Public Law
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The course aims to teach students the fundamentals of Italian public law (sources of law, the general workings of State, the constitutional and administrative organisation of the Republic of Italy, the legal system and citizens' rights) and to build on the core legal education offered in all degree programme curricula.
In addition to textbook study, classroom learning is central (although not mandatory) to achieving these learning objectives, as lessons offer students an essential opportunity to learn the correct methodological approach to study and the appropriate legal terminology.
In addition to textbook study, classroom learning is central (although not mandatory) to achieving these learning objectives, as lessons offer students an essential opportunity to learn the correct methodological approach to study and the appropriate legal terminology.
Expected learning outcomes
Upon completing the course, students will have a full understanding of the core public law institutions and will be able to discuss them in a strictly logical manner using accurate legal terminology. Students will be able to seamlessly continue the legal studies prescribed in the various curricula of the degree programme and to independently and cognitively analyse the Italian constitutional system (including its relationships with supranational legislation and current issues relating to political institutions).
Lesson period: First trimester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
As an indication, the course examines: the foundations of a legal order and the principles of legal reasoning; the forms of State; the international law (overall view) and the relationships between the international legal order and domestic legal order; the European integration's process and the European legal order (overall view); the system of the sources of law; the forms of government; the principles of Italian constitutional order; the Italian constitutional history; the fundamental rights; the referendum and the institutions of representative democracy; the Italian Legislative Power; the Italian President of the Republic; the Italian Executive Power; the Italian regional and local system of government; the Italian system of Public Administration; the Italian Judiciary; the Italian judicial review of legislation and Constitutional Court.
Prerequisites for admission
As a first-year, first trimester course, there are no specific prerequisites for taking the exam other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Fontal lessons (academic lectures taught in class with slides support) in the Italian language.
Attending lessons is strongly recommended.
No recording or web-streaming of the lessons is available.
Attending lessons is strongly recommended.
No recording or web-streaming of the lessons is available.
Teaching Resources
Attending students study for the exam on the notes taken by themselves during class and on the book: P. Bilancia - E. De Marco (editors), L'Ordinamento della Repubblica. Le Istituzioni e la Società, Wolters Kluver-Cedam (publisher), 4d edition, 2021, chapter V, sections III and VII of chapter IX and chapter X excluded.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination is exclusively in oral form and in the Italian language (without exceptions). It consists of three questions, usually, each of which relates to any of the topics of the program, aimed at ascertaining the student's actual achievement of the expected learning outcomes of the course. The result, expressed in thirtieths, takes into account the level of knowledge and mastery of the matter, and the ability to expose it in a logical-systematic method, with properties of technical-legal language and correctness of legal references (possibly even framing new phenomena or case studies).
Students are called to the exam according to the order in which they register for the exam.
During the exam, the student is not allowed to use texts or notes of any kind (included slides, on-line materials, or electronic files of any type).
Students are called to the exam according to the order in which they register for the exam.
During the exam, the student is not allowed to use texts or notes of any kind (included slides, on-line materials, or electronic files of any type).
Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
As an indication, the course examines: the foundations of a legal order and the principles of legal reasoning; the forms of State; the international law (overall view) and the relationships between the international legal order and domestic legal order; the European integration's process and the European legal order (overall view); the system of the sources of law; the forms of government; the principles of Italian constitutional order; the Italian constitutional history; the fundamental rights; the referendum and the institutions of representative democracy; the Italian Legislative Power; the Italian President of the Republic; the Italian Executive Power; the Italian regional and local system of government; the Italian system of Public Administration; the Italian Judiciary; the Italian judicial review of legislation and Constitutional Court.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
The teaching will take place through lectures, with the use of slides, videos and digital materials, facilitating questions and reflections for further insights. The internet site is:
Teaching Resources
First and second units:
- notes from lessons;
- manual: L'ordinamento della Repubblica. Le Istituzioni e la Società, (a cura di) P. Bilancia e E. De Marco, Cedam, Padova, IV ed., 2021.
Third units:
- notes from lessons;
- manual: L'ordinamento della Repubblica. Le Istituzioni e la Società, (a cura di) P. Bilancia e E. De Marco, III edizione, Cedam, Padova, IV ed., 2021;
- book: P. Pinto de Albuquerque, I diritti umani in una prospettiva europea. Opinioni concorrenti e dissenzienti (2011-2015), a cura e con un saggio di Davide Galliani, prefazione di P. Bilancia, Giappichelli, Torino, 2016 (at least 10 opinions).
- one of these two books:
a) Emilio Dolcini, Elvio Fassone, Davide Galliani, Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque, Andrea Pugiotto, Il diritto alla speranza. L'ergastolo nel diritto penale costituzionale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2019.
b) Emilio Dolcuni, Fabio Fiorentin, Davide Galliani, Raffaello Magi, Andrea Pugiotto. Il diritto alla speranza davanti alle corti. Ergastolo ostativo e articolo 41-bis, Giappichelli, Torino, 2020.
- notes from lessons;
- manual: L'ordinamento della Repubblica. Le Istituzioni e la Società, (a cura di) P. Bilancia e E. De Marco, Cedam, Padova, IV ed., 2021.
Third units:
- notes from lessons;
- manual: L'ordinamento della Repubblica. Le Istituzioni e la Società, (a cura di) P. Bilancia e E. De Marco, III edizione, Cedam, Padova, IV ed., 2021;
- book: P. Pinto de Albuquerque, I diritti umani in una prospettiva europea. Opinioni concorrenti e dissenzienti (2011-2015), a cura e con un saggio di Davide Galliani, prefazione di P. Bilancia, Giappichelli, Torino, 2016 (at least 10 opinions).
- one of these two books:
a) Emilio Dolcini, Elvio Fassone, Davide Galliani, Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque, Andrea Pugiotto, Il diritto alla speranza. L'ergastolo nel diritto penale costituzionale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2019.
b) Emilio Dolcuni, Fabio Fiorentin, Davide Galliani, Raffaello Magi, Andrea Pugiotto. Il diritto alla speranza davanti alle corti. Ergastolo ostativo e articolo 41-bis, Giappichelli, Torino, 2020.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam takes place in an oral test, usually three questions, each on a topic of a teaching unit, aimed at ascertaining the full knowledge of the subject and the ability to expose it with logical-systematic method and technical-legal language properties ( also to frame and describe new phenomena or case studies). In order to take the exam, therefore, the student must set up the study using a systematic interpretation of the institutes addressed during the course. The exam, in fact, requires the student to be able to handle all the subject, demonstrating that he or she has the ability to navigate public law topics.
Educational website(s)
Wednesday, h. 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Room n. 102, Building 4, 1st floor, Via Conservatorio 7, Milano or at distance on MS Teams via direct videocall