Methods in Plant Genetics and Biotechnology

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with basic and advanced concepts on the production, use and cultivation of transgenic plants and the derived plant products of industrial interest. The educational objective of the course is also to provide students with an overview of the techniques for manipulating genomes.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will have learnt the fundamental principles underlying plant biotechnology and their application, and have the theoretical skills to identify autonomously appropriate molecular strategies that can be used to modify traits of different complexity in plants.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Currently not planned
Course syllabus
The course programme includes the presentation and discussion of the following topics:
- Introduction to plant biotechnology
- Origins of agriculture, domestication and the Green Revolution
- Plant breeding: selection, crossing, mutagenesis, the importance of biodiversity conservation
- In vitro cultures of plant cells, tissues and organs
- Genetically modified plants: differences between breeding and genetic engineering
- Transformation methods (Agrobacterium tumefaciens, in vitro transformation, shotgun)
-Design of the transgenic construct
- Methodologies used for plant transformation and transgene identification, forward genetics and reverse genetics.
- Transformation of plants of agronomic interest
- Regulation of gene expression: identification and use of constitutive, inducible, tissue- and cell-specific promoters
- Selection markers and reporters genes (use and implications)
- Gene overexpression and silencing: constructs for gene silencing (antisense RNA and interference)
- Definition of microRNAs and use of artificial microRNAs
- Genome editing techniques and their applications in plant biotechnology
Zinc Finger
- Programmes for the design of Genome Editing constructs, sequence analysis for the evaluation of mutation induction

- Transgenic plants for herbicide resistance
Roundup Ready soya
. Golden rice
. Phytic acid and mineral biofortification

Practice (8 hours)
Using Arabidopsis thaliana as model species:
1. Floral Dip technique using Agrobacterium tumefaciens to transform Arabidopsis plants;
2. Expression analysis using a GUS promoter/assay in different tissues of the plants (vegetative and reproductive tissues);
3. Sowing in plates of Arabidopsis seeds and identification of transgenic plants (phenotyping).
Prerequisites for admission
A good level of understanding of Mendelian genetics and the fundamentals of molecular genetics is recommended.
Teaching methods
Lectures and practical training in the laboratory. Active participation in the course is highly encouraged for a better understanding of the topics. A lecture on the use of simple programmes for the design of transformation constructs will be organised. During the course, some topics will be explored in depth through a seminar presented by experienced colleagues in the field. Eight hours of the course will be devoted to practical laboratory training where various techniques for analysing genetically modified organisms will be proposed.
Teaching Resources
During the course, an updated bibliography of the topics covered will be provided consisting of original publications, reviews and websites that will serve as an in-depth study of the information provided through the presentations and videos proposed during lessons.
Reference text for a general introduction to the topic: "Biotechnology and Plant Genomics" Rosa Rao and Antonietta Leone, Ed. Idelson-Gnocchi "
Protocols for the proposed techniques will be provided during the practical training sessions.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning assessment consists of an oral test in which the lecturers will ask the students questions on the topics covered during the course. Both the knowledge of the techniques described and seen during the practical training and the reworking of the case studies presented will be assessed.
BIO/18 - GENETICS - University credits: 6
Laboratories: 8 hours
Lessons: 44 hours