Occupational Therapy Vi
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge in identifying the needs of the patient, to use tools and techniques, such as orthoses, assistive technology, prostheses and interventions that are part of occupational therapy, such as environmental adaptations and home interventions; to be able to apply this knowledge to the needs of the individual, looking into the social, motor and psychorelational aspects of the disabled person.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to
·describe specific tools and techniques, in particular assistive technologies and home environmental adaptations, which are part of occupational therapy, to be able to apply them to patients' individual, social, motor, cognitive and psychorelational needs;
· apply the concepts of ergonomics to the problems of autonomy in the activities of daily living of patients with physical and / or mental disabilities;
· conceive, design, manufacture products individually or in groups;
· analyze the activity referring also to clinical cases.
· describe the rehabilitation process in persons suffering from peripheral lesions of the upper limb;
· construct and apply orthosis for the upper limb in peripheral or central lesions;
·describe specific tools and techniques, in particular assistive technologies and home environmental adaptations, which are part of occupational therapy, to be able to apply them to patients' individual, social, motor, cognitive and psychorelational needs;
· apply the concepts of ergonomics to the problems of autonomy in the activities of daily living of patients with physical and / or mental disabilities;
· conceive, design, manufacture products individually or in groups;
· analyze the activity referring also to clinical cases.
· describe the rehabilitation process in persons suffering from peripheral lesions of the upper limb;
· construct and apply orthosis for the upper limb in peripheral or central lesions;
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
Occupational Therapy with patients in vegetative/unresponsive wakefulness and minimally conscious state
definition of vegetative/unresponsive wakefulness and minimally conscious state; learn about the main assessment tools used in clinical practice; learn about the rehabilitation process of patients in vegetative/unresponsive wakefulness and minimally conscious state in Severe Brain Injury Units; learn about the role of the rehabilitation team and the specific role of occupational therapy with persons with severe brain injuries; the importance of the environment and the use of assistive technology.
The science of occupational therapy
Establish and correctly formulate the objectives of the following evaluations: SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Related), AMPS (Assessment Motor Process Skills), ESI (Evaluation of Social Interaction)
Assistive technology and augmentative communication
The topics and methodology in the use of assistive technologies for alternative augmentative communication will be explored through theory and practice using clinical cases in adult and developmental age.
Occupational therapy intervention at home and in the community
discuss the implications of the OT services at home; to whom the services are directed; how to access the services; professionals who collaborate with OT at home; theoretical and practical concepts of OT at home: fundamental principles; the stages of the home care process; clinical cases related to patients at home, environmental assessment and job reintegration.
Principles for splinting of the upper extremity
splinting theory of the arm and hand: the anatomical and mechanical principles; the use of three types of hand orthoses; realization of three basic models of hand orthoses (laboratory).
Cooking workshop
Through group work, experiment the implicit and explicit therapeutic aspects of cooking.
Sensory aspects of cooking (theory and individual laboratory); The creation of a dish in teamwork; Analysis of the activity through lived experience.
Theoretical and practical elements on occupational therapy intervention with children with motor coordination disorder / dysgraphia / attention disorder with or without hyperactivity
Clinical reasoning, motor and cognitive prerequisites, assessment, reinforcement, intervention in the environment.
definition of vegetative/unresponsive wakefulness and minimally conscious state; learn about the main assessment tools used in clinical practice; learn about the rehabilitation process of patients in vegetative/unresponsive wakefulness and minimally conscious state in Severe Brain Injury Units; learn about the role of the rehabilitation team and the specific role of occupational therapy with persons with severe brain injuries; the importance of the environment and the use of assistive technology.
The science of occupational therapy
Establish and correctly formulate the objectives of the following evaluations: SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Related), AMPS (Assessment Motor Process Skills), ESI (Evaluation of Social Interaction)
Assistive technology and augmentative communication
The topics and methodology in the use of assistive technologies for alternative augmentative communication will be explored through theory and practice using clinical cases in adult and developmental age.
Occupational therapy intervention at home and in the community
discuss the implications of the OT services at home; to whom the services are directed; how to access the services; professionals who collaborate with OT at home; theoretical and practical concepts of OT at home: fundamental principles; the stages of the home care process; clinical cases related to patients at home, environmental assessment and job reintegration.
Principles for splinting of the upper extremity
splinting theory of the arm and hand: the anatomical and mechanical principles; the use of three types of hand orthoses; realization of three basic models of hand orthoses (laboratory).
Cooking workshop
Through group work, experiment the implicit and explicit therapeutic aspects of cooking.
Sensory aspects of cooking (theory and individual laboratory); The creation of a dish in teamwork; Analysis of the activity through lived experience.
Theoretical and practical elements on occupational therapy intervention with children with motor coordination disorder / dysgraphia / attention disorder with or without hyperactivity
Clinical reasoning, motor and cognitive prerequisites, assessment, reinforcement, intervention in the environment.
Prerequisites for admission
Be enrolled in the 3rd year of the program
Teaching methods
Case studies in developmental and adult age, group discussions, individual practical work and simulations.
Class-room taught lessons, case studies, group work in reading critically a scientific article.
Class-room taught lessons, case studies, group work in reading critically a scientific article.
Teaching Resources
Di Bartolo, S. 2001. Mano e polso, ortesi statiche e dinamiche, Edi Ermes, Milano
Cantoni M, Guida alla prescrizione delle tecnologie assistive, Helpicare, Bologna
Castellano G, Comunicazione Aumentativa Alternativa e tecnologie assistive, Helpicare, Bologna
Noemi Penna, Yuri Maritan: "L'intervento in Terapia Occupazionale: dalla storia di vita al ragionamento clinico" 2018, Franco Angeli
Julie Cunningham Piergrossi: "Essere nel fare. Introduzione alla terapia occupazionale" 2006, Franco Angeli
OMS, "ICF Classificazione Internazionale del Funzionamento della Salute e della Disabilità" 2013, Erickson Renzo Andrich, Paola Bucciarelli, Giacomo Liverani, Enrico Occhipinti, Lucia Pigini: "Disabilità e lavoro: un binomio possibile"
Dott. Pastori
COMITATO PER LA ELABORAZIONE DEL PROTOCOLLO DI MINIMA GCA 2020 . Protocollo di Minima GCA 2020 Valutazione riabilitativa di minima della persona con Grave Cerebrolesione Acquisita. Giornale Italiano di Medicina Riabilitativa, 34 (4), 10-45. https://springerhealthcare.it/mr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/3.-Protocollo-di-Minima.pdf
Lancioni GE, Olivetti Belardinelli M, Singh NN, O'Reilly MF, Sigafoos J and Alberti G (2019) Recent Technology-Aided Programs to Support Adaptive Responses, Functional Activities, and Leisure and Communication in People With Significant Disabilities. Front. Neurol. 10:643. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00643
Lancioni, Bosco, A., Belardinelli, M. O., Singh, N. N., O'Reilly, M. F., & Sigafoos, J. (2010). An overview of intervention options for promoting adaptive behavior of persons with acquired brain injury and minimally conscious state. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31(6), 1121-1134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2010.06.019
Lancioni, G., Singh, N., O'Reilly, M., Sigafoos, J., D'Amico, F., Buonocunto, F., Navarro, J., Lanzilotti, C. & Alberti, G. (2017). Diversified occupation and communication program versions for persons with acquired neurological damage and multiple disabilities. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 16(3), 259-265. https://doi.org/10.1515/ijdhd-2016-0022
Mazzucchi, A. (2011) La riabilitazione delle gravi cerebrolesioni acquisite. Percorsi sanitario-assistenziali, complessità gestionale, evidenza dei risultati. Giunti Ed
Munday R. (2005). Vegetative and minimally conscious states: how can occupational therapists help?. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 15(3-4), 503-513. https://doi.org/10.1080/09602010443000533
Weaver, J. A., Cogan, A. M., & Watters, K. (2022). Sensory Stimulation for Patients With Disorders of Consciousness Following a Traumatic Brain Injury (June 2013-October 2020). The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association, 76(Suppl 2), 7613393040. https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2022/76S2004
Weaver, J. A., Watters, K., & Cogan, A. M. (2022). Interventions Facilitating Recovery of Consciousness Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review. OTJR : occupation, participation and health, 15394492221117779. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/15394492221117779
R.Murphy, Il Silenzio del corpo, Erickson, 2017
T. Shakespeare, Disabilità e società , Erickson, 2017
Stella G., Diversi- La lunga battaglia dei disabili epr cambiare la storia, ed Solferino, 2019
Del Zanna G. ,Uomo disabilità e ambiente, Ed Segesta, 1996
ICF Classificazione Internazionale del Funzionamento della Saluta e della Disabilità, Erickson
ICF-CY Classificazione Internazionale del Funzionamento della Saluta e della Disabilità (Versione per bambini e adolescenti
AAVV, ICF e Convenzione ONU sui diritti delle persone con disabilità, Ed.Erickson
Bickenbach, Cieza, Rauch, Stucki, Core Set ICF, Giunti Edu, 2014
PerrisA. I tracciati scivolati. Quando a me non piace scrivere, Ed. Pioda Imaging, 2012
Pellegrini R, Dongilli L., Insegnare a scrivere. Pregrafismo, stampato e corsivo. Ed. Erickson, 2010
AAVV, Disortografia, disgrafia e altre difficoltà di scrittura, Ed. Erickson, 2017
Cornoldi, Disturbi e difficoltà della scrittura, Giunti Edu, 2018
Fisher, A. G. Occupational Therapy Intervention Process Model
Di Bartolo, S., 2001. Mano e polso: ortesi statiche e dinamiche, Edi Ermes, Milano
International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions, 2009, I. Soderback, Ed. Springer, capitol 11, 12, 13.
Creek, Jennifer, " Innovations in occupational therapy practice" Seminar Milano 2013.
Cunningham Piergrossi, J (2006) Essere nel fare, Introduzione alla terapia occupazionale, Capitoli 1-3.
Cantin, N (2021). L'ergothérapie en milieu scolaire. Presses de l'université du Québec
Kramer, P et al. (2020). Frames of reference for pediatric occupational therapy. Wolkers Kluwer
Frolek Clark, a cura di (2013). Best practice for occupational therapy in Schools. Aota Press
Case Smith, J. (2015). Occupational therapy for children and adolescents. Elsevier
Zoia, S. (2020). Che cos'è la disgrafia. Carocci editore
Santinelli, L. (2021). Kit MoFis: laboratorio di motricità fine e grafomotricità. Erickson
Kristeva, J e Vanier, J. (2011) Il loro sguardo buca le nostre ombre, Ed.Saggine
Cantoni M, Guida alla prescrizione delle tecnologie assistive, Helpicare, Bologna
Castellano G, Comunicazione Aumentativa Alternativa e tecnologie assistive, Helpicare, Bologna
Noemi Penna, Yuri Maritan: "L'intervento in Terapia Occupazionale: dalla storia di vita al ragionamento clinico" 2018, Franco Angeli
Julie Cunningham Piergrossi: "Essere nel fare. Introduzione alla terapia occupazionale" 2006, Franco Angeli
OMS, "ICF Classificazione Internazionale del Funzionamento della Salute e della Disabilità" 2013, Erickson Renzo Andrich, Paola Bucciarelli, Giacomo Liverani, Enrico Occhipinti, Lucia Pigini: "Disabilità e lavoro: un binomio possibile"
Dott. Pastori
COMITATO PER LA ELABORAZIONE DEL PROTOCOLLO DI MINIMA GCA 2020 . Protocollo di Minima GCA 2020 Valutazione riabilitativa di minima della persona con Grave Cerebrolesione Acquisita. Giornale Italiano di Medicina Riabilitativa, 34 (4), 10-45. https://springerhealthcare.it/mr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/3.-Protocollo-di-Minima.pdf
Lancioni GE, Olivetti Belardinelli M, Singh NN, O'Reilly MF, Sigafoos J and Alberti G (2019) Recent Technology-Aided Programs to Support Adaptive Responses, Functional Activities, and Leisure and Communication in People With Significant Disabilities. Front. Neurol. 10:643. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00643
Lancioni, Bosco, A., Belardinelli, M. O., Singh, N. N., O'Reilly, M. F., & Sigafoos, J. (2010). An overview of intervention options for promoting adaptive behavior of persons with acquired brain injury and minimally conscious state. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31(6), 1121-1134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2010.06.019
Lancioni, G., Singh, N., O'Reilly, M., Sigafoos, J., D'Amico, F., Buonocunto, F., Navarro, J., Lanzilotti, C. & Alberti, G. (2017). Diversified occupation and communication program versions for persons with acquired neurological damage and multiple disabilities. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 16(3), 259-265. https://doi.org/10.1515/ijdhd-2016-0022
Mazzucchi, A. (2011) La riabilitazione delle gravi cerebrolesioni acquisite. Percorsi sanitario-assistenziali, complessità gestionale, evidenza dei risultati. Giunti Ed
Munday R. (2005). Vegetative and minimally conscious states: how can occupational therapists help?. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 15(3-4), 503-513. https://doi.org/10.1080/09602010443000533
Weaver, J. A., Cogan, A. M., & Watters, K. (2022). Sensory Stimulation for Patients With Disorders of Consciousness Following a Traumatic Brain Injury (June 2013-October 2020). The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association, 76(Suppl 2), 7613393040. https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2022/76S2004
Weaver, J. A., Watters, K., & Cogan, A. M. (2022). Interventions Facilitating Recovery of Consciousness Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review. OTJR : occupation, participation and health, 15394492221117779. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/15394492221117779
R.Murphy, Il Silenzio del corpo, Erickson, 2017
T. Shakespeare, Disabilità e società , Erickson, 2017
Stella G., Diversi- La lunga battaglia dei disabili epr cambiare la storia, ed Solferino, 2019
Del Zanna G. ,Uomo disabilità e ambiente, Ed Segesta, 1996
ICF Classificazione Internazionale del Funzionamento della Saluta e della Disabilità, Erickson
ICF-CY Classificazione Internazionale del Funzionamento della Saluta e della Disabilità (Versione per bambini e adolescenti
AAVV, ICF e Convenzione ONU sui diritti delle persone con disabilità, Ed.Erickson
Bickenbach, Cieza, Rauch, Stucki, Core Set ICF, Giunti Edu, 2014
PerrisA. I tracciati scivolati. Quando a me non piace scrivere, Ed. Pioda Imaging, 2012
Pellegrini R, Dongilli L., Insegnare a scrivere. Pregrafismo, stampato e corsivo. Ed. Erickson, 2010
AAVV, Disortografia, disgrafia e altre difficoltà di scrittura, Ed. Erickson, 2017
Cornoldi, Disturbi e difficoltà della scrittura, Giunti Edu, 2018
Fisher, A. G. Occupational Therapy Intervention Process Model
Di Bartolo, S., 2001. Mano e polso: ortesi statiche e dinamiche, Edi Ermes, Milano
International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions, 2009, I. Soderback, Ed. Springer, capitol 11, 12, 13.
Creek, Jennifer, " Innovations in occupational therapy practice" Seminar Milano 2013.
Cunningham Piergrossi, J (2006) Essere nel fare, Introduzione alla terapia occupazionale, Capitoli 1-3.
Cantin, N (2021). L'ergothérapie en milieu scolaire. Presses de l'université du Québec
Kramer, P et al. (2020). Frames of reference for pediatric occupational therapy. Wolkers Kluwer
Frolek Clark, a cura di (2013). Best practice for occupational therapy in Schools. Aota Press
Case Smith, J. (2015). Occupational therapy for children and adolescents. Elsevier
Zoia, S. (2020). Che cos'è la disgrafia. Carocci editore
Santinelli, L. (2021). Kit MoFis: laboratorio di motricità fine e grafomotricità. Erickson
Kristeva, J e Vanier, J. (2011) Il loro sguardo buca le nostre ombre, Ed.Saggine
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written: Presentation of a video (interview and activity) of a person with neurological impairment. The student ha sto present a treatment program with and define the main treatment goals.
Practicals: 45 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Gruppo 2
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