Physics of the Atmosphere

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
FIS/06 GEO/12
Learning objectives
The course unit aims at introducing students to the most relevant topics of atmospheric physics. The goal is to provide them the conceptual bases to understand the most relevant radiative, thermodynamic and dynamic processes regulating the behavior of Earth's atmosphere. The course unit also aims at introducing students to the observation of Earth's atmosphere. This goal is addressed along all the lectures and it makes wide use of meteorological information from the WEB.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course uit, students must first understand how Earth's atmosphere is monitored and which variables are used to describe it. Students must then understand the most relevant radiative, thermodynamic and dynamic processes regulating the behavior of Earth's atmosphere. Students must finally be aware that the understanding of these processes allows setting up a system of differential equations allowing to forecast the future state of Earth's atmosphere starting from an initial observed state.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Earth's atmosphere: characteristics and composition. Foundation, evolution and current structure of the networks for meteorological observations. Meteorology charts: analysis and forecasting. Vertical profile of chemical species and physical quantities.
Thermodynamics of the atmosphere. Water vapor in the atmosphere. Ideal gas law for dry and moist air. First principle of thermodynamics applied to the atmosphere; adiabatic transformations for dry and moist air. Thermal gradient and its influence on convective motions. Evolution of the boundary layer and its influence on pollutants' dispersion. Diffusion equation. Thermodynamic nomograms.
Introduction to radiative processes: emission, diffusion, absorption. Interaction of Earth's atmosphere with the solar radiation. Long-wave radiation absorption and emission by surface and atmosphere. Radiative and energetic budgets.
Basic concepts of atmospheric fluid dynamics. Mass conservation equation with eulerian and lagrangian approach. Equation of motion in a rotating system: viscous and inertial forces, scale analysis. Reynolds number and regimes, linearity and non-linearity. Simple equilibrium configurations: inertial motion, geostrophic motion.
Gradient wind, role of pressure gradient in the evolution of baric systems. Cyclostrophic wind, Rossby Number. Isobaric and isentropic coordinates, thermal wind. Barotropicity and baroclinicity. Horizontal divergence and vertical motion (application to global circulation).
Fronts: pressure, temperature and winds across frontal surfaces. Sketch of extra-tropical cyclone structure. Examples on meteorological charts and in meteorological satellite imagery.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of classical mechanics, thermodynamics and fluid dynamics.
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures with use of multimedial material.
Exercise are done with active intervention by the students.
Teaching Resources
J.M. Wallace & P.V. Hobbs. Atmospheric Science, An introductory survey (Second Edition). Academic Press 2006.
J.R. Holton. An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology (Fourth Edition). Elsevier-Academic Press, 2004.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final test is an oral exam that aims at evaluating the acquired knowledge and at testing the ability of applying it to case studies concerning the main issues faced in the course unit. A critical approach to the studied issues will be one of the main evaluated points.
Practicals with elements of theory: 24 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Professor: Davolio Silvio
By phone or mail appointment
Via Botticelli 23, Locale 1021