Spanish Iii

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is aimed at strengthening the acquisition of the sociolinguistic competence regarding the diaphasic and contact varieties of the Spanish language, and to develop an adequate metalinguistic reflection. The skills related to the comprehension and production of texts oriented to personal narration (biographical interview and linguistic biography) and to the comprehension and production of different oral genres. The course has a theoretical / descriptive character and uses different research tools (analysis of the discourse, pragmatics and sociolinguistics).
At the same time, the acquisition of the grammatical and syntactical structures of the Spanish language will be promoted until reaching the C1 level of the European Framework, which provides for the domain of oral and written communication in a wide range of specialized topics (politics, economics, social sciences and tourism).
Expected learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to provide students with the key concepts of linguistic variation, the basic lexicon to express them, as well as skills of critical analysis of the Spanish language through discourse analysis, pragmatics and sociolinguistics tools.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
Part 1: "Bilingualism and languages in contact" (20 hours, I sem.).
The course aims to address the main problems related to bilingualism and social factors influencing language learning. It will be studied, in particular, the situations of contact between Italian and Spanish, and the diffusion of Spanish in the United States. In addition, texts oriented towards personal narrative (life stories and linguistic biography) will be analysed.

Part 2: "Aspects of oral Spanish" (40 hours, II sem.)
Some morphosyntactic, lexical and pragmatic traits in different oral discursive genres will be analyzed.

The course includes exercise languege lessons (60 hours, I and II semester). The exercise language lessons are intended to consolidate and expand the grammatical structures acquired in previous years (with particular attention to the use of verbal periphrases and discourse markers), and to strengthen oral practice. At the end of the course, the student will have to reach a competence not inferior to level C1 of the European Framework, which provides the domain of oral and written communication in a wide range of subjects.
Prerequisites for admission
Having passed and registered the examen of Spanish Language II
Teaching methods
Lectures and language excercise lessons, group works
Teaching Resources
Part 1:
Materials published in the Plataforma de español (
Dossier "Bilingüismo y lenguas en contacto" with study materials available at the University Library. Who can not go to the library can request it by sending an email to [email protected] or calling
Part 2:
Materials published in the Plataforma de español (
Dossier "Aspectos de la oralidad en español a.a. 22-23" with study materials available at the University Library. Who can not go to the library can request it by sending an email to [email protected] or calling
BRIZ, A., El español coloquial: situación y uso, Madrid, Arco/Libros, 1996.

For the exercise language lessons
BLANCO CANALES, A., FERNÁNDEZ LÓPEZ, M. C., TORRENS ÁLVAREZ, M. J., Nuevo Sueña 4. Book of the Alumni, Anaya, Madrid, (last edition).
BLANCO CANALES, A., FERNÁNDEZ LÓPEZ, M. C., TORRENS ÁLVAREZ, M. J., Nuevo Sueña 4. Cuaderno de ejercicios, Anaya, Madrid, 2007 (last edition).
Integrations and bibliography for non-attendants
MILLARES, S., Método de español para extranjeros. Nivel Intermedio, Edinumen, 2001.
MILLARES, S., Método de español para extranjeros. Nivel Superior, Edinumen, 2001.
MARÍA LOZANO ZAHONERO, Gramática de referencia de la lengua española, Milan, Hoepli, 2011.
CAMPOS, DI VINCENZO, ODICINO, Ejercicios de gramática española para italófonos. Niveles A1-C1, UTET, segunda edición. Solutions can be found here:ática-española-para-italófonos-niveles-a1-c2-3725

Guided self-learning activities
To consolidate their linguistic knowledge, students are also required to carry out the proposed activities through the Plataforma de español (

The materials for NON-attendants students are the same as those for students attending.

Students who are not attending are requested to come at least once during the reception hours of the teachers of the individual modules.
Assessment methods and Criteria
COMPUTERIZED WRITTEN EXAM: it takes place three times a year (May, September, January) and includes the following tests:
1. Grammar proficiency test: grammar test (30 multiple-choice questions), without dictionary, test duration 25 minutes. The test is designed to ascertain knowledge of grammatical and syntactical structures.
2. Report ("Informe"): writing a text of at least 200 words max. 220 words based on the information provided by 2-3 passages in the language (about 1000 words in total), concerning the same subject area (time available 75 minutes). The monolingual dictionary can be used. The test is aimed at ascertaining comprehension and written production skills.

IMPORTANT: The test is preparatory to the Report (Informe)

ORAL EXAMINATION: it takes place six times a year and includes:
Interview on the topics of the 'official course' (part 1 and part 2), which aims to verify that the student has learned the notions of the two units, is able to express them clearly and precisely, using the correct terminology and has acquired an adequate metalinguistic reflection.
For the part 2, all students are required to bring to the exam their own text analysis.

Attending students will be able to take some of the exams during the year.

Important warnings:
-The final grade will be the result of the weighted average of all parts of the examination
- Evidence submitted to official appeals shall be valid for one calendar year.
- The validity of interim tests is specified when the results are published.
- The final vote can be minuted only after the written and oral examinations have been completed.
- The verbalization of the final vote (written + oral examen) can be made only at the oral examens, after registration.
- Please also note that those who have registered and decide not to present themselves, are kindly requested to cancel their registration to UNIMIA, by the closing date of the appeal, to allow a better organization of the exam.

No certification is recognized.
L-LIN/07 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - SPANISH - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours


Course currently not available
Lesson period
L-LIN/07 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - SPANISH - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours