Tecniche di comunicazione e psicoterapiche

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
M-PSI/08 MED/25 MED/48
Learning objectives
To know the main paradigms and the theories founding the psychotherapeutic intentions;
To know the different types of orientation of psychotherapeutic interventions;
Know the theoretical principles and applications related to non-verbal communication;
Know the theoretical principles and applications related to assertive communication;
Know the fundamentals of group intervention with psychiatric patients.
Expected learning outcomes
Demonstrate knowledge of the objectives and applications of psychotherapeutic interventions of various orientations within the rehabilitation project;
Have acquired an adequate knowledge of the principles relating to non-verbal communication and know how to make a correct observation in the relationship with the patient;
Have acquired an adequate knowledge of the principles relating to assertive communication and to know how to properly implement it in the relationship with the patient;
Have acquired an adequate knowledge of the principles of group intervention and know how to apply them correctly in the design of rehabilitation interventions.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of an oral test aimed at assessing the student's knowledge of the different topics covered
Course syllabus
The biopsychosocial model in medicine. The importance of the psychotherapeutic dimension in medicine and the relevance of psychotherapy training in medicine. Some concepts of Io psychology including defence mechanisms. Therapeutic relationship and alliance work. Factors promoting and disturbing the therapeutic relationship. The personality of the therapist as a factor of outcome. Clinical experiences and clinical cases.

- Methodologic-theorical basis of medical psychotherapy
- The concept of "health"
- Motivation to change, acquisition of health behavior models
- Biopsychosocial Model: approach definition and clinical application
- Effects of behavior and thought on emotional management
- Mind-Body connection: psychopathological and therapeutic implications
- Effects of psychiatric disorders/ traumas/ psychological problems on the central nervous system (CNS)
- Functional anatomy changes of the CNS in psychology and psychiatry
- Effects of psychiatric disorders/ traumas/ psychological problems on the autonomic nervous system (ANS)
- Disturbed balance of ANS: clinical implications
- Functional anatomy effects on CNS of some principal "evidence- based" psychotherapies
- "Medical-biological" implications of psychopathologies and psychotherapies (recent research)

Theoretical principles of group therapy:
-Group concept
-terminology, definitions, objectives and typologies of the different therapeutic groups
- Theoretical-methodological basis of group psychotherapy; Bion
-Specific therapeutic factors common to all forms of group therapy
-Inclusion and exclusion criteria for group psychotherapy
- Johari's window
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Slides and papers.
Slide e articoli.
La materia del transfert. Sandro Rodighiero, Alpes eds 2010;
La relazione terapeutica. Loriedo Santilli, FrancoAngeli eds 2000, ed ristampa 2016.
La Barbera, Lo Verso: Medicina e Psicoterapia. Aupes Ed., 2016
Lingiardi: Alleanza terapeutica. Raffaello Cortina Eds.

Medical psychotherapy:
Quaderni del Ministero; n.25, ottobre 2015

Self-Efficacy in Changing Societies. Bandura, Albert, Watts, Richard E. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 10, 4, DOI: 10.1891/0889-8391.10.4.313

Engel, G. (1980). The clinical application of the biopsychosocial model. American Journal of Psychiatry (137), pp. 535-544

World Health Organization (2013). Guidelines for the management of conditions that are specifically related to stress. Geneva, WHO.

Articles suggested in class,

Theoretical principles of group psychotherapy:
Claudio Neri, Gruppo, 2017, Raffaello Cortina editore
Irvin D. Yalom,Molyn Leszcz, Teoria e pratica della psicoterapia di gruppo, 2009, Ed. Bollati Boringhieri
Aceti, T., Liverano, A., Il valore della terapia di gruppo nella società liquida di Bauman. Atti del convegno "La psicoterapia nel villaggio globale", Roma 9-11 novembre 2012, http://www.convegno-fiap2012.it/index.php?page=convegno
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative
Course syllabus
Communication techniques (NVC)
-Theory and technique of nonverbal communication emotion: from neurophysiology to psychopathology
-Meaning, Neurophysiology and Clinic of Empathy
-Mental image in experimental psychology and psychotherapy
-Clinical applications of CNV training technique
Assertive Training in Psychiatry:
-Concept of assertiveness and discrimination between aggressive/passive and assertive behaviors;
-basic assertive skills;
-rehabilitation applications.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Communication techniques (NVC):
Baron Cohen, S. La scienza del male. L'empatia e le origini della crudeltà, Cortina, Milano.
Galimberti, U., Il libro delle emozioni, Feltrinelli, Milano 2021
Psicologia clinica
Course syllabus
Cognitive-behavioral Psychoterapy:
-Theoretical models of CBT
-Key features of CBT
-Dialectical Behavior Therapy
-Multimodal Behavior Therapy
-Behavioral Activation
-Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Family and systemic psychotherapy:
- The theoretical assumptions of the theory of cybernetic systems
- The five axioms of communication
- The use of Hypothesizing
-The three guidelines for conducting the session
- Symmetry and complementarity
- The circular interview
- The use of circular questions and linear questions
- Neutrality in therapy
- The Family genogram
- Systemic management in family therapy
Teaching methods
Lectures, work-group.
Teaching Resources
Cognitive-behavioral Psychoterapy:
Slides; scientific papers
Family and systemic psychotherapy:
Slides, scientific articles.
Family therapy video.
Hypothesizing, circularity, neutrality: three directives for conducting the session.
M.Selvini Palazzoli, L.Boscolo,G.Cecchin,G. Practice. Milan, 2012, Family Therapy pp.211-225
MED/25 - PSYCHIATRY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Psicologia clinica
M-PSI/08 - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative
Lessons: 20 hours
Professors: Amato Luisa, Magnotti Roberta
by appointment to be agreed via e-mail
Hall 60 Ospedale L. Sacco via G..B. Grassi, 74 Milano