Professional Responsibility and Organization of Nursing

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
MED/42 MED/43 MED/45
Learning objectives
Learn the legal rules governing professional practice
Learn the main legislative rules governing the health organization
Acquire knowledge related to the organization of the nursing service
Learn the organizational models of nursing care
Learn and apply tools related to the organization of nursing care
Learn the concepts of quality of care and nursing risk management
Expected learning outcomes
The student will illustrate the legal rules governing professional practice.
The student will describe the professional criminal and civil nursing liability, differentiate fault from intentional wrongdoing and negligence, imprudence and unskillfulness.
The student will describe the main legislative rules that govern the organization.
The student will describe the characteristics of the organization of the nursing service.
The student will illustrate the models and organizational tools of nursing care.
The student will illustrate the methods of quality of care and nursing risk management.
The student will illustrate the deontological rules that that govern professional practice.
The student will illustrate the staff training course programme.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Sezione: Fondazione Don Gnocchi

Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and/or open questions.
The evaluation of the oral test is in thirtieth.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The World Health Organization
The rationality of the National Health Service according to D.Lgs. No 229 of June 19, 1999
The Local Health Unit Service
The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan
The Health Department
The Regional Health Service after Law No. 31 of July11, 1977
- The organizational model of the Local Health Unit in Lombardy
- The Hospital
- The national health organization: the central, regional and local levels
- The rehabilitation and residential facilities
- Hospital Organization
- The architectural evolution of hospital structures
The internal spatial organization
The classification of Pathways (traffic flow of clean corridor and dirty corridor)
The hospitalizations
The Operating area
The Emergency department
The Day Hospital
The Health management and medical directorate of facility
The Immunotransfusion service
Hospital Dialysis
The Delivery Room
Long term care facilities and nursing home
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
General information on Legal and Social Medicine and its relationship with the health care system and organization.
The legal framework of nursing professions: professional profile.
Man and law: legal capacity, civil capacity of the patient and imputability.
Forms of medico-legal activity of nursing interest: the medical record, the certificate. The compulsory health and judicial information flow: compulsory complaints, report and crime report.
General framework of criminal law and the main crimes of nursing: manslaughter, personal injury, beatings, sexual violence, criminal abortion.
The relationship between the nurse and the patient: information and consent to healthcare provision, professional secrecy.
Professional accountability, criminal and civil nursing liability.
The new laws on professional accountability and informed consent (LAW No. 24 of March 8, 2017 and LAW No. 219 of December 22, 2017).
Principles of lesivity and thanatology
Special legislation of nursing interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and human trials.
Elements of social insurance and social legal medical assistance: the main compulsory insurance (social welfare and public injury insurance). Civil invalidity and disability regulations.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
The Nursing Management: organizational structure and management function
Nurse care assistants: profiles and normative paths Criteria for nursing staff standards
Human Resources Management: Job insertion and evaluation
Integrated health care records
The tools for standardization and analysis of activities and processes (procedures, clinical pathway, work plan, activity plan, flow chart, job description)
Clinical risk management
Disciplinary responsibility for public, private employees and freelance.
The organization according to the systemic model
Nursing care organizational models: functional care, team nursing, primary care, modular nursing, case management.
Continuing medical education
Economic evaluation systems in the nursing field
Evaluation of effectiveness/efficiency of nursing care
The freelance job: analysis of the characteristics and criteria for practice, with particular reference to associated studies, cooperatives, V.A.T., various forms of insurance, welfare, taxation, health advertising and tariff plan.
The nurse's own field of activity and accountability according to regulations in force
Application of ethical standards related to professional liability, in relation to:
- The maintenance of competence and research
- Relationships with colleagues, nurse aids, other professionals and health record management
- The relationship with the organization and professional authorities; reference to the functions of the Order of Nurses;
- Two freedoms in comparison; informed and conscious consent to care interventions from people and autonomy of the nurse
- The problems of end of life and beginning of life
- Structure, functions and operating rules of the Professional Body and the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (FNOPI)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Cammelli Lorenzo
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours

Sezione: Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Mangiagalli e Regina Elena

Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and/or open questions.
The assessment of the written barrier test does NOT give rise to a grade, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is in thirtieth.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The World Health Organization
The rationality of the National Health Service according to D.Lgs. No 229 of June 19, 1999
The Local Health Unit Service
The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan
The Health Department
The Regional Health Service after Law No. 31 of July11, 1977
- The organizational model of the Local Health Unit in Lombardy
- The Hospital
- The national health organization: the central, regional and local levels
- The rehabilitation and residential facilities
- Hospital Organization
- The architectural evolution of hospital structures
The internal spatial organization
The classification of Pathways (traffic flow of clean corridor and dirty corridor)
The hospitalizations
The Operating area
The Emergency department
The Day Hospital
The Health management and medical directorate of facility
The Immunotransfusion service
Hospital Dialysis
The Delivery Room
Long term care facilities and nursing home
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
General information on Legal and Social Medicine and its relationship with the health care system and organization.
The legal framework of nursing professions: professional profile.
Man and law: legal capacity, civil capacity of the patient and imputability.
Forms of medico-legal activity of nursing interest: the medical record, the certificate. The compulsory health and judicial information flow: compulsory complaints, report and crime report.
General framework of criminal law and the main crimes of nursing: manslaughter, personal injury, beatings, sexual violence, criminal abortion.
The relationship between the nurse and the patient: information and consent to healthcare provision, professional secrecy.
Professional accountability, criminal and civil nursing liability.
The new laws on professional accountability and informed consent (LAW No. 24 of March 8, 2017 and LAW No. 219 of December 22, 2017).
Principles of lesivity and thanatology
Special legislation of nursing interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and human trials.
Elements of social insurance and social legal medical assistance: the main compulsory insurance (social welfare and public injury insurance). Civil invalidity and disability regulations.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
The Nursing Management: organizational structure and management function
Nurse care assistants: profiles and normative paths Criteria for nursing staff standards
Human Resources Management: Job insertion and evaluation
Integrated health care records
The tools for standardization and analysis of activities and processes (procedures, clinical pathway, work plan, activity plan, flow chart, job description)
Clinical risk management
Disciplinary responsibility for public, private employees and freelance.
The organization according to the systemic model
Nursing care organizational models: functional care, team nursing, primary care, modular nursing, case management.
Continuing medical education
Economic evaluation systems in the nursing field
Evaluation of effectiveness/efficiency of nursing care
The freelance job: analysis of the characteristics and criteria for practice, with particular reference to associated studies, cooperatives, V.A.T., various forms of insurance, welfare, taxation, health advertising and tariff plan.
The nurse's own field of activity and accountability according to regulations in force
Application of ethical standards related to professional liability, in relation to:
- The maintenance of competence and research
- Relationships with colleagues, nurse aids, other professionals and health record management
- The relationship with the organization and professional authorities; reference to the functions of the Order of Nurses;
- Two freedoms in comparison; informed and conscious consent to care interventions from people and autonomy of the nurse
- The problems of end of life and beginning of life
- Structure, functions and operating rules of the Professional Body and the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (FNOPI)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Battistini Alessio
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Castaldi Silvana
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours

Sezione: IRCCS Policlinico San Donato

Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and/or open questions.
The assessment of the written barrier test does NOT give rise to a grade, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is in thirtieth.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The World Health Organization
The rationality of the National Health Service according to D.Lgs. No 229 of June 19, 1999
The Local Health Unit Service
The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan
The Health Department
The Regional Health Service after Law No. 31 of July11, 1977
- The organizational model of the Local Health Unit in Lombardy
- The Hospital
- The national health organization: the central, regional and local levels
- The rehabilitation and residential facilities
- Hospital Organization
- The architectural evolution of hospital structures
The internal spatial organization
The classification of Pathways (traffic flow of clean corridor and dirty corridor)
The hospitalizations
The Operating area
The Emergency department
The Day Hospital
The Health management and medical directorate of facility
The Immunotransfusion service
Hospital Dialysis
The Delivery Room
Long term care facilities and nursing home
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
General information on Legal and Social Medicine and its relationship with the health care system and organization.
The legal framework of nursing professions: professional profile.
Man and law: legal capacity, civil capacity of the patient and imputability.
Forms of medico-legal activity of nursing interest: the medical record, the certificate. The compulsory health and judicial information flow: compulsory complaints, report and crime report.
General framework of criminal law and the main crimes of nursing: manslaughter, personal injury, beatings, sexual violence, criminal abortion.
The relationship between the nurse and the patient: information and consent to healthcare provision, professional secrecy.
Professional accountability, criminal and civil nursing liability.
The new laws on professional accountability and informed consent (LAW No. 24 of March 8, 2017 and LAW No. 219 of December 22, 2017).
Principles of thanatology
Special legislation of nursing interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs, voluntary interruption of pregnancy.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
The Nursing Management: organizational structure and management function
Nurse care assistants: profiles and normative paths Criteria for nursing staff standards
Human Resources Management: Job insertion and evaluation
Integrated health care records
The tools for standardization and analysis of activities and processes (procedures, clinical pathway, work plan, activity plan, flow chart, job description)
Clinical risk management
Disciplinary responsibility for public, private employees and freelance.
The organization according to the systemic model
Nursing care organizational models: functional care, team nursing, primary care, modular nursing, case management.
Continuing medical education
Economic evaluation systems in the nursing field
Evaluation of effectiveness/efficiency of nursing care
The freelance job: analysis of the characteristics and criteria for practice, with particular reference to associated studies, cooperatives, V.A.T., various forms of insurance, welfare, taxation, health advertising and tariff plan.
The nurse's own field of activity and accountability according to regulations in force
Application of ethical standards related to professional liability, in relation to:
- The maintenance of competence and research
- Relationships with colleagues, nurse aids, other professionals and health record management
- The relationship with the organization and professional authorities; reference to the functions of the Order of Nurses;
- Two freedoms in comparison; informed and conscious consent to care interventions from people and autonomy of the nurse
- The problems of end of life and beginning of life
- Structure, functions and operating rules of the Professional Body and the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (FNOPI)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Battistini Alessio
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Castaldi Silvana
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours

Sezione: Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori

Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and/or open questions.
The assessment of the written barrier test does NOT give rise to a grade, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is in thirtieth.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The World Health Organization
The rationality of the National Health Service according to D.Lgs. No 229 of June 19, 1999
The Local Health Unit Service
The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan
The Health Department
The Regional Health Service after Law No. 31 of July11, 1977
- The organizational model of the Local Health Unit in Lombardy
- The Hospital
- The national health organization: the central, regional and local levels
- The rehabilitation and residential facilities
- Hospital Organization
- The architectural evolution of hospital structures
The internal spatial organization
The classification of Pathways (traffic flow of clean corridor and dirty corridor)
The hospitalizations
The Operating area
The Emergency department
The Day Hospital
The Health management and medical directorate of facility
The Immunotransfusion service
Hospital Dialysis
The Delivery Room
Long term care facilities and nursing home
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
General information on Legal and Social Medicine and its relationship with the health care system and organization.
The legal framework of nursing professions: professional profile.
Man and law: legal capacity, civil capacity of the patient and imputability.
Forms of medico-legal activity of nursing interest: the medical record, the certificate. The compulsory health and judicial information flow: compulsory complaints, report and crime report.
General framework of criminal law and the main crimes of nursing: manslaughter, personal injury, beatings, sexual violence, criminal abortion.
The relationship between the nurse and the patient: information and consent to healthcare provision, professional secrecy.
Professional accountability, criminal and civil nursing liability.
The new laws on professional accountability and informed consent (LAW No. 24 of March 8, 2017 and LAW No. 219 of December 22, 2017).
Principles of lesivity and thanatology
Special legislation of nursing interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and human trials.
Elements of social insurance and social legal medical assistance: the main compulsory insurance (social welfare and public injury insurance). Civil invalidity and disability regulations.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
The Nursing Management: organizational structure and management function
Nurse care assistants: profiles and normative paths Criteria for nursing staff standards
Human Resources Management: Job insertion and evaluation
Integrated health care records
The tools for standardization and analysis of activities and processes (procedures, clinical pathway, work plan, activity plan, flow chart, job description)
Clinical risk management
Disciplinary responsibility for public, private employees and freelance.
The organization according to the systemic model
Nursing care organizational models: functional care, team nursing, primary care, modular nursing, case management.
Continuing medical education
Economic evaluation systems in the nursing field
Evaluation of effectiveness/efficiency of nursing care
The freelance job: analysis of the characteristics and criteria for practice, with particular reference to associated studies, cooperatives, V.A.T., various forms of insurance, welfare, taxation, health advertising and tariff plan.
The nurse's own field of activity and accountability according to regulations in force
Application of ethical standards related to professional liability, in relation to:
- The maintenance of competence and research
- Relationships with colleagues, nurse aids, other professionals and health record management
- The relationship with the organization and professional authorities; reference to the functions of the Order of Nurses;
- Two freedoms in comparison; informed and conscious consent to care interventions from people and autonomy of the nurse
- The problems of end of life and beginning of life
- Structure, functions and operating rules of the Professional Body and the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (FNOPI)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Battistini Alessio
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Gianfredi Vincenza
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours

Sezione: Istituto Oncologico Europeo

Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and/or open questions.
The assessment of the written barrier test does NOT give rise to a grade, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is in thirties.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The World Health Organization
The rationality of the National Health Service according to D.Lgs. No 229 of June 19, 1999
The Local Health Unit Service
The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan
The Health Department
The Regional Health Service after Law No. 31 of July11, 1977
- The organizational model of the Local Health Unit in Lombardy
- The Hospital
- The national health organization: the central, regional and local levels
- The rehabilitation and residential facilities
- Hospital Organization
- The architectural evolution of hospital structures
The internal spatial organization
The classification of Pathways (traffic flow of clean corridor and dirty corridor)
The hospitalizations
The Operating area
The Emergency department
The Day Hospital
The Health management and medical directorate of facility
The Immunotransfusion service
Hospital Dialysis
The Delivery Room
Long term care facilities and nursing home
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
General information on Legal and Social Medicine and its relationship with the health care system and organization.
The legal framework of nursing professions: professional profile.
Man and law: legal capacity, civil capacity of the patient and imputability.
Forms of medico-legal activity of nursing interest: the medical record, the certificate. The compulsory health and judicial information flow: compulsory complaints, report and crime report.
General framework of criminal law and the main crimes of nursing: manslaughter, personal injury, beatings, sexual violence, criminal abortion.
The relationship between the nurse and the patient: information and consent to healthcare provision, professional secrecy.
Professional accountability, criminal and civil nursing liability.
The new laws on professional accountability and informed consent (LAW No. 24 of March 8, 2017 and LAW No. 219 of December 22, 2017).
Principles of lesivity and thanatology
Special legislation of nursing interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and human trials.
Elements of social insurance and social legal medical assistance: the main compulsory insurance (social welfare and public injury insurance). Civil invalidity and disability regulations.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and exercises.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
The Nursing Management: organizational structure and management function
Nurse care assistants: profiles and normative paths Criteria for nursing staff standards
Human Resources Management: Job insertion and evaluation
Integrated health care records
The tools for standardization and analysis of activities and processes (procedures, clinical pathway, work plan, activity plan, flow chart, job description)
Clinical risk management
Disciplinary responsibility for public, private employees and freelance.
The organization according to the systemic model
Nursing care organizational models: functional care, team nursing, primary care, modular nursing, case management.
Continuing medical education
Economic evaluation systems in the nursing field
Evaluation of effectiveness/efficiency of nursing care
The freelance job: analysis of the characteristics and criteria for practice, with particular reference to associated studies, cooperatives, V.A.T., various forms of insurance, welfare, taxation, health advertising and tariff plan.
The nurse's own field of activity and accountability according to regulations in force
Application of ethical standards related to professional liability, in relation to:
- The maintenance of competence and research
- Relationships with colleagues, nurse aids, other professionals and health record management
- The relationship with the organization and professional authorities; reference to the functions of the Order of Nurses;
- Two freedoms in comparison; informed and conscious consent to care interventions from people and autonomy of the nurse
- The problems of end of life and beginning of life
- Structure, functions and operating rules of the Professional Body and the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (FNOPI)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Gianfredi Vincenza
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours

Sezione: Ospedale di circolo di RHO

Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The World Health Organization
The rationality of the National Health Service according to D.Lgs. No 229 of June 19, 1999
The Local Health Unit Service
The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan
The Health Department
The Regional Health Service after Law No. 31 of July11, 1977
- The organizational model of the Local Health Unit in Lombardy
- The Hospital
- The national health organization: the central, regional and local levels
- The rehabilitation and residential facilities
- Hospital Organization
- The architectural evolution of hospital structures
The internal spatial organization
The classification of Pathways (traffic flow of clean corridor and dirty corridor)
The hospitalizations
The Operating area
The Emergency department
The Day Hospital
The Health management and medical directorate of facility
The Immunotransfusion service
Hospital Dialysis
The Delivery Room
Long term care facilities and nursing home
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
General information on Legal and Social Medicine and its relationship with the health care system and organization.
The legal framework of nursing professions: professional profile.
Man and law: legal capacity, civil capacity of the patient and imputability.
Forms of medico-legal activity of nursing interest: the medical record, the certificate. The compulsory health and judicial information flow: compulsory complaints, report and crime report.
General framework of criminal law and the main crimes of nursing: manslaughter, personal injury, beatings, sexual violence, criminal abortion.
The relationship between the nurse and the patient: information and consent to healthcare provision, professional secrecy.
Professional accountability, criminal and civil nursing liability.
The new laws on professional accountability and informed consent (LAW No. 24 of March 8, 2017 and LAW No. 219 of December 22, 2017).
Principles of lesivity and thanatology
Special legislation of nursing interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and human trials.
Elements of social insurance and social legal medical assistance: the main compulsory insurance (social welfare and public injury insurance). Civil invalidity and disability regulations.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
The Nursing Management: organizational structure and management function
Nurse care assistants: profiles and normative paths Criteria for nursing staff standards
Human Resources Management: Job insertion and evaluation
Integrated health care records
The tools for standardization and analysis of activities and processes (procedures, clinical pathway, work plan, activity plan, flow chart, job description)
Clinical risk management
Disciplinary responsibility for public, private employees and freelance.
The organization according to the systemic model
Nursing care organizational models: functional care, team nursing, primary care, modular nursing, case management.
Continuing medical education
Economic evaluation systems in the nursing field
Evaluation of effectiveness/efficiency of nursing care
The freelance job: analysis of the characteristics and criteria for practice, with particular reference to associated studies, cooperatives, V.A.T., various forms of insurance, welfare, taxation, health advertising and tariff plan.
The nurse's own field of activity and accountability according to regulations in force
Application of ethical standards related to professional liability, in relation to:
- The maintenance of competence and research
- Relationships with colleagues, nurse aids, other professionals and health record management
- The relationship with the organization and professional authorities; reference to the functions of the Order of Nurses;
- Two freedoms in comparison; informed and conscious consent to care interventions from people and autonomy of the nurse
- The problems of end of life and beginning of life
- Structure, functions and operating rules of the Professional Body and the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (FNOPI)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Trapani Martino
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours
Professor: Alberti Annalisa

Sezione: Ospedale di Crema

Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Terzi Marco
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours

Sezione: Ospedale di Magenta

Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and/or open questions.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The World Health Organization
The rationality of the National Health Service according to D.lgs. No 229 of June 19, 1999
The Local Health Unit Service
The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan
The Health Department
The Regional Health Service after Law No. 31 of July11, 1977
The organizational model of the Local Health Unit in Lombardy
The Hospital
The national health organization: the central, regional and local levels
The rehabilitation and residential facilities
Hospital Organization
The architectural evolution of hospital structures
The internal spatial organization
The classification of Pathways (traffic flow of clean corridor and dirty corridor)
The hospitalizations
The Operating area
The Emergency department
The Day Hospital
The Health management and medical directorate of facility
The Immunotransfusion service
Hospital Dialysis
The Delivery Room
Long term care facilities and nursing home
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico. Nuova ed. Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
General information on Legal and Social Medicine and its relationship with the health care system and organization.
The legal framework of nursing professions: professional profile.
Man and law: legal capacity, civil capacity of the patient and imputability.
Forms of medico-legal activity of nursing interest: the medical record, the certificate. The compulsory health and judicial information flow: compulsory complaints, report and crime report.
General framework of criminal law and the main crimes of nursing: manslaughter, personal injury, beatings, sexual violence, criminal abortion.
The relationship between the nurse and the patient: information and consent to healthcare provision, professional secrecy.
Professional accountability, criminal and civil nursing liability.
The new laws on professional accountability and informed consent (LAW No. 24 of March 8, 2017 and LAW No. 219 of December 22, 2017).
Principles of lesivity and thanatology
Special legislation of nursing interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and human trials.
Elements of social insurance and social legal medical assistance: the main compulsory insurance (social welfare and public injury insurance). Civil invalidity and disability regulations.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico. Nuova ed. Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
The Nursing Management: organizational structure and management function
Nurse care assistants: profiles and normative paths Criteria for nursing staff standards
Human Resources Management: Job insertion and evaluation
Integrated health care records
The tools for standardization and analysis of activities and processes (procedures, clinical pathway, work plan, activity plan, flow chart, job description)
Clinical risk management
Disciplinary responsibility for public, private employees and freelance.
The organization according to the systemic model
Nursing care organizational models: functional care, team nursing, primary care, modular nursing, case management.
Continuing medical education
Economic evaluation systems in the nursing field
Evaluation of effectiveness/efficiency of nursing care

The freelance job: analysis of the characteristics and criteria for practice, with particular reference to associated studies, cooperatives, V.A.T., various forms of insurance, welfare, taxation, health advertising and tariff plan.
The nurse's own field of activity and accountability according to regulations in force
Application of ethical standards related to professional liability, in relation to:
- The maintenance of competence and research
- Relationships with colleagues, nurse aids, other professionals and health record management
- The relationship with the organization and professional authorities; reference to the functions of the Order of Nurses;
- Two freedoms in comparison; informed and conscious consent to care interventions from people and autonomy of the nurse
- The problems of end of life and beginning of life
Structure, functions and operating rules of the Professional Body and the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (FNOPI)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico. Nuova ed. Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Castaldo Domenico
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Basile Clelia
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours

Sezione: Ospedale Fatebenefratelli

Course syllabus
The syllabus is shared with the following courses:
- [D64-1](
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Battistini Alessio
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Castaldi Silvana
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours

Sezione: Ospedale Luigi Sacco

Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and/or open questions.
The evaluation of the oral test is in thirtieth.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The World Health Organization
The rationality of the National Health Service according to D.Lgs. No 229 of June 19, 1999
The Local Health Unit Service
The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan
The Health Department
The Regional Health Service after Law No. 31 of July11, 1977
- The organizational model of the Local Health Unit in Lombardy
- The Hospital
- The national health organization: the central, regional and local levels
- The rehabilitation and residential facilities
- Hospital Organization
- The architectural evolution of hospital structures
The internal spatial organization
The classification of Pathways (traffic flow of clean corridor and dirty corridor)
The hospitalizations
The Operating area
The Emergency department
The Day Hospital
The Health management and medical directorate of facility
The Immunotransfusion service
Hospital Dialysis
The Delivery Room
Long term care facilities and nursing home
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
General information on Legal and Social Medicine and its relationship with the health care system and organization.
The legal framework of nursing professions: professional profile.
Man and law: legal capacity, civil capacity of the patient and imputability.
Forms of medico-legal activity of nursing interest: the medical record, the certificate. The compulsory health and judicial information flow: compulsory complaints, report and crime report.
General framework of criminal law and the main crimes of nursing: manslaughter, personal injury, beatings, sexual violence, criminal abortion.
The relationship between the nurse and the patient: information and consent to healthcare provision, professional secrecy.
Professional accountability, criminal and civil nursing liability.
The new laws on professional accountability and informed consent (LAW No. 24 of March 8, 2017 and LAW No. 219 of December 22, 2017).
Principles of lesivity and thanatology
Special legislation of nursing interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and human trials.
Elements of social insurance and social legal medical assistance: the main compulsory insurance (social welfare and public injury insurance). Civil invalidity and disability regulations.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
The Nursing Management: organizational structure and management function
Nurse care assistants: profiles and normative paths Criteria for nursing staff standards
Human Resources Management: Job insertion and evaluation
Integrated health care records
The tools for standardization and analysis of activities and processes (procedures, clinical pathway, work plan, activity plan, flow chart, job description)
Clinical risk management
Disciplinary responsibility for public, private employees and freelance.
The organization according to the systemic model
Nursing care organizational models: functional care, team nursing, primary care, modular nursing, case management.
Continuing medical education
Economic evaluation systems in the nursing field
Evaluation of effectiveness/efficiency of nursing care
The freelance job: analysis of the characteristics and criteria for practice, with particular reference to associated studies, cooperatives, V.A.T., various forms of insurance, welfare, taxation, health advertising and tariff plan.
The nurse's own field of activity and accountability according to regulations in force
Application of ethical standards related to professional liability, in relation to:
- The maintenance of competence and research
- Relationships with colleagues, nurse aids, other professionals and health record management
- The relationship with the organization and professional authorities; reference to the functions of the Order of Nurses;
- Two freedoms in comparison; informed and conscious consent to care interventions from people and autonomy of the nurse
- The problems of end of life and beginning of life
- Structure, functions and operating rules of the Professional Body and the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (FNOPI)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Castaldi Silvana
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours

Sezione: Ospedale Maggiore di Lodi

Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and/or open questions.
The evaluation of the oral test is in thirtieth.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The World Health Organization
The rationality of the National Health Service according to D.Lgs. No 229 of June 19, 1999
The Local Health Unit Service
The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan
The Health Department
The Regional Health Service after Law No. 31 of July11, 1977
- The organizational model of the Local Health Unit in Lombardy
- The Hospital
- The national health organization: the central, regional and local levels
- The rehabilitation and residential facilities
- Hospital Organization
- The architectural evolution of hospital structures
The internal spatial organization
The classification of Pathways (traffic flow of clean corridor and dirty corridor)
The hospitalizations
The Operating area
The Emergency department
The Day Hospital
The Health management and medical directorate of facility
The Immunotransfusion service
Hospital Dialysis
The Delivery Room
Long term care facilities and nursing home
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
General information on Legal and Social Medicine and its relationship with the health care system and organization.
The legal framework of nursing professions: professional profile.
Man and law: legal capacity, civil capacity of the patient and imputability.
Forms of medico-legal activity of nursing interest: the medical record, the certificate. The compulsory health and judicial information flow: compulsory complaints, report and crime report.
General framework of criminal law and the main crimes of nursing: manslaughter, personal injury, beatings, sexual violence, criminal abortion.
The relationship between the nurse and the patient: information and consent to healthcare provision, professional secrecy.
Professional accountability, criminal and civil nursing liability.
The new laws on professional accountability and informed consent (LAW No. 24 of March 8, 2017 and LAW No. 219 of December 22, 2017).
Principles of lesivity and thanatology
Special legislation of nursing interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and human trials.
Elements of social insurance and social legal medical assistance: the main compulsory insurance (social welfare and public injury insurance). Civil invalidity and disability regulations.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
The Nursing Management: organizational structure and management function
Nurse care assistants: profiles and normative paths Criteria for nursing staff standards
Human Resources Management: Job insertion and evaluation
Integrated health care records
The tools for standardization and analysis of activities and processes (procedures, clinical pathway, work plan, activity plan, flow chart, job description)
Clinical risk management
Disciplinary responsibility for public, private employees and freelance.
The organization according to the systemic model
Nursing care organizational models: functional care, team nursing, primary care, modular nursing, case management.
Continuing medical education
Economic evaluation systems in the nursing field
Evaluation of effectiveness/efficiency of nursing care
The freelance job: analysis of the characteristics and criteria for practice, with particular reference to associated studies, cooperatives, V.A.T., various forms of insurance, welfare, taxation, health advertising and tariff plan.
The nurse's own field of activity and accountability according to regulations in force
Application of ethical standards related to professional liability, in relation to:
- The maintenance of competence and research
- Relationships with colleagues, nurse aids, other professionals and health record management
- The relationship with the organization and professional authorities; reference to the functions of the Order of Nurses;
- Two freedoms in comparison; informed and conscious consent to care interventions from people and autonomy of the nurse
- The problems of end of life and beginning of life
- Structure, functions and operating rules of the Professional Body and the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (FNOPI)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours

Sezione: Ospedale Niguarda Ca Granda

Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and/or open questions.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The World Health Organization
The rationality of the National Health Service according to D.Lgs. No 229 of June 19, 1999
The Local Health Unit Service
The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan
The Health Department
The Regional Health Service after Law No. 31 of July11, 1977
- The organizational model of the Local Health Unit in Lombardy
- The Hospital
- The national health organization: the central, regional and local levels
- The rehabilitation and residential facilities
- Hospital Organization
- The architectural evolution of hospital structures
The internal spatial organization
The classification of Pathways (traffic flow of clean corridor and dirty corridor)
The hospitalizations
The Operating area
The Emergency department
The Day Hospital
The Health management and medical directorate of facility
The Immunotransfusion service
Hospital Dialysis
The Delivery Room
Long term care facilities and nursing home
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
General information on Legal and Social Medicine and its relationship with the health care system and organization.
The legal framework of nursing professions: professional profile.
Man and law: legal capacity, civil capacity of the patient and imputability.
Forms of medico-legal activity of nursing interest: the medical record, the certificate. The compulsory health and judicial information flow: compulsory complaints, report and crime report.
General framework of criminal law and the main crimes of nursing: manslaughter, personal injury, beatings, sexual violence, criminal abortion.
The relationship between the nurse and the patient: information and consent to healthcare provision, professional secrecy.
Professional accountability, criminal and civil nursing liability.
The new laws on professional accountability and informed consent (LAW No. 24 of March 8, 2017 and LAW No. 219 of December 22, 2017).
Principles of lesivity and thanatology
Special legislation of nursing interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and human trials.
Elements of social insurance and social legal medical assistance: the main compulsory insurance (social welfare and public injury insurance). Civil invalidity and disability regulations.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
The Nursing Management: organizational structure and management function
Nurse care assistants: profiles and normative paths Criteria for nursing staff standards
Human Resources Management: Job insertion and evaluation
Integrated health care records
The tools for standardization and analysis of activities and processes (procedures, clinical pathway, work plan, activity plan, flow chart, job description)
Clinical risk management
Disciplinary responsibility for public, private employees and freelance.
The organization according to the systemic model
Nursing care organizational models: functional care, team nursing, primary care, modular nursing, case management.
Continuing medical education
Economic evaluation systems in the nursing field
Evaluation of effectiveness/efficiency of nursing care
The freelance job: analysis of the characteristics and criteria for practice, with particular reference to associated studies, cooperatives, V.A.T., various forms of insurance, welfare, taxation, health advertising and tariff plan.
The nurse's own field of activity and accountability according to regulations in force
Application of ethical standards related to professional liability, in relation to:
- The maintenance of competence and research
- Relationships with colleagues, nurse aids, other professionals and health record management
- The relationship with the organization and professional authorities; reference to the functions of the Order of Nurses;
- Two freedoms in comparison; informed and conscious consent to care interventions from people and autonomy of the nurse
- The problems of end of life and beginning of life
- Structure, functions and operating rules of the Professional Body and the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (FNOPI)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Battistini Alessio
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Castaldi Silvana
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours

Sezione: Ospedale San Carlo

Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and/or open questions.
The evaluation of the oral test is in thirtieth.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The World Health Organization
The rationality of the National Health Service according to D.Lgs. No 229 of June 19, 1999
The Local Health Unit Service
The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan
The Health Department
The Regional Health Service after Law No. 31 of July11, 1977
- The organizational model of the Local Health Unit in Lombardy
- The Hospital
- The national health organization: the central, regional and local levels
- The rehabilitation and residential facilities
- Hospital Organization
- The architectural evolution of hospital structures
The internal spatial organization
The classification of Pathways (traffic flow of clean corridor and dirty corridor)
The hospitalizations
The Operating area
The Emergency department
The Day Hospital
The Health management and medical directorate of facility
The Immunotransfusion service
Hospital Dialysis
The Delivery Room
Long term care facilities and nursing home
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
General information on Legal and Social Medicine and its relationship with the health care system and organization.
The legal framework of nursing professions: professional profile.
Man and law: legal capacity, civil capacity of the patient and imputability.
Forms of medico-legal activity of nursing interest: the medical record, the certificate. The compulsory health and judicial information flow: compulsory complaints, report and crime report.
General framework of criminal law and the main crimes of nursing: manslaughter, personal injury, beatings, sexual violence, criminal abortion.
The relationship between the nurse and the patient: information and consent to healthcare provision, professional secrecy.
Professional accountability, criminal and civil nursing liability.
The new laws on professional accountability and informed consent (LAW No. 24 of March 8, 2017 and LAW No. 219 of December 22, 2017).
Principles of lesivity and thanatology
Special legislation of nursing interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and human trials.
Elements of social insurance and social legal medical assistance: the main compulsory insurance (social welfare and public injury insurance). Civil invalidity and disability regulations.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
The Nursing Management: organizational structure and management function
Nurse care assistants: profiles and normative paths Criteria for nursing staff standards
Human Resources Management: Job insertion and evaluation
Integrated health care records
The tools for standardization and analysis of activities and processes (procedures, clinical pathway, work plan, activity plan, flow chart, job description)
Clinical risk management
Disciplinary responsibility for public, private employees and freelance.
The organization according to the systemic model
Nursing care organizational models: functional care, team nursing, primary care, modular nursing, case management.
Continuing medical education
Economic evaluation systems in the nursing field
Evaluation of effectiveness/efficiency of nursing care
The freelance job: analysis of the characteristics and criteria for practice, with particular reference to associated studies, cooperatives, V.A.T., various forms of insurance, welfare, taxation, health advertising and tariff plan.
The nurse's own field of activity and accountability according to regulations in force
Application of ethical standards related to professional liability, in relation to:
- The maintenance of competence and research
- Relationships with colleagues, nurse aids, other professionals and health record management
- The relationship with the organization and professional authorities; reference to the functions of the Order of Nurses;
- Two freedoms in comparison; informed and conscious consent to care interventions from people and autonomy of the nurse
- The problems of end of life and beginning of life
- Structure, functions and operating rules of the Professional Body and the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (FNOPI)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Gianfredi Vincenza
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours

Sezione: Ospedale San Paolo

Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment methods and criteria
The written test includes closed and/or open questions.
The assessment of the written barrier test does NOT give rise to a grade, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is in thirtieth.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The World Health Organization
The rationality of the National Health Service according to D.Lgs. No 229 of June 19, 1999
The Local Health Unit Service
The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan
The Health Department
The Regional Health Service after Law No. 31 of July11, 1977
- The organizational model of the Local Health Unit in Lombardy
- The Hospital
- The national health organization: the central, regional and local levels
- The rehabilitation and residential facilities
- Hospital Organization
- The architectural evolution of hospital structures
The internal spatial organization
The classification of Pathways (traffic flow of clean corridor and dirty corridor)
The hospitalizations
The Operating area
The Emergency department
The Day Hospital
The Health management and medical directorate of facility
The Immunotransfusion service
Hospital Dialysis
The Delivery Room
Long term care facilities and nursing home
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
General information on Legal and Social Medicine and its relationship with the health care system and organization.
The legal framework of nursing professions: professional profile.
Man and law: legal capacity, civil capacity of the patient and imputability.
Forms of medico-legal activity of nursing interest: the medical record, the certificate. The compulsory health and judicial information flow: compulsory complaints, report and crime report.
General framework of criminal law and the main crimes of nursing: manslaughter, personal injury, beatings, sexual violence, criminal abortion.
The relationship between the nurse and the patient: information and consent to healthcare provision, professional secrecy.
Professional accountability, criminal and civil nursing liability.
The new laws on professional accountability and informed consent (LAW No. 24 of March 8, 2017 and LAW No. 219 of December 22, 2017).
Principles of lesivity and thanatology
Special legislation of nursing interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and human trials.
Elements of social insurance and social legal medical assistance: the main compulsory insurance (social welfare and public injury insurance). Civil invalidity and disability regulations.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
The Nursing Management: organizational structure and management function
Nurse care assistants: profiles and normative paths Criteria for nursing staff standards
Human Resources Management: Job insertion and evaluation
Integrated health care records
The tools for standardization and analysis of activities and processes (procedures, clinical pathway, work plan, activity plan, flow chart, job description)
Clinical risk management
Disciplinary responsibility for public, private employees and freelance.
The organization according to the systemic model
Nursing care organizational models: functional care, team nursing, primary care, modular nursing, case management.
Continuing medical education
Economic evaluation systems in the nursing field
Evaluation of effectiveness/efficiency of nursing care
The freelance job: analysis of the characteristics and criteria for practice, with particular reference to associated studies, cooperatives, V.A.T., various forms of insurance, welfare, taxation, health advertising and tariff plan.
The nurse's own field of activity and accountability according to regulations in force
Application of ethical standards related to professional liability, in relation to:
- The maintenance of competence and research
- Relationships with colleagues, nurse aids, other professionals and health record management
- The relationship with the organization and professional authorities; reference to the functions of the Order of Nurses;
- Two freedoms in comparison; informed and conscious consent to care interventions from people and autonomy of the nurse
- The problems of end of life and beginning of life
- Structure, functions and operating rules of the Professional Body and the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (FNOPI)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Cattaneo Cristina
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Gianfredi Vincenza
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours

Sezione: Ospedale Uboldo di Cernusco sul Naviglio

Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and/or open questions.
The assessment of the written barrier test does NOT give rise to a grade, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is in thirtieth.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The World Health Organization
The rationality of the National Health Service according to D.Lgs. No 229 of June 19, 1999
The Local Health Unit Service
The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan
The Health Department
The Regional Health Service after Law No. 31 of July11, 1977
- The organizational model of the Local Health Unit in Lombardy
- The Hospital
- The national health organization: the central, regional and local levels
- The rehabilitation and residential facilities
- Hospital Organization
- The architectural evolution of hospital structures
The internal spatial organization
The classification of Pathways (traffic flow of clean corridor and dirty corridor)
The hospitalizations
The Operating area
The Emergency department
The Day Hospital
The Health management and medical directorate of facility
The Immunotransfusion service
Hospital Dialysis
The Delivery Room
Long term care facilities and nursing home
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus

General information on Legal and Social Medicine and its relationship with the health care system and organization.
The legal framework of nursing professions: professional profile.
Man and law: legal capacity, civil capacity of the patient and imputability.
Forms of medico-legal activity of nursing interest: the medical record, the certificate. The compulsory health and judicial information flow: compulsory complaints, report and crime report.
General framework of criminal law and the main crimes of nursing: manslaughter, personal injury, beatings, sexual violence, criminal abortion.
The relationship between the nurse and the patient: information and consent to healthcare provision, professional secrecy.
Professional accountability, criminal and civil nursing liability.
The new laws on professional accountability and informed consent (LAW No. 24 of March 8, 2017 and LAW No. 219 of December 22, 2017).
Principles of lesivity and thanatology
Special legislation of nursing interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and human trials.
Elements of social insurance and social legal medical assistance: the main compulsory insurance (social welfare and public injury insurance). Civil invalidity and disability regulations.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
The Nursing Management: organizational structure and management function
Nurse care assistants: profiles and normative paths Criteria for nursing staff standards
Human Resources Management: Job insertion and evaluation
Integrated health care records
The tools for standardization and analysis of activities and processes (procedures, clinical pathway, work plan, activity plan, flow chart, job description)
Clinical risk management
Disciplinary responsibility for public, private employees and freelance.
The organization according to the systemic model
Nursing care organizational models: functional care, team nursing, primary care, modular nursing, case management.
Continuing medical education
Economic evaluation systems in the nursing field
Evaluation of effectiveness/efficiency of nursing care
The freelance job: analysis of the characteristics and criteria for practice, with particular reference to associated studies, cooperatives, V.A.T., various forms of insurance, welfare, taxation, health advertising and tariff plan.
The nurse's own field of activity and accountability according to regulations in force
Application of ethical standards related to professional liability, in relation to:
- The maintenance of competence and research
- Relationships with colleagues, nurse aids, other professionals and health record management
- The relationship with the organization and professional authorities; reference to the functions of the Order of Nurses;
- Two freedoms in comparison; informed and conscious consent to care interventions from people and autonomy of the nurse
- The problems of end of life and beginning of life
- Structure, functions and operating rules of the Professional Body and the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (FNOPI)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Colucci Domenico
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Terragni Fabio
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours

Sezione: San Giuseppe

Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and/or open questions.
The assessment of the written barrier test does NOT give rise to a grade, but only to admission to the oral test.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is in thirtieth.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
The World Health Organization
The rationality of the National Health Service according to D.Lgs. No 229 of June 19, 1999
The Local Health Unit Service
The National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan
The Health Department
The Regional Health Service after Law No. 31 of July11, 1977
- The organizational model of the Local Health Unit in Lombardy
- The Hospital
- The national health organization: the central, regional and local levels
- The rehabilitation and residential facilities
- Hospital Organization
- The architectural evolution of hospital structures
The internal spatial organization
The classification of Pathways (traffic flow of clean corridor and dirty corridor)
The hospitalizations
The Operating area
The Emergency department
The Day Hospital
The Health management and medical directorate of facility
The Immunotransfusion service
Hospital Dialysis
The Delivery Room
Long term care facilities and nursing home
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità.sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
General information on Legal and Social Medicine and its relationship with the health care system and organization.
The legal framework of nursing professions: professional profile.
Man and law: legal capacity, civil capacity of the patient and imputability.
Forms of medico-legal activity of nursing interest: the medical record, the certificate. The compulsory health and judicial information flow: compulsory complaints, report and crime report.
General framework of criminal law and the main crimes of nursing: manslaughter, personal injury, beatings, sexual violence, criminal abortion.
The relationship between the nurse and the patient: information and consent to healthcare provision, professional secrecy.
Professional accountability, criminal and civil nursing liability.
The new laws on professional accountability and informed consent (LAW No. 24 of March 8, 2017 and LAW No. 219 of December 22, 2017).
Principles of lesivity and thanatology
Special legislation of nursing interest: ascertainment of death and removal of organs, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and human trials.
Elements of social insurance and social legal medical assistance: the main compulsory insurance (social welfare and public injury insurance). Civil invalidity and disability regulations.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
The Nursing Management: organizational structure and management function
Nurse care assistants: profiles and normative paths Criteria for nursing staff standards
Human Resources Management: Job insertion and evaluation
Integrated health care records
The tools for standardization and analysis of activities and processes (procedures, clinical pathway, work plan, activity plan, flow chart, job description)
Clinical risk management
Disciplinary responsibility for public, private employees and freelance.
The organization according to the systemic model
Nursing care organizational models: functional care, team nursing, primary care, modular nursing, case management.
Continuing medical education
Economic evaluation systems in the nursing field
Evaluation of effectiveness/efficiency of nursing care
The freelance job: analysis of the characteristics and criteria for practice, with particular reference to associated studies, cooperatives, V.A.T., various forms of insurance, welfare, taxation, health advertising and tariff plan.
The nurse's own field of activity and accountability according to regulations in force
Application of ethical standards related to professional liability, in relation to:
- The maintenance of competence and research
- Relationships with colleagues, nurse aids, other professionals and health record management
- The relationship with the organization and professional authorities; reference to the functions of the Order of Nurses;
- Two freedoms in comparison; informed and conscious consent to care interventions from people and autonomy of the nurse
- The problems of end of life and beginning of life
- Structure, functions and operating rules of the Professional Body and the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders (FNOPI)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Del Sordo S, Lombardo C., Responsabilità sanitaria in 100 domande dalla Legge Gelli alla legge sul consenso e sulle DAT; Milano: Maggioli Editore; 2019.
Comodo N, Maciocco G. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Manuale per le professioni sanitarie. (2ed). Roma: Carocci; 2011.
Benci L. Aspetti giuridici della Professione Infermieristica. (8ed). Milano: Mc Graw-Hill; 2019.
Destrebecq A, Ferrara P, Terzoni S. Management infermieristico; Nuova ed. - Roma: Carocci Faber; 2012.
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Battistini Alessio
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Castaldi Silvana
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 3
Lessons: 45 hours