Biology and Genetics
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
In recent years, the importance of developing advanced therapies (gene therapy, cell therapy, genome editing, etc.), personalized medicine or rationally inferred therapeutic approaches based on the pathological molecular defects has become increasingly evident. These therapies make use of continuous and exponential advances in molecular and cellular biology. The objective of this module is therefore to provide the future medical doctor with the adequate knowledge and tools to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying various human pathologies and/or the available therapeutic treatments.
In particular, the main goal of the Cell Biology lessons is to contribute to the education of a medical doctor who will know:
signaling pathways that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, transformation and finally death of an eukaryotic cell;
the main experimental models used in preclinical research to study the basic cell biology phenomena and to model specific classes of human pathologies.
The lessons of Molecular Biology, instead, will allow the future doctor to know:
· the main molecular mechanisms involved in the correct flow of genetic information and its maintenance;
· the consequences associated with defects in the molecular processes mentioned above and the possible molecular approaches aimed at their normalization;
· the main molecular biology techniques useful for biomedical research, molecular diagnosis, the development of advanced therapies.
In particular, the main goal of the Cell Biology lessons is to contribute to the education of a medical doctor who will know:
signaling pathways that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, transformation and finally death of an eukaryotic cell;
the main experimental models used in preclinical research to study the basic cell biology phenomena and to model specific classes of human pathologies.
The lessons of Molecular Biology, instead, will allow the future doctor to know:
· the main molecular mechanisms involved in the correct flow of genetic information and its maintenance;
· the consequences associated with defects in the molecular processes mentioned above and the possible molecular approaches aimed at their normalization;
· the main molecular biology techniques useful for biomedical research, molecular diagnosis, the development of advanced therapies.
Expected learning outcomes
Acquire a good knowledge of:
1. the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells;
2. the communication mechanisms between cells, signal transduction within cells, replication regulation, stem cell formation, cell death and neoplastic transformation;
3. the different mechanisms of receptor activation and their regulation with the aim of understanding the intracellular signaling pathways and their impact on the cell physiology;
4. the structure and function of the main cellular macromolecules;
5. the main cellular and animal models used to understand the basic cellular mechanisms and to model human pathologies;
6. the molecular basis of genetic information maintenance (replication and repair), its expression and regulation (transcription, transcription maturation, protein synthesis, epigenetics);
7. the main molecular biology techniques useful for analyzing the DNA sequence, studying gene expression, even at a global level;
8. the main techniques of genetic engineering;
9. the importance of molecular biology for the diagnosis and treatment of some human pathologies.
1. the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells;
2. the communication mechanisms between cells, signal transduction within cells, replication regulation, stem cell formation, cell death and neoplastic transformation;
3. the different mechanisms of receptor activation and their regulation with the aim of understanding the intracellular signaling pathways and their impact on the cell physiology;
4. the structure and function of the main cellular macromolecules;
5. the main cellular and animal models used to understand the basic cellular mechanisms and to model human pathologies;
6. the molecular basis of genetic information maintenance (replication and repair), its expression and regulation (transcription, transcription maturation, protein synthesis, epigenetics);
7. the main molecular biology techniques useful for analyzing the DNA sequence, studying gene expression, even at a global level;
8. the main techniques of genetic engineering;
9. the importance of molecular biology for the diagnosis and treatment of some human pathologies.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame alla fine del gruppo
Assessment result: Inserire codice AF
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Linea Policlinico
Prerequisites for admission
No specific pre-requirement is requested for the admission to the course of Biology and Genetics.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Alla fine di entrambi i moduli del corso gli studenti avranno la possibilità di sostenere una prova in itinere scritta; la votazione finale, previo superamento di entrambe le prove, sarà data dalla media aritmetica delle votazioni ottenute. Le prove consisteranno in molteplici domande a scelta multipla con 5 risposte possibili o in poche domande aperte o una miscela di entrambe; una o più risposte potranno essere esatte. Le domande verteranno sulla maggior parte degli argomenti trattati a lezione. Coloro che non avranno sostenuto o superato la prova in itinere, potranno sostenere l'esame secondo gli appelli, in cui gli studenti sosterranno una prova orale per ogni modulo dell'intero corso di Biologia e Genetica. La votazione finale sarà calcolata sulla base del peso in CFU dei singoli moduli.
Al termine del modulo di Biologia gli studenti avranno la possibilità di sostenere una prova in itinere scritta. L'esame del modulo di Genetica si svolgerà in modalità orale con domande verteranno sulla maggior parte degli argomenti trattati a lezione, la votazione finale, previo superamento della prova in itinere scritta di Biologia e dell'esame orale di Genetica, sarà data dalla media aritmetica delle votazioni ottenute. La prova di Biologia consisterà in molteplici domande a scelta multipla con 5 risposte possibili; una o più risposte potranno essere esatte. Le domande verteranno sulla maggior parte degli argomenti trattati a lezione. Coloro che non avranno sostenuto o superato entrambe la prova in itinere del modulo di Biologia, potranno sostenere l'esame secondo gli appelli. Per la verifica gli studenti sosterranno una prova orale per ogni modulo dell'intero corso di Biologia e Genetica. La votazione finale sarà calcolata sulla base del peso in CFU dei singoli moduli.
Alla fine di entrambi i moduli del corso gli studenti avranno la possibilità di sostenere una prova in itinere scritta; la votazione finale, previo superamento di entrambe le prove, sarà data dalla media aritmetica delle votazioni ottenute. Le prove consisteranno in molteplici domande a scelta multipla con 5 risposte possibili o in poche domande aperte o una miscela di entrambe; una o più risposte potranno essere esatte. Le domande verteranno sulla maggior parte degli argomenti trattati a lezione. Coloro che non avranno sostenuto o superato la prova in itinere, potranno sostenere l'esame secondo gli appelli, in cui gli studenti sosterranno una prova orale per ogni modulo dell'intero corso di Biologia e Genetica. La votazione finale sarà calcolata sulla base del peso in CFU dei singoli moduli.
Al termine del modulo di Biologia gli studenti avranno la possibilità di sostenere una prova in itinere scritta. L'esame del modulo di Genetica si svolgerà in modalità orale con domande verteranno sulla maggior parte degli argomenti trattati a lezione, la votazione finale, previo superamento della prova in itinere scritta di Biologia e dell'esame orale di Genetica, sarà data dalla media aritmetica delle votazioni ottenute. La prova di Biologia consisterà in molteplici domande a scelta multipla con 5 risposte possibili; una o più risposte potranno essere esatte. Le domande verteranno sulla maggior parte degli argomenti trattati a lezione. Coloro che non avranno sostenuto o superato entrambe la prova in itinere del modulo di Biologia, potranno sostenere l'esame secondo gli appelli. Per la verifica gli studenti sosterranno una prova orale per ogni modulo dell'intero corso di Biologia e Genetica. La votazione finale sarà calcolata sulla base del peso in CFU dei singoli moduli.
Molecular biology
Course syllabus
· Introduction to the course.
· Nucleic acids transmit the genetic information.
· Structure of nucleic acids and DNA topology.
· Protein structure.
· Methods in molecular biology: principles and applications.
· Genomic organization, chromatin and nucleosome structure.
· Transcription in prokaryotes: molecular mechanisms.
· Transcription in eukaryotes: the factors and molecular mechanisms involved.
· Examples of gene expression regulation, also considering the diverse epigenetics mechanisms.
· RNA processing and maturation.
· Protein synthesis: its protagonists and the involved molecular mechanisms.
· Main molecular mechanisms by which the genetic information can be preserved: DNA replication and repair.
· Nucleic acids transmit the genetic information.
· Structure of nucleic acids and DNA topology.
· Protein structure.
· Methods in molecular biology: principles and applications.
· Genomic organization, chromatin and nucleosome structure.
· Transcription in prokaryotes: molecular mechanisms.
· Transcription in eukaryotes: the factors and molecular mechanisms involved.
· Examples of gene expression regulation, also considering the diverse epigenetics mechanisms.
· RNA processing and maturation.
· Protein synthesis: its protagonists and the involved molecular mechanisms.
· Main molecular mechanisms by which the genetic information can be preserved: DNA replication and repair.
Teaching methods
Professors disseminate instruction througt traditional frontal teaching, non-formal teaching, and innovative teaching methods.
The module consists of frontal lectures and classroom exercises with slide shows in Power Point. In all teaching moments, students are exhorted to try to find experimental strategies useful for solving small scientific problems or to consider the possible biomedical applications deduced from the acquired knowledge.
The teaching material consisting of presentations in PDF format is made available at the end of the lesson on the Ariel platform.
Attendance of teaching is mandatory.
The module consists of frontal lectures and classroom exercises with slide shows in Power Point. In all teaching moments, students are exhorted to try to find experimental strategies useful for solving small scientific problems or to consider the possible biomedical applications deduced from the acquired knowledge.
The teaching material consisting of presentations in PDF format is made available at the end of the lesson on the Ariel platform.
Attendance of teaching is mandatory.
Teaching Resources
· L. Allison Fondamenti di Biologia molecolare. Edito da Zanichelli
· G. Capranico, E. Martegani, G. Musci, G. Raugei, T. Russo, N. Zambrano, V. Zappavigna Biologia Molecolare. Edito da EdiSES
· G. Karp Biologia cellulare e Molecolare Edises
· B. Alberts, A. Johnson, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts, P. Walter Biologia molecolare della cellula, Zanichelli
· G. Capranico, E. Martegani, G. Musci, G. Raugei, T. Russo, N. Zambrano, V. Zappavigna Biologia Molecolare. Edito da EdiSES
· G. Karp Biologia cellulare e Molecolare Edises
· B. Alberts, A. Johnson, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts, P. Walter Biologia molecolare della cellula, Zanichelli
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
· The organization of living matter and the structural framework of the cell. Structure and functions of pro- vs. eukaryotic cells. Conservation of developmental programs among different species.
· Experimental models in cell biology. Cell models and organisms for the study of biological phenomena.
· The stem cell and its relevance for studying pathogenesis of diseases. Definition of stemness. Identification of master regulators of stem cell pluripotency. The induced pluripotent stem cell.
· Signal transduction. Cell membrane structure. Nature of intercellular communication and receptors. Second messengers.
· The cell cycle. Cell cycle phases. Regulation of cell cycle by extracellular stimuli. Cell cycle checkpoints. Role and regulation of cyclins.
· Cell death. Differences between necrosis and apoptosis. Milestones in apoptosis research. Roles of apoptosis. Molecular regulation of apoptosis. Caspases. The apoptosome. Extrinsic death pathway.
· Oncogenes and cancer. Classes of oncogenes. Mechanisms of proto-oncogenes activation. Chromosomal alterations and cancer. Multiple mutations in cancer progression. Tumor suppressor genes.
· Synthesis, folding and protein traffic and degradation. The quality control of proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen. Folding enzymes and chaperons. The ubiquitin/proteasome system and autophagy.
· Experimental models in cell biology. Cell models and organisms for the study of biological phenomena.
· The stem cell and its relevance for studying pathogenesis of diseases. Definition of stemness. Identification of master regulators of stem cell pluripotency. The induced pluripotent stem cell.
· Signal transduction. Cell membrane structure. Nature of intercellular communication and receptors. Second messengers.
· The cell cycle. Cell cycle phases. Regulation of cell cycle by extracellular stimuli. Cell cycle checkpoints. Role and regulation of cyclins.
· Cell death. Differences between necrosis and apoptosis. Milestones in apoptosis research. Roles of apoptosis. Molecular regulation of apoptosis. Caspases. The apoptosome. Extrinsic death pathway.
· Oncogenes and cancer. Classes of oncogenes. Mechanisms of proto-oncogenes activation. Chromosomal alterations and cancer. Multiple mutations in cancer progression. Tumor suppressor genes.
· Synthesis, folding and protein traffic and degradation. The quality control of proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen. Folding enzymes and chaperons. The ubiquitin/proteasome system and autophagy.
Teaching methods
Professors disseminate instruction througt traditional frontal teaching, non-formal teaching, and innovative teaching methods.
The module consists of frontal lectures and classroom exercises with slide shows in Power Point. In all teaching moments, students are exhorted to try to find experimental strategies useful for solving small scientific problems or to consider the possible biomedical applications deduced from the acquired knowledge.
The teaching material consisting of presentations in PDF format is made available at the end of the lesson on the Ariel platform.
Attendance of teaching is mandatory.
The module consists of frontal lectures and classroom exercises with slide shows in Power Point. In all teaching moments, students are exhorted to try to find experimental strategies useful for solving small scientific problems or to consider the possible biomedical applications deduced from the acquired knowledge.
The teaching material consisting of presentations in PDF format is made available at the end of the lesson on the Ariel platform.
Attendance of teaching is mandatory.
Teaching Resources
· L. Allison Fondamenti di Biologia molecolare. Edito da Zanichelli
· G. Capranico, E. Martegani, G. Musci, G. Raugei, T. Russo, N. Zambrano, V. Zappavigna Biologia Molecolare. Edito da EdiSES
· G. Karp Biologia cellulare e Molecolare Edises
· B. Alberts, A. Johnson, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts, P. Walter Biologia molecolare della cellula, Zanichelli
· G. Capranico, E. Martegani, G. Musci, G. Raugei, T. Russo, N. Zambrano, V. Zappavigna Biologia Molecolare. Edito da EdiSES
· G. Karp Biologia cellulare e Molecolare Edises
· B. Alberts, A. Johnson, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts, P. Walter Biologia molecolare della cellula, Zanichelli
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Francolini Maura
Francolini Maura
Molecular biology
BIO/11 - MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 36 hours
: 12 hours
: 12 hours
Frasca Angelisa, Landsberger Nicoletta
Linea San Donato
Prerequisites for admission
No specific pre-requirement is requested for the admission to the course of Biology and Genetics.
Molecular biology
Course syllabus
· Introduction to the course.
· Nucleic acids transmit the genetic information.
· Structure of nucleic acids and DNA topology.
· Protein structure.
· Methods in molecular biology: principles and applications.
· Genomic organization, chromatin and nucleosome structure.
· Transcription in prokaryotes: molecular mechanisms.
· Transcription in eukaryotes: the factors and molecular mechanisms involved.
· Examples of gene expression regulation, also considering the diverse epigenetics mechanisms.
· RNA processing and maturation.
· Protein synthesis: its protagonists and the involved molecular mechanisms.
· Main molecular mechanisms by which the genetic information can be preserved: DNA replication and repair.
· Nucleic acids transmit the genetic information.
· Structure of nucleic acids and DNA topology.
· Protein structure.
· Methods in molecular biology: principles and applications.
· Genomic organization, chromatin and nucleosome structure.
· Transcription in prokaryotes: molecular mechanisms.
· Transcription in eukaryotes: the factors and molecular mechanisms involved.
· Examples of gene expression regulation, also considering the diverse epigenetics mechanisms.
· RNA processing and maturation.
· Protein synthesis: its protagonists and the involved molecular mechanisms.
· Main molecular mechanisms by which the genetic information can be preserved: DNA replication and repair.
Teaching methods
The module consists of frontal lectures and classroom exercises with slide shows in Power Point. In all teaching moments, students are exhorted to try to find experimental strategies useful for solving small scientific problems or to consider the possible biomedical applications deduced from the acquired knowledge.
The teaching material consisting of presentations in PDF format is made available at the end of the lesson on the Ariel platform.
Attendance of teaching is mandatory.
The teaching material consisting of presentations in PDF format is made available at the end of the lesson on the Ariel platform.
Attendance of teaching is mandatory.
Teaching Resources
Gli studenti dovranno studiare su almeno un libro di testo.
I docenti consigliano uno dei seguenti testi per disciplina (indicati in ordine casuale)
Biologia cellulare
· G. Karp Biologia cellulare e Molecolare Edises
· B. Alberts, A. Johnson, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts, P. Walter Biologia molecolare della cellula, Zanichelli
Biologia molecolare
· L. Allison Fondamenti di Biologia molecolare. Edito da Zanichelli
· G. Capranico, E. Martegani, G. Musci, G. Raugei, T. Russo, N. Zambrano, V. Zappavigna Biologia Molecolare. Edito da EdiSES
I docenti consigliano uno dei seguenti testi per disciplina (indicati in ordine casuale)
Biologia cellulare
· G. Karp Biologia cellulare e Molecolare Edises
· B. Alberts, A. Johnson, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts, P. Walter Biologia molecolare della cellula, Zanichelli
Biologia molecolare
· L. Allison Fondamenti di Biologia molecolare. Edito da Zanichelli
· G. Capranico, E. Martegani, G. Musci, G. Raugei, T. Russo, N. Zambrano, V. Zappavigna Biologia Molecolare. Edito da EdiSES
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
· The organization of living matter and the structural framework of the cell. Structure and functions of pro- vs. eukaryotic cells. Conservation of developmental programs among different species.
· Experimental models in cell biology. Cell models and organisms for the study of biological phenomena.
· The stem cell and its relevance for studying pathogenesis of diseases. Definition of stemness. Identification of master regulators of stem cell pluripotency. The induced pluripotent stem cell.
· Signal transduction. Cell membrane structure. Nature of intercellular communication and receptors. Second messengers.
· The cell cycle. Cell cycle phases. Regulation of cell cycle by extracellular stimuli. Cell cycle checkpoints. Role and regulation of cyclins.
· Cell death. Differences between necrosis and apoptosis. Milestones in apoptosis research. Roles of apoptosis. Molecular regulation of apoptosis. Caspases. The apoptosome. Extrinsic death pathway.
· Oncogenes and cancer. Classes of oncogenes. Mechanisms of proto-oncogenes activation. Chromosomal alterations and cancer. Multiple mutations in cancer progression. Tumor suppressor genes.
· Synthesis, folding and protein traffic and degradation. The quality control of proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen. Folding enzymes and chaperons. The ubiquitin/proteasome system and autophagy.
· Experimental models in cell biology. Cell models and organisms for the study of biological phenomena.
· The stem cell and its relevance for studying pathogenesis of diseases. Definition of stemness. Identification of master regulators of stem cell pluripotency. The induced pluripotent stem cell.
· Signal transduction. Cell membrane structure. Nature of intercellular communication and receptors. Second messengers.
· The cell cycle. Cell cycle phases. Regulation of cell cycle by extracellular stimuli. Cell cycle checkpoints. Role and regulation of cyclins.
· Cell death. Differences between necrosis and apoptosis. Milestones in apoptosis research. Roles of apoptosis. Molecular regulation of apoptosis. Caspases. The apoptosome. Extrinsic death pathway.
· Oncogenes and cancer. Classes of oncogenes. Mechanisms of proto-oncogenes activation. Chromosomal alterations and cancer. Multiple mutations in cancer progression. Tumor suppressor genes.
· Synthesis, folding and protein traffic and degradation. The quality control of proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen. Folding enzymes and chaperons. The ubiquitin/proteasome system and autophagy.
Teaching methods
The module consists of frontal lectures and classroom exercises with slide shows in Power Point. In all teaching moments, students are exhorted to try to find experimental strategies useful for solving small scientific problems or to consider the possible biomedical applications deduced from the acquired knowledge.
The teaching material consisting of presentations in PDF format is made available at the end of the lesson on the Ariel platform.
Attendance of teaching is mandatory.
The teaching material consisting of presentations in PDF format is made available at the end of the lesson on the Ariel platform.
Attendance of teaching is mandatory.
Teaching Resources
Gli studenti dovranno studiare su almeno un libro di testo.
I docenti consigliano uno dei seguenti testi per disciplina (indicati in ordine casuale)
Biologia cellulare
· G. Karp Biologia cellulare e Molecolare Edises
· B. Alberts, A. Johnson, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts, P. Walter Biologia molecolare della cellula, Zanichelli
Biologia molecolare
· L. Allison Fondamenti di Biologia molecolare. Edito da Zanichelli
· G. Capranico, E. Martegani, G. Musci, G. Raugei, T. Russo, N. Zambrano, V. Zappavigna Biologia Molecolare. Edito da EdiSES
I docenti consigliano uno dei seguenti testi per disciplina (indicati in ordine casuale)
Biologia cellulare
· G. Karp Biologia cellulare e Molecolare Edises
· B. Alberts, A. Johnson, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts, P. Walter Biologia molecolare della cellula, Zanichelli
Biologia molecolare
· L. Allison Fondamenti di Biologia molecolare. Edito da Zanichelli
· G. Capranico, E. Martegani, G. Musci, G. Raugei, T. Russo, N. Zambrano, V. Zappavigna Biologia Molecolare. Edito da EdiSES
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Grassi Fabio Maria
Grassi Fabio Maria
Molecular biology
BIO/11 - MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 36 hours
: 12 hours
: 12 hours
Santaguida Stefano
Santaguida StefanoProfessor(s)
Please contact [email protected] to schedule a meeting
Via Fratelli Cervi 93 Segrate Milano Dept. Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine
By appointment