Organic Chemistry

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Organic compounds are the basis for living organisms. This course will describe structure, phisico-chemical properties and reactivity of the main classes of organic compounds, with particular emphasis for those important for environment.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge of the chemical structure and reactivity of organic compounds. Use of fundamental techniques for identification, separation and purification of organic compounds.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Main Themes (credit n.1): the organic compounds: structure, isomerism, compact formula, functional groups. Intermolecular bonds in the organic compounds and their relationship with chemical-physical proprieties: volatility, solubility, etc. Alkanes and cycloalkanes: conformational analysis; chemical-physical proprieties; radical reactions; stability of radicals. Alkenes: structure, proprieties, geometric isomerism. Dienes and polyenes (short account). Addition reactions of alkenes: electrophilic and nucleophilic reagents. Radical reactions of alkenes. Alkanes and alkenes in nature: terpenes (short account). Aromatic compounds: some derivative of benzene, polycycles and heterocyclic aromatic compounds. Nomenclature and structure of aromatic compounds. Main Themes (credit n.2): alkyl halides: structure, reactivity, proprieties and ecological problems. Alcohols: structure, proprieties, acidity and redox reactions. Phenols: structure, proprieties, acidity and redox reactions. Antioxidants. Other oxygenated derivatives: quinones ethers, epoxides. Organsulphuric compounds: thiols and disulphuric derivatives. Chirality and optical activity, absolute and relative configuration. Enantiomers, diasteroisomers and racemic mixtures. Relationship between biological proprieties and optical active compounds. CFC and ozone's hole. The pesticides. Main Themes (credit n.3): aldehydes and ketones: structure, proprieties, redox and nucleophilic addition reactions. Semiacetals, acetals and hydrated derivatives of aldehydes and ketones. Some typical carbonyl addition reactions of nitrogen nucleophilic reagents. Carbohydrates: mono-, di- and polysaccharides. Monosaccharides: structure and Fisher projections, stereochemistry. Cyclic structure and mutarotation. Disaccharides and polysaccharides: proprieties and importance in biological system. Main Themes (credit n.4): carboxylic acids: proprieties and reactions. Functional derivatives of carboxylic acids: acid halides, esters, amides, anhydrides, carbamates, ureas. Reactions of nucleophilic displacements: esterifications and hydrolysis of esters and amides. Lipids: fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids. Soaps and tensioactives. Main Themes (credit n.5): amines: structure, proprieties, alkalinity. Natural compounds containing nitrogen (short account). Aminoacids and peptide bonds. Peptides and proteins. Main Themes (credit n.6): practical experiments about extraction with solvent, purification of organic compounds by distillation, crystallization and chromatographic separation.

[Program for not attending students with reference to descriptor 1 and 2]:
Main Themes (credit n.1): the organic compounds: structure, isomerism, compact formula, functional groups. Intermolecular bonds in the organic compounds and their relationship with chemical-physical proprieties: volatility, solubility, etc. Alkanes and cycloalkanes: conformational analysis; chemical-physical proprieties; radical reactions; stability of radicals. Alkenes: structure, proprieties, geometric isomerism. Dienes and polyenes (short account). Addition reactions of alkenes: electrophilic and nucleophilic reagents. Radical reactions of alkenes. Alkanes and alkenes in nature: terpenes (short account). Aromatic compounds: some derivative of benzene, polycycles and heterocyclic aromatic compounds. Nomenclature and structure of aromatic compounds. Main Themes (credit n.2): alkyl halides: structure, reactivity, proprieties and ecological problems. Alcohols: structure, proprieties, acidity and redox reactions. Phenols: structure, proprieties, acidity and redox reactions. Antioxidants. Other oxygenated derivatives: quinones ethers, epoxides. Organsulphuric compounds: thiols and disulphuric derivatives. Chirality and optical activity, absolute and relative configuration. Enantiomers, diasteroisomers and racemic mixtures. Relationship between biological proprieties and optical active compounds. CFC and ozone's hole. The pesticides. Main Themes (credit n.3): aldehydes and ketones: structure, proprieties, redox and nucleophilic addition reactions. Semiacetals, acetals and hydrated derivatives of aldehydes and ketones. Some typical carbonyl addition reactions of nitrogen nucleophilic reagents. Carbohydrates: mono-, di- and polysaccharides. Monosaccharides: structure and Fisher projections, stereochemistry. Cyclic structure and mutarotation. Disaccharides and polysaccharides: proprieties and importance in biological system. Main Themes (credit n.4): carboxylic acids: proprieties and reactions. Functional derivatives of carboxylic acids: acid halides, esters, amides, anhydrides, carbamates, ureas. Reactions of nucleophilic displacements: esterifications and hydrolysis of esters and amides. Lipids: fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids. Soaps and tensioactives. Main Themes (credit n.5): amines: structure, proprieties, alkalinity. Natural compounds containing nitrogen (short account). Aminoacids and peptide bonds. Peptides and proteins. Main Themes (credit n.6): practical experiments about extraction with solvent, purification of organic compounds by distillation, crystallization and chromatographic separation.
Prerequisites for admission
Preliminary knowledge of general and inorganic chemistry
Teaching methods
Lectures, practical laboratory exercises and classroom exercises. Pratical laboratory exercises are subject to the attendance of a safety lesson and a test. Attendance of lectures and laboratory exercises is recommended.The articulation of the themes during time will follow the program with the exception for the theoretical part related to the workshops which will be treated in advance of the practical exercises.
Teaching Resources
The slides are available on Ariel platform.On the platform you can find old exam topics and exercises.
By choise:
- A. Bassoli, G. Borgonovo, S. Mazzini e L. Scaglioni, Semi di Chimica Organica per le Scienze Agrarie e Alimentari, ISBN 978 88 3623 127 0, EdiSES (2023);
-P. Y. Bruise, Elementi di chimica organica (EdiSes); W. H. Brown, Introduzione alla Chimica Organica (EdiSes);
-W. H. Brown et al. Elementi di chimica organica (EdiSes).
Versione online personalized by the teacher: P. Y. Bruise, Elementi di chimica organica sul sito EdiSes
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test aimed at ascertaining the student's knowledge both on the theoretical aspects of the subject and on the practical aspects treated during the laboratory exercises. The exam consists of exercises and open questions (for a total of six). The duration of the test is 1 hour and 30 minutes. Correct execution involves the acquisition of 5 points for exercise / open question.
The exam will be considered passed after reporting the sufficiency (18/30).During the exam the correctness of the candidate's expression and of the chemical language will be evaluated. Furthermore, the ability to link the various topics covered in the course will be evaluated. The test covers all the topics of the course including those covered in the laboratory. Molecular models and calcilator are useful material for the exam. The result of the test will be communicated via email. During the examination, any laboratory reports will be evaluated with the possibility of an additional evaluation.
Students enrolled in an exam session and no longer wishing to support it are required to cancel the registration and eventually to notify the teacher promptly.
For DSA students
In order to take advantage of the facilities provided, you must have communicated your situation to the Unimi Disabled Office Furthermore, it is suggested to discuss with the teacher during the frequency or during the preparation of the exam in order to have useful suggestions; in any case, it is mandatory to give notice that you intend to use the compensatory / dispensatory tools with adequate advance (at least 10 days) to the teacher to agree on the examination procedures, which remain the responsibility of the same.
CHIM/06 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
Laboratories: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Borgonovo Gigliola
Educational website(s)