Restorative Dentistry

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The main educational objectives of the course are to provide the participant with the basic notions of partial indirect restorations, both in the anterior sector and in the posterior sector, and to illustrate the guidelines to be adopted for performing an indirect restoration in fixed prosthesis.
The individual steps leading to an indirect restoration will be shown.
Particular emphasis will be given to the digital techniques of design and execution of prosthetic artefacts.
The techniques of impression imprint to be used in partial indirect restorations will be described and the different cementing techniques and treatment of prosthetic artifacts will be analyzed.
The techniques and materials that can be used in the construction of the provisionals will be illustrated.
It also aims to provide the student with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to diagnose, plan and carry out the prosthetic rehabilitation of patients who require the restoration of the integrity of the dental arches.
Expected learning outcomes
The student must be able to classify the different types of edentulism and the various compromises of the dental arches, proceed with the detection of an impression and prepare a study model, provide for the rehabilitation plan and the realization of removable partial or permanent prostheses, be they temporary or definitive.
As far as partial preparations are concerned, you will learn how to prepare the dental elements correctly, create the temporaries, choose the material and the impression technique appropriate to the different clinical situations, know the different cementation methods and assess the quality of the completed restoration.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course currently not available
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