Workshop: Web Tv and Web Radio
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The workshop aims to train students to design, produce and publish video and audio files in the context of a journalistic digital site. It therefore corresponds to the training objectives of the Course of Studies, which aims to provide specific professional skills.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will learn how to define a body of video and audio files consistent with a specific headline, to respect the ways and times of realization, to shoot a video, to record an audio, to mount video and audio and to insert them into a site. In addition, they would work within the environment of historical investigation into TV and radio and then acquire the necessary knowledge for the use of video and sound archives. Some of the final products, passing consideration, will be published online.
Lesson period: Second semester
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The laboratory aims to train students to conceive, produce and publish videos and audio files in the context of a journalistic information site. Students will be provided with the tools to deal professionally with the various components of a journalistic audiovisual production, from voice to shooting techniques. It therefore responds to the educational objectives of the CdS, which intends to provide specific professionalizing skills.
Prerequisites for admission
Students are required: excellent knowledge of Italian and English, willingness to try the exercises that will be proposed, availability of a smartphone and earphones-microphones in the classroom.
Teaching methods
The laboratory will follow three teaching approaches. Guests in the classroom to train students in the talk show format and interviews, analysis of the proposed audio, video and photographic material and exercises in the classroom, with video viewing and field tests.
Teaching Resources
Students will be gradually indicated the podcasts, reports and web TV broadcasts to analyse. Movies on the subject will also be suggested.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exercises will be analyzed and evaluated from time to time, immediately after completion.