Scienze biomediche e della prevenzione sanitaria

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
FIS/07 MED/01 MED/36 MED/42
Learning objectives
The learning objectives are to provide students with the scientific and cultural tools to learn about:
fundamental notions and methodology of physics, medical statistics and public health useful for identifying, understanding and interpreting biomedical phenomena;
the methodology for the study of the distribution of the events and factors related to the health and the onset of diseases in the population;
the data sources and surveillance systems;
the principles and methods of health promotion and the of primary and secondary prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases;
the epidemiological characteristics and prevention methods of infectious diseases of greatest interest to public health;
the physical basis and principles of radiobiology, the radioprotection of operators and patients, the indications and contraindications to diagnostic therapeutic procedures in Radiodiagnostics, Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student must:
be able to produce and understand the results of the main descriptive statistical analysis ;
apply notions of physics to biomedical phenomena.
be able to understand the design and to analyze the results of studies of descriptive, analytical and experimental epidemiology;
know and know how to use the main sources of mortality and natality and morbidity data;
know the main instruments of prevention of infectious diseases with particular attention to disinfection and sterilization techniques and to the use of vaccines and non-infectious diseases, in particular will have to know the main issues related to screening;
know the epidemiology and the preventive tools as well as the legislation that regulates their use in relation to the infections of greatest interest for public health;
know the effect of ionizing radiation on biological organisms, the principles and norms related to the radioprotection of Operators and Patients, the indications and contraindications of diagnostic imaging exams and the use of contrast means, the types of adverse events that can occur in the departments of Radiodiagnostics, Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
The course has no specific prerequisites other than those required for the admission to the degree course
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment of student learning will be based on written exams that consist of sections of multiple choice questions and / or exercises referring to the modules of the course and optimized for the module content and type. Each answer has a score and the test is considered passed with a score ≥ 18 in each of the sections. The final mark will be expressed in 30th, given by the average of the sections scores weighted by the CFU (university credits) of the modules. Partial exams might be planned. The results of the tests will be published on the educational website (Ariel).
Fisica applicata
Course syllabus
- Use of units of measure, conversion among them, dimensional analysis.
- Concepts of position, velocity, and acceleration; equations of motion for uniform and accelerated motion, and their cartesian representation.
- Concepts of mass and force and their relation in Newton's equations. Example of forces: Hooke's force, friction, gravitational, normal forces.
- Concepts of work, kinetic energy, and potential energy; conservative and dissipative forces; theorem of energy conservation.
- Energy in a many-body system; conversion of energy; concept of power.
- Characteristics of fluids, numerical density and mass density; concept of pressure.
- Static of fluids: Pascal's principle, Stevino's law, communicating vessels. The examples of the hydraulic press and Torricelli's pipe. Archimede's principle.
- Dynamics of fluids: density and velocity of a fluid in motion, continuity equation, mass flow rate. Bernoulli's equation.
- Temperature, thermometers, and scales of temperature.
- Gas theory: Boyle-Mariotte law, ideal gas law. Energy and work for gas expansion.
- First principle of thermodynamics, and concepts of heat and specific heat.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, and exercises at the blackboard with maximum involvement of students.
Teaching Resources
Statistica medica
Course syllabus
Basic principles of data collection and management:- Description of the main epidemiological and clinical study designs - Examples of data collection and management.- Types of variables and of measurement scalesDescriptive statistics:- Construction and reading of frequency tables- Construction and reading of the most commonly used graphs in medical statistics.- Calculation and interpretation of measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion (mean, median, centile, range, standard deviation)- Calculation and interpretation of measures of association between qualitative variables (relative risk, risk difference and odds ratio) and between quantitative variables (correlation and regression)Probability and uncertainty:- Introduction to probability calculation- Confidence intervals
Teaching methods
Lectures and guided exercises in the classroom
Teaching Resources
PowerPoint slides provided by the teacher made available on Ariel platform
To deepen:
Lantieri PB, Risso D, Ravera G (2007) Elementi di statistica medica. McGraw Hill
Fowler J, Jarvis P, Chevannes M (2006) Statistica per le professioni sanitarie. EdiSes
Course syllabus
- Physical bases, principles of radiobiology
- Radioprotection of Operators
- Radiodiagnostics: indications and contraindications to diagnostic and interventional procedures; radiation protection of patients
- Nuclear Medicine: indications and contraindications to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures; radiation protection of patients
- Radiotherapy: indications and contraindications to therapeutic procedures; radiation protection of patients.
Teaching methods
Lectures through the use of slide presentations (e.g. power point), made available to the student on the Ariel platform
Teaching Resources
Slides provided by the teacher (available on Ariel platform).
Igiene generale e applicata
Course syllabus
- Purpose and areas of interest of Hygiene
- Health and illness. Evolution of the concept of health
- Hygiene: Epidemiology, prevention and Public Health
- Determinants of health
- Disease causes and risk factors
- Natural history of communicable or non-communicable diseases
- Mode of appearance of diseases in the population
- Sources of demographic and health data
- Measure the frequency of an event (proportions, rates, incidence and prevalence)
- Other health indicators and sentinel events
- Population studies
- Distribution analysis in relation to space, time and personal variables
- Investigate the cause-effect relationship
- Analytical studies: cross-sectional (prevalence) studies, longitudinal studies (cohort and case-control studies)
- Risk assessment
- Preventive and therapeutic trials
- Prevention of the disease and health promotion: definitions and objectives
- Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
- Main primary and secondary prevention measures (notification, isolation, diagnosis, disinfection and sterilization)
- Immunoprophylaxis: types of vaccines and vaccination schedule.
- Basics of primary and secondary prevention with particular attention to the screening

- Some infectious diseases preventable with vaccines (influenza, measles, etc.)
-Emerging infections
Teaching methods
Lectures through the use of slide presentations (eg powerpoint), made available to the student on the Ariel platform
Teaching Resources
Slides provided by the teacher (available on Ariel platform).
To deepen:
Barbuti S., Fara GM, Giammanco G, AAVV. Igiene - Medicina Preventiva - Sanità Pubblica. Editore Edises 2014
Barbuti S, Fara GM, Giammanco G, Carducci A, Coniglio MA, D'Alessandro D, Montagna MT, Tanzi ML, Zotti CM. Igiene per le lauree triennali. Terza Edizione. Monduzzi Editore 2011
Fisica applicata
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Guerra Roberto
Igiene generale e applicata
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
MED/36 - IMAGING AND RADIOTHERAPY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Minorati Davide
Statistica medica
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Casazza Giovanni