internet and web. A training course is then articulated into thematic modules. Students have to pass a self-evaluation test at the end of each thematic module. Initially, a student can access just an introductory module. The access to subsequent modules is progressively enabled when the test of available modules is successfully passed. For acquisition of expected skills, a student can attend two exercise sessions in a computer-science room. Each exercise session is three hours long. The attendance to exercise sessions is not a mandatory requirement for successfully pass the Course and obtain the credits, however students are strongly encouraged to attend the exercise sessions.
Examination modality and evaluation criteria
The examination is articulated in two distinct evaluation steps.
The first evaluation step consists in the successful completion of self-evaluation tests related to all the thematic modules that constitute the training courses. The tests are composed of choice questions on the whole Course program. The completion of all the expected self-evaluation tests is a mandatory requirement for accessing to the subsequent evaluation step (final exam).
The second evaluation step (final exam) consists successfully pass a test in a computer-science room. The test one hour long and it is based on choice questions on the whole Course program. The questions aim to evaluate the expected acquisition of both knowledge and skills. During the test, it is not possible to use paper stuff and to access web resources that are not explicitly authorized. The final exam result is expressed in thirtieths. The Academic Exam System (SIFA) is exploited by students for subscription to the final exam.
The Course is provided as a blended-learning course.
For acquisition of expected knowledge, a student has to browse the program contents on the online course according to an e-learning modality. Contents are organized into the following training courses: G) Foundations of Computer Science, F) Spreadsheets, B) Information management, and I) Internet and web. A training course is then articulated into thematic modules. Students have to pass a self-evaluation test at the end of each thematic module. Initially, a student can access just an introductory module. The access to subsequent modules is progressively enabled when the test of available modules is successfully passed. For acquisition of expected skills, a student can attend two exercise sessions in a computer-science room. Each exercise session is three hours long. The attendance to exercise sessions is not a mandatory requirement for successfully pass the Course and obtain the credits, however students are strongly encouraged to attend the exercise sessions.
Examination modality and evaluation criteria
The examination is articulated in two distinct evaluation steps.
The first evaluation step consists in the successful completion of self-evaluation tests related to all the thematic modules that constitute the training courses. The tests are composed of choice questions on the whole Course program. The completion of all the expected self-evaluation tests is a mandatory requirement for accessing to the subsequent evaluation step (final exam).
The second evaluation step (final exam) consists successfully pass a test in a computer-science room. The test one hour long and it is based on choice questions on the whole Course program. The questions aim to evaluate the expected acquisition of both knowledge and skills. During the test, it is not possible to use paper stuff and to access web resources that are not explicitly authorized. The final exam result is expressed in thirtieths. The Academic Exam System (SIFA) is exploited by students for subscription to the final exam.
Teaching Resources
Teaching stuff
The teaching stuff is online at
The teaching stuff is online at
Modulo: Laboratorio di informatica
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 3
Basic computer skills: 18 hours
Modulo: Matematica generale
Practicals: 48 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Penati Tiziano, Reggio Luca
M - Z
Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
Elementary algebra, analytic geometry, trigonometry. Elementary functions and their graphs. Inequalities.
(see also the MiniMat course material available online at
(see also the MiniMat course material available online at
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of two parts, one for each of the two modulus of Matematica Generale (6 CFU) and of Laboratorio di Informatica (3 CFU).
To participate to the test of each modulus, the student must register through SIFA to the module itself.
The final grade is obtained after passing the tests related to the two modulus.
The two tests must be passed within the same academic year.
The grade resulting from the weighted average of the grades reported in the two modulus (approximated to the unit by default / excess depending on the decimal number 0-4 / 5-9) will be registered by the professor of the modulus of Matematica Generale.
To pass the exam relating to the modulus of Matematica Generale it is necessary to know the theory (definitions, theorem statements) presented during the lectures and to be able to solve some exercises exploiting what illustrated during the exercises lectures.
The test of the modulus of Matematica Generale consists of exercises and some multiple choice questions on the contents of the theory. The test is considered passed if at least 18 points are obtained out of a total of 30.
There will be 7 tests distributed during the academic year, dates appearing on SIFA.
Candidates must attend the written tests or in itinere tests with a valid identity document with a photograph; during the written test it is not allowed to consult any type of material, nor the use of calculators.
To participate to the test of each modulus, the student must register through SIFA to the module itself.
The final grade is obtained after passing the tests related to the two modulus.
The two tests must be passed within the same academic year.
The grade resulting from the weighted average of the grades reported in the two modulus (approximated to the unit by default / excess depending on the decimal number 0-4 / 5-9) will be registered by the professor of the modulus of Matematica Generale.
To pass the exam relating to the modulus of Matematica Generale it is necessary to know the theory (definitions, theorem statements) presented during the lectures and to be able to solve some exercises exploiting what illustrated during the exercises lectures.
The test of the modulus of Matematica Generale consists of exercises and some multiple choice questions on the contents of the theory. The test is considered passed if at least 18 points are obtained out of a total of 30.
There will be 7 tests distributed during the academic year, dates appearing on SIFA.
Candidates must attend the written tests or in itinere tests with a valid identity document with a photograph; during the written test it is not allowed to consult any type of material, nor the use of calculators.
Modulo: Matematica generale
Course syllabus
This is the èprogram for the year 2023/24; it is expected that the course 2024/25 will follow the same scheme.
A more detailed program is available on the ARIEL page.
Vectors and Matrices
Differential equations and biological application s
A more detailed program is available on the ARIEL page.
Vectors and Matrices
Differential equations and biological application s
Teaching methods
Standard lectures and exercise classes
Teaching Resources
· D. Benedetto, M. Degli Esposti, C. Maffei: Matematica per le scienze della vita, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
· Corso online "Matematica Assistita",
· N.S. Piskunov, "Calcolo differenziale ed integrale", Editori Riuniti
Some notes are also available on teh ARIEL page; therein the student will also find collections of exercises with solutions. The exam texts of previous year are also available.
· Corso online "Matematica Assistita",
· N.S. Piskunov, "Calcolo differenziale ed integrale", Editori Riuniti
Some notes are also available on teh ARIEL page; therein the student will also find collections of exercises with solutions. The exam texts of previous year are also available.
Modulo: Laboratorio di informatica
Course syllabus
The Course program is focused on the following topics:
· Foundations of Computer Science
o Introduction to Computer Science
o Information coding
o Computer structure
o Programs and software
o The "Infosphera" risks
· Spreadsheets
o Introduction to spreadsheets
o General functions in Excel
o Statistical functions in Excel
o Chart creation in Excel
· Information management
o Introduction to information management
o Data storing and databases
o Relational databases
o Database creation
o Query composition
o Web databases
· Internet and web
o Computer networks
o The Internet network
o Web architecture
o Web standards
o Web contents
o Search engines
o Web evolutions
· Foundations of Computer Science
o Introduction to Computer Science
o Information coding
o Computer structure
o Programs and software
o The "Infosphera" risks
· Spreadsheets
o Introduction to spreadsheets
o General functions in Excel
o Statistical functions in Excel
o Chart creation in Excel
· Information management
o Introduction to information management
o Data storing and databases
o Relational databases
o Database creation
o Query composition
o Web databases
· Internet and web
o Computer networks
o The Internet network
o Web architecture
o Web standards
o Web contents
o Search engines
o Web evolutions
Teaching methods
The Course provides the basic notions of the computer-science discipline with focus on i) foundations of Computer Science, ii) spreadsheets, iii) information management, and iv) Internet and web. Furthermore, the Course provides skills about the main functionalities of spreadsheet software tools, with focus on the use of formulae, functions, and chart creation.
The Course is provided as a blended-learning course.
For acquisition of expected knowledge, a student has to browse the program contents on the online course according to an e-learning modality. Contents are organized into the following training courses: G) Foundations of Computer Science, F) Spreadsheets, B) Information management, and I) Internet and web. A training course is then articulated into thematic modules. Students have to pass a self-evaluation test at the end of each thematic module. Initially, a student can access just an introductory module. The access to subsequent modules is progressively enabled when the test of available modules is successfully passed. For acquisition of expected skills, a student can attend two exercise sessions in a computer-science room. Each exercise session is three hours long. The attendance to exercise sessions is not a mandatory requirement for successfully pass the Course and obtain the credits, however students are strongly encouraged to attend the exercise sessions.
Examination modality and evaluation criteria
The examination is articulated in two distinct evaluation steps.
The first evaluation step consists in the successful completion of self-evaluation tests related to all the thematic modules that constitute the training courses. The tests are composed of choice questions on the whole Course program. The completion of all the expected self-evaluation tests is a mandatory requirement for accessing to the subsequent evaluation step (final exam).
The second evaluation step (final exam) consists successfully pass a test in a computer-science room. The test one hour long and it is based on choice questions on the whole Course program. The questions aim to evaluate the expected acquisition of both knowledge and skills. During the test, it is not possible to use paper stuff and to access web resources that are not explicitly authorized. The final exam result is expressed in thirtieths. The Academic Exam System (SIFA) is exploited by students for subscription to the final exam.
The Course is provided as a blended-learning course.
For acquisition of expected knowledge, a student has to browse the program contents on the online course according to an e-learning modality. Contents are organized into the following training courses: G) Foundations of Computer Science, F) Spreadsheets, B) Information management, and I) Internet and web. A training course is then articulated into thematic modules. Students have to pass a self-evaluation test at the end of each thematic module. Initially, a student can access just an introductory module. The access to subsequent modules is progressively enabled when the test of available modules is successfully passed. For acquisition of expected skills, a student can attend two exercise sessions in a computer-science room. Each exercise session is three hours long. The attendance to exercise sessions is not a mandatory requirement for successfully pass the Course and obtain the credits, however students are strongly encouraged to attend the exercise sessions.
Examination modality and evaluation criteria
The examination is articulated in two distinct evaluation steps.
The first evaluation step consists in the successful completion of self-evaluation tests related to all the thematic modules that constitute the training courses. The tests are composed of choice questions on the whole Course program. The completion of all the expected self-evaluation tests is a mandatory requirement for accessing to the subsequent evaluation step (final exam).
The second evaluation step (final exam) consists successfully pass a test in a computer-science room. The test one hour long and it is based on choice questions on the whole Course program. The questions aim to evaluate the expected acquisition of both knowledge and skills. During the test, it is not possible to use paper stuff and to access web resources that are not explicitly authorized. The final exam result is expressed in thirtieths. The Academic Exam System (SIFA) is exploited by students for subscription to the final exam.
Teaching Resources
Teaching stuff
The teaching stuff is online at
The teaching stuff is online at
Modulo: Laboratorio di informatica
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 3
Basic computer skills: 18 hours
Modulo: Matematica generale
Practicals: 48 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Gaeta Giuseppe, Gubbiotti Giorgio
Educational website(s)
Tuesday 2.30PM-4.30PM
Diparimento di Matematica "Federigo Enriques" Room 1040
to be fixed by email
office num. 1039, first floor, Dep. Mathematics, via Saldini 50