Pollution and Environmental Safety

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The objectives of the course are to provide the student with in-depth information about the effects caused by different substances (see program) on the environment and on human health. The molecular mechanims undelying these effects will be also addressed. Furthermore, the issues related to safety and the limits beyond which a substance passes form safe to dangerous will be dealt with particular interest.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student is expected to have acquired knowledge about the dangerousness of some substances on the environment and on human health. The acquired notions will concern not only the pathologies/dysfunctions potentially caused by the exposure but also the molecular mechanisms involved. The student will develop a critical way of thinking by reading scientific manuscripts written in English and published in international journals. During the lessons, the student will report to the teacher and to the classmates about the papers read thus increasing his/her ability to communicate and transmit the acquired knowledge.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Remote delivery modes of training activities will not be available
Course syllabus
Water pollution by drugs (antipsychotics, antibiotics) and substances of abuse
Effect of endocrine disruptors (BPA) on the development of the central nervous system
Arsenic (effect of the exposure during pregnancy and in the early stages of life; water and rice pollution, air pollution)
Mercury (long-term effects on CNS development, intracellular mechanisms in response to methylmercury exposure)
Asbestos (lung diseases, mesothelioma, direct or second/third passage exposure)
Effect of lifestyles (cigarette smoke, environmental pollution, nourishment) on the epigenetic mechanisms and pathologies that can derive from it (carcinogenesis, autism)
Plastic pollution
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of toxicology is required.
Teaching methods
The lessons will last four hours each. In the first part of a lesson, the teacher will illustrate the fundamental concepts for each topic covered. Subsequently, each topic will be deepened through the analysis and discussion of scientific works, highly significant in the field, and published in international journals.
Teaching Resources
All the material (slides and supporting educational material) will be provided by the teacher and uploaded to the ariel website.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral presentation of a topic chosen among those treated. Starting from this topic the teacher will ask further questions to the student. The mark will be expressed in thirtieths.
BIO/14 - PHARMACOLOGY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 32 hours