Teaching Workshop: Visual Geography Laboratory

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
- Acquisition of the fundamental principles of visual qualitative research

- Introduction to the main technical and methodological tools of visual research, photography and ethnographic observation applied to geography

- Realization of a visual research in an urban context
Expected learning outcomes
Students must show an ability to master the different skills learned during the laboratory in the context of the realization, individually or collectively, of a visual research in an urban context of geographical interest
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The Laboratory aims to provide students with basic methodological tools of qualitative visual research in urban and periurban contexts:
- Primary hand data collection: ethnographic method, participant observation, photographic and filmic observation, unstructured and in-depth interviews, focus group;
- Second hand data collection such as archive images, family albums, diaries, private and public archives;
- Cataloguing and archiving data;
- Data analysis and processing; key findings dissemination; (possibly) editing of the collected audio-visual footage.

Students are reminded that during the course of the Laboratory it will be necessary to register through the SIFA to access the 3 CFU.
Prerequisites for admission
The Laboratory is open to students of the Laurea Triennale (Undergraduation) in Human Sciences of the Environment, Territory and Landscape, and to the students of the Laurea Magistrale (Master degree) in Analisi, pianificazione e gestione sostenibile del territorio.
Teaching methods
Lectures, case studies, study visits
Teaching Resources
Recommended bibliography:

E. Bignante, 2011, Geografia e ricerca visuale, Laterza.
L. Pisano, 2017, Nuove Geografie del suono: spazi e territori nell'epoca post-digitale, Meltemi.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Each student will be assessed according to the methodological rigor that he/she will apply in his/her fieldwork. At the end of the course, each student will have to return an audio-visual product.
- University credits: 3
Humanities workshops: 20 hours