Training Job-Support

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to build a bridge between university education and the dynamics and needs of the job's world. It is based on the centrality of the student and has the objective of developing and refining the skills and awareness in their abilities in order to offer themselves adequately and with the appropriate tools to the world of work, in line with company expectations.
The course offers an interactive teaching methodology and includes numerous individual and group practical exercises and the support of external testimonies. The lecturers come, in part, from the job's world and consultancy in the field of human resources.
Expected learning outcomes
The objectives of the course are:
- acquisition of knowledge on the functioning of selection processes in the company (individual and group), of the people involved and of the main tools used (curriculum vitae, selection interview, announcements, etc.);
- acquisition of knowledge relating to the student's soft skills in the context of job search,
- acquisition of knowledge on effective communication in the selection context;
- acquisition of knowledge on how to set up a personal action plan for job search;
- acquisition of knowledge on some employment prospects of the course with the support of professionals from the job's world.
The proposed objectives include the use of numerous individual and group acivities, such as group assessment simulations and individual interviews, public speaches, etc.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course is divided in 4 days:
- Day 1: Active job search. How to prepare an effective curriculum vitae, the cover letter and discover the job research channels.
- Day 2: The selection interview. How to arrange a face-to-face interview, a video interview and a group interview. How to enhance personal skills and prepare effective communication during the selection and the interview phase.
- Day 3: Role playing. Personal effectiveness and individual action plan in the job research.
- Day 4: Round table with professionals. Meeting with professionals graduated in SSCTA, career prospects and job opportunities.
Prerequisites for admission
Not required
Teaching methods
The course offers an interactive teaching methodology and includes numerous individual and group practical exercises and the support of external testimonies. The lecturers come, in part, from the job's world and consultancy in the field of human resources.
Teaching Resources
Slides available during the lessons (more information will be provided at the beginning of the course)
Assessment methods and Criteria
Method: written test (single).
Type of exam: multiple choice test.
Duration of the exam: 1 hour.
Results are expressed out of thirty. The outcome of the exam is communicated to the student the same day of the test.
BIO/14 - PHARMACOLOGY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 32 hours
Professor: Galbiati Valentina