Organic Chemistry

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Provide the basic knowledge to deal with chemical, biochemical and professional training activities specific to the course with rigor and scientific method, through lectures and classroom exercises (unit-1) and laboratory activities (unit-2). Unit-1 Learn to classify organic compounds on the basis of the functional group that characterizes them. Know the formula and structure of organic compounds, including biomolecules such as amino acids, polysaccharides and lipids. Furthermore, by correlating the structure to the reactivity, understand the main chemical reactions that allow to transform and functionalize the organic compounds themselves. The study of all organic chemical reactions will find its maximum application in the design of multistep synthesis of more complex organic compounds. Unit-2 Deepen the topics covered through practical exercises in the laboratory. Knowledge of the main analytical techniques (extraction, distillation, acid-base separations and chromatography) to purify organic compounds from mixtures of several products.
Expected learning outcomes
Recognize, face and overcome some fundamental problems concerning Organic Chemistry.
Knowing how to write the formula, the structure of organic compounds, including biomolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and their chemical-physical properties.
Indicate through reaction schemes the main characteristic reaction mechanisms for each compound, thus correlating the molecular structure and the functional group to reactivity. Knowing how to design multistep syntheses of more complex organic molecules.
Demonstrate autonomy in mastering the program and judgment in being able to choose among the numerous reaction conditions studied the most selective ones to make the transformations take place. Show critical and judgmental skills by choosing and applying analytical methodologies (extraction, distillation, chromatography, acid-base separation) to purify organic compounds from mixtures of multiple products.
To be able to present orally all the matter in a clear and logical way.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
In case of a new emergency phase, the instructions regarding teaching proposed by the dean's decree will be followed.
Course syllabus
Organic compounds: structure, properties, functional groups; the hybridization of carbon in organic compounds, the chemical equilibrium between organic compounds
Alkanes and cycloalkanes: conformational analysis; chemical-physical properties; radical halogenation reaction.
Alkenes: structure, properties, geometric isomerism.
Alkenes: electrophilic addition reactions to the double bond according to Markovnikov and anti Markovnikov.
Aromatic compounds: structure, nomenclature, benzene and aromatic electrophilic substitutions. Halogen derivatives: structure, properties
SN1 and SN2
Alcohols: structure, properties, and reactivity
Phenols: structure, acidity, Other oxygenated derivatives: ethers,
Chirality and optical activity; absolute configuration of the stereogenic centers
Enantiomers and diastereomers; racemes.
Aldehydes and ketones: structure, properties; redox reactions and nucleophilic addition to the carbonyl.
Aldehydes and ketones: addition of Grignard's reagents.
Aldehydes and ketones: keto-enol tautomerism
Carboxylic acids: properties, acid-base reactions
Derivatives of carboxylic acids: esters, amides, anhydrides, acyl chlorides
Acyl substitution reactions: Fisher's esterification; hydrolysis of esters and amides.
Basic and acid hydrolysis of esters.
Amines: structure, properties, basicity, reactions. Imine,
Amino acids; the peptide bond. Peptides and proteins.
Sugars: structure, mutual rotation phenomenon, reduction and oxidation reactions.
Lipids: fatty acids, glycerol, triglycerides, functions and structure.
Saponification reaction.
The organic chemistry course also includes the attendance of a compulsory half-day laboratory which the student will be able to choose between the dates set by the teacher and in which a practical test will be carried out chosen from the following: extraction of lavender essential oil from lavender flowers lavender, extraction of lycopene from tomatoes, dosage of caffeine in energy drinks, preparation of soap, distillation of benzoic acid and vanillin.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge acquired in the General and Inorganic Chemistry course
Teaching methods
Mandatory Lectures, exercises and slides projection in classroom and the use of the Kahoot program on tablets or smartphones. Before each ongoing test, a simulation will be performed in the classroom through the resolution of exercises by the teacher.
Mandatory Laboratory exercises will take place between April and June. Each student will book their half-day teaching laboratory in which they will carry out one experiments.
Teaching Resources
Text book: "Semi di Chimica Organica" -EdiSES. Notes from lessons, textes and solutions of exam texts are available at
Alternatively we recommend the use of any other general chemistry text as long as it is university
Assessment methods and Criteria
During the General and Inorganic Chemistry course, two written tests are scheduled; the first will take place halfway through the course, the second, the first week after the end of the course. Only students who have passed the first test with a mark greater than or equal to 18 can access the second test. To pass the exam, both tests must be sufficient, i.e. each passed with a mark greater than or equal to 18. The final mark will consist of the mathematics average of the two marks obtained in each ongoing test. Oral interview is not carried out. The ongoing tests are not mandatory and require registration. The typology of exam tasks consists of a variable number of exercises according to the examples shown during the classroom exercises. For those who do not pass the ongoing tests and for those who decide a priori not to participate, the exam will consist of a single written test on the dates set within each exam session. The single test will consist of a variable number of exercises on the entire program. In each exam there will also be questions relating to the experiments.
carried out in the laboratory. The votes will be published on Ariel and recorded on Unimia.
CHIM/06 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
Laboratories: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Educational website(s)