
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
1. Know the basics of cell biology and the main molecular mechanisms responsible for the structure, replication and expression of the genome.
2. Know the processes and methods of transmission of hereditary characters.
Expected learning outcomes
1. The student, at the end of the course, have to know the living matter, cell biology and must be able to understand the structure and the relative function existing for each component or cellular compartment.
2. He/she will have to know the genetic basis of heredity and the main mutational mechanisms, involved in the generation of phenotypic diversity.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
General characteristics of living organisms.
Cell theory. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure.
Evolution of the cell: from the prokaryotic cell to the eukaryote, from the monocellular organism to the multicellular one. Evidence for evolution and the main evolutionary theories.
Structure and function of eukaryotic cellular compartments
Biological membranes: the plasma membrane, the nuclear envelope. Organelles delimited by membranes: nucleus, nucleolus, smooth and wrinkled endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, secretion vescicole, endocytosis vescicole, lysosomes, peroxisomes. Semi-autonomous organelles: mitochondria and chloroplasts.
The cytoskeleton and cellular movements
The microtubules and their structure. Microtubule-mediated cellular movements: dynein and kinesin. Ciliary or flagellar movements. Microfilaments: structure and organization. Interaction between microfilaments and extracellular matrix. Cell movements mediated by microfilaments. The amoeboid movement. Intermediate filaments, classification and structure.

Structural organization of eukaryotic chromosomes
Histones and non-histone proteins, the nucleistonic strand: compaction levels. Chromosome and chromatin structure. Eucromatin, facultative and constitutive heterochromatin. Eukaryotic genome organization.
The properties of genetic material
DNA as the genetic information. Griffith's experiments, Avery, Hershey. Structure and function of nucleic acids. DNA structure: Watson and Crick model. Chemical-physical properties of DNA. DNA replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
DNA duplication
Mechanisms and enzymes. Damage and DNA repair mechanisms.
Gene transcription and maturation of RNAs.
Transcription phases and mechanisms in bacteria and eukaryotes. Maturation of mRNA: capping, splicing and polyadenylation.
Genetic code and its properties.
The translation apparatus: tRNA and ribosomes. Translation phases. Post-translational modifications.
Mutation and polymorphism. Spontaneous and induced mutations, germline and somatic mutations; mosaicism; Gene mutations: mutations due to substitution, insertion or deletion of nucleotides. Phenotypic effects.
Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes
Concept of operon. Catabolic and anabolic operons.
Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes
Transcriptional, post-transcriptional and tradutional regulation.
Cell cycle
The phases of the cell cycle, and control.

Cellular and organism reproduction
Asexual, sexual reproduction and its evolutionary importance. Cell division, mitosis and meiosis.

Mendelian genetics
Genotype and phenotype. Main differences between mitosis and meiosis.

Mendel's laws
Extension of the Mendelian analysis. Interaction between alleles: incomplete dominance, codominance, lethal alleles and multiple alleles. Penetrance and expressiveness. Crossing over and recombination. Independent genes and associated genes. Chromosomal bases of inheritance. Determination of sex. Inactivation of the X chromosome.

Family trees
Construction and analysis of genealogical trees. Generality of autosomal dominant and recessive transmissions, X linked dominant and recessive, mitochondrial inheritance.
Normal and pathological human karyotype
Morphology and classification of human chromosomes; karyotype analysis. Chromosomal abnormalities (number) and their causes, polyploidy, aneuploidy and mixoploidy. Types of chromosomal abnormalities of structure, causes and consequences.
Genetic Engineering
Basic concepts of recombinant DNA technology, restriction enzymes, plasmids, recombinant DNA production, cloning.
Prerequisites for admission
Minimum knowledge of the basics of biology.
Teaching methods
Method of delivery of the teaching course: frontal lessons (35) supported by visual means (power point).
Teaching Resources
Elementi di Biologia e genetica David Sadava, David M. Hillis, H. Craig Heller, May R. Berenbaum. Zanichelli.
Elementi di Biologia Cellulare P.J. Russell - P.E. Hertz - B. McMillan
Fondamenti di Biologia Eldra P. Solomon, Linda R. Berg, Diana W. Martin
Principi di Genetica D. P. Snustad - M. J. Simmons
Elementi di Genetica S.L. Wolfe - P.J. Russell - P.E. Hertz - C. Starr - B. McMillan
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment methods and criteria:

The verification of the learning takes place through the final exam that verifies the acquisition of the expected knowledge through a written test lasting two hours, based on open answers for a total of 16 questions. Each question will be given a score based on the relevance and level of difficulty. The exam is considered passed if the student has acquired a minimum score of 18/30 in the test.
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 7
Lessons: 70 hours
Professor: Doneda Luigia