Sustainable Innovation of Animal Nutrition
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The educational objective of the course is to provide knowledge of strategies aimed at maximizing resource use efficiency (water, soil, lower carbon footprint ..) and minimization of GHG emissions (eg CH4) in the livestock sector in different scenarios ( organic / conventional, extensive / intensive breeding).
Expected learning outcomes
The student will acquire knowledge about the fundamental principles underlying the modern management of animal nutrition and the requirements of animal welfare. The student will develop competences for the evaluation of sustainable feeding strategies in different scenarios and to provide optimal solutions in the field of sustainable animal productions.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
- Present and future demand for food of animal origin and livestock production systems (3 h)
- Concepts of health and welfare of farmed animals, quality and safety of products of animal origin, land use and land-use change (3 h).
- Animal nutrition, digestion, assimilation and metabolisation of nutrients in the main livestock species (4 h)
- Feed mainly used in the rationing of zootechnical species (3 hours)
- Feed additives to improve performance, animal welfare and sustainability of animal production (3 hours)
- Role of nutrition in improving animal welfare and disease prevention (3 hours)
- Contribution of animal husbandry and nutritional choices to CO2 emissions (2 h)
- Contribution of animal husbandry and nutritional choices to the emission of nitrogen and methane (4 h)
- Animal husbandry and water resources management (1 h)
- Evaluation of the impact of animal husbandry on climate and environmental change through the analysis of the main environmental indicators (4 h)
- Control of the environmental impact of polygastric animals (dairy and meat cattle) (3 h)
- Control of the environmental impact of monogastric animals (pig, poultry) (2 h)
- Environmental impact and sustainability of aquaculture ( 1 hour)
- Evaluation of rearing techniques and nutritional strategies to mitigate the environmental impact of livestock for a sustainable evolution of the agricultural sector (4 h)
- The sustainability of animal diets in the development of sustainable livestock production (4 h)
- Actions of governments and international organizations and how to use sources such as European regulations and FAO documents (4 h)
- Concepts of health and welfare of farmed animals, quality and safety of products of animal origin, land use and land-use change (3 h).
- Animal nutrition, digestion, assimilation and metabolisation of nutrients in the main livestock species (4 h)
- Feed mainly used in the rationing of zootechnical species (3 hours)
- Feed additives to improve performance, animal welfare and sustainability of animal production (3 hours)
- Role of nutrition in improving animal welfare and disease prevention (3 hours)
- Contribution of animal husbandry and nutritional choices to CO2 emissions (2 h)
- Contribution of animal husbandry and nutritional choices to the emission of nitrogen and methane (4 h)
- Animal husbandry and water resources management (1 h)
- Evaluation of the impact of animal husbandry on climate and environmental change through the analysis of the main environmental indicators (4 h)
- Control of the environmental impact of polygastric animals (dairy and meat cattle) (3 h)
- Control of the environmental impact of monogastric animals (pig, poultry) (2 h)
- Environmental impact and sustainability of aquaculture ( 1 hour)
- Evaluation of rearing techniques and nutritional strategies to mitigate the environmental impact of livestock for a sustainable evolution of the agricultural sector (4 h)
- The sustainability of animal diets in the development of sustainable livestock production (4 h)
- Actions of governments and international organizations and how to use sources such as European regulations and FAO documents (4 h)
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites are required.
Teaching methods
The lessons will be available on ARIEL
Teaching Resources
Slides and documents presented during lessons (available on ARIEL)
Assessment methods and Criteria
- Case study evaluation: the case study is related to the in-depth study of the topics covered in the course
- The exam is written, with 20 multiple choice questions
- The exam is written, with 20 multiple choice questions
AGR/18 - ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEEDING - University credits: 6
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Tedesco Doriana Eurosia Angela
Educational website(s)