Teaching Workshop: Philosophy Workshop in the Prison of Opera 2
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
Il laboratorio intende offrire un'introduzione al pensiero politico delle donne attraverso le analisi proposte in tre testi che sono diventati dei classici: il Dell'uguaglianza degli uomini e delle donne di Marie de Gournay, L'emancipazione delle donne di Harriet Taylor e Il contratto sessuale di Carole Pateman. Tali testi verranno esaminati in dialogo con coloro che parteciperanno agli incontri all'interno del carcere. Il metodo didattico privilegiato sarà quello del dibattito e del lavoro di gruppo sia per favorire la capacità di selezionare, organizzare e divulgarele informazioni ricevute ei contenuti appresi sia per sviluppare una riflessione critica più consapevole sulla questione di genere.
Expected learning outcomes
The workshop aims to develop the following skills:
Critical thinking skills:
By the end of the workshop, students will display a sufficiently independent critical approach in selecting and interpreting the notions that are most relevant their area of study and to the broader socio-cultural context in which they operate
Communication skills:
By the end of the workshop:
- students will be able to effectively communicate the acquired knowledge and disseminate it to the general public;
- student will have developed basic IT skills concerning knowledge preservation and transfer.
Learning skills:
By the end of the workshop, students will have developed the learning skills required to continue their studies in keeping with their own research interests. In order to meet this objective, students will also develop relevant skills in the independent interpretation of sources and in the use of basic IT tool for bibliographic research.
Critical thinking skills:
By the end of the workshop, students will display a sufficiently independent critical approach in selecting and interpreting the notions that are most relevant their area of study and to the broader socio-cultural context in which they operate
Communication skills:
By the end of the workshop:
- students will be able to effectively communicate the acquired knowledge and disseminate it to the general public;
- student will have developed basic IT skills concerning knowledge preservation and transfer.
Learning skills:
By the end of the workshop, students will have developed the learning skills required to continue their studies in keeping with their own research interests. In order to meet this objective, students will also develop relevant skills in the independent interpretation of sources and in the use of basic IT tool for bibliographic research.
Lesson period: First semester
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course of the meetings includes a series of introductory lectures devoted to the way in which the theme of world harmony has been treated throughout the history of thought, and then to make the theme a subject of discussion. It is also planned that the theme will be declined in different disciplinary areas.
The lessons will be held on Tuesdays, from 10 a.m. to noon, starting Oct. 10.
The lessons will be held on Tuesdays, from 10 a.m. to noon, starting Oct. 10.
Prerequisites for admission
Specific preliminary notions are not required
Teaching methods
Lectures and debates. All meetings require the active involvement of students.
Teaching Resources
Reference materials will be provided in photocopies to the students from time to time, for use during meetings with the inmates
Assessment methods and Criteria
In order to obtain the 3 cfu for the workshop, students are required to actively participate in the proposed activities (debates, discussions, group work).
Attendance is compulsory
Attendance is compulsory
Laboratorio Professionalizzante
- University credits: 2
Humanities workshops: 20 hours
Simonetta Stefano
Ricerca Bibliografica e redazione di un testo scientifico filosofico
- University credits: 1
Humanities workshops: 16 hours
Educational website(s)
every Monday, from 10 am to 1 pm
Department of Philosophy, first floor