Moot Court: Jessup

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The class builds on the classes of International Law and Advanced International Law, dealing with a judicial dispute before the International Court of Justice. The classes will have different approaches: a few lectures will be dedicated to specific topics; in many cases students will be asked to present orally their claims in a moot trial; students will correct written briefs with the professor. The aim of the class is to deepen the knowledge of public international law, to learn how to write a written brief in English, and to acquire public speaking skills.
The class will be tought in connection to the oldest moot competition for law students, the Jessup Moot Competition ( Since 2014 the Universitty of Milan participates to the Italian rounds, and in some occasions has been invited to the international rounds in Washington DC.
The competition is divided in two phases: during the first one, students will be asked to draft two legal briefs about a dispute described every year by ILSA, the Jessup organizing association, as the applicant and the respondent party. During the second phase all the Italian teams will gather (usually in February) to challenge each other in a moot trial, in English, before a panel of three jurists.
Expected learning outcomes
- Knowledge and understanding: students shall know the main legal issues concerning public international law;
- Applying knowledge and understanding: students shall be able to employ notions acquired during the class to a specific legal dispute;
- Making judgements: students shall be able to make accurate judgments on public international law, developing an advance legal research and advocacy skills;
- Communication: students shall be able to understand issues of public international law, using the appropriate terminology;
- Lifelong learning skills: students shall acquire advance legal skills, public speaking, and how to work in a team.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
In the first semester, this course will be taught in class.
Course syllabus
The class offers students the opportunity to work on complex topics in international law.
Prerequisites for admission
Students must be fluent in written and spoken English.
Teaching methods
Classes will include a variety of methods: some lectures will be dedicated to certain topics of international law or to the most important issues of the case; there will be seminars dedicated to the case; the briefs will be corrected together with the professor and with older students, who participated in previous editions; tutoring and coaching both of the single student and of the group, improving their legal advocacy skills and their ability to engage in a conversation with a panel of judges.
Teaching Resources
The bibliography will be suggested during the classes and by the professor and his assistants throughout the semester.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Participation to the class will be evaluated through engagement with the class activities and the other team members; written briefs; final oral exposition at the moot competition.
IUS/13 - INTERNATIONAL LAW - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Crema Luigi
Educational website(s)
During the second semester I receive students by appointment, e-mail luigi.crema@unimi
Office in the International and EU Law hallway, ground floor, via Festa del Perdono 7, Milano