Methods of Motor Skills Assessment

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
FIS/07 M-EDF/02
Learning objectives
The course provides scientific, theoretical, and practical knowledge on the relevance and validity of methods, procedures, and analysis of data in monitoring training and assessment of the components of sports performance.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire skills in data collection, analysis, and management, as well as skills in the organization and management of assessment in teaching and in sports performance.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
In-person lectures as well as synchronous distance learning
Course syllabus
Data Analysis module, Prof. Caumo
1. Structure of a scientific article and the role of data analysis
2. Descriptive statistics, tables, graphs, and measurement of central tendency and variability (mean, variance, standard deviation, median, percentiles, quartiles)
3. Gaussian distribution
4. Elements of inferential statistics
- Population and sample
- Estimating the mean and variance in a sample
- Central limit theorem
- Distribution of the sample mean and standard error
- Student's t distribution
- Confidence intervals
5. Hypothesis testing and statistical significance. Type I and type II errors
6. Testing the mean
7. Studies in which subjects are observed before and after treatment: Student's t-test for paired data
8. How to determine the difference in the mean values between two distinct groups: Student's t-test for non-paired data
9. Analysis of variance and Fisher-F-distribution. Elements of analisys of variance for repeated measures
10. Overview of alternative to t-tests and analysis of variance on ranks
11. Analyzing the relationship between two variables: correlation and regression
12. Analysis of categorical data: the chi-squared test for independence.

Module "Endurance", Proff. Doria/Vernillo
1. The training process
2. Aims and utility of the functional evaluation
3. The basics of measurement process and data analysis
4. Limiting factors of endurance performances:
- definition
- importance
- evaluation
- analysis
- interpretation
5. Direct and/or indirect practical exercises

Module "Strength", Prof. Coratella
1. Evaluation methods of maximal strength
2. Evaluation methods of explosive strength
3. Evaluation methods of the recovery post-strength
4. Evaluation methods of kinematic of human movements
5. Evaluation methods of body composition and anthropometry
6. Evaluation methods of jumps, sprints and changes of direction
7. Evaluation methods of balance and range of motion
8. Evaluation methods of internal and external load in team sports
Prerequisites for admission
No previous knowledge is required as graduate students will have passed their admissions interview in which they demonstrated their knowledge level, as required by academic regulations.
Teaching methods
For the Data Analysis module, frontal lessons alternate theoretical lectures and practical exercises in preparation for the final exam.

For the "Endurance" and "Strength", frontal lectures will be delivered as well by means of presentation programs and multimedia materials.
Teaching Resources
Data Analysis module, Prof. Caumo
The reference material consists of the material presented during the lectures (pdf documents uploaded onto the Ariel portal). Additional material for further reading can be found in the Tutorial section on the Ariel portal.
Advised (not compulsory) reading list:
1) Marc M. Triola e Mario F. Triola - Statistica per le discipline biosanitarie, Pearson Editore.
2) S. A. Glantz- Statistica per le Discipline Biomediche, McGraw-Hill Editore.
3) David S. Moore - Statistica di base, Apogeo Editore.

Module "Endurance", Proff. Doria/Vernillo
1. Wasserman (2012). Principles of exercise testing and interpretation: including pathophysiology and clinical applications. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
2. Australian Sport Commission (2012). Physiological tests for elite athletes. Human Kinetics
3. The lecturers will use scientific papers to explain each topic. Such papers will be uploaded and made available in the Course's website (

Module "Strength", Prof. Coratella
The lecturer will use scientific papers to explain each topic. Such papers will be uploaded and made available in the Course's website (
Assessment methods and Criteria
Data Analysis" module: written exam, 1 hour allowed, 31 multiple choice questions. Grading: 30 and with honors for 31 correct answers, 30 for 30 correct answers, and so on down. The questions will cover the entire course content. Students are required to bring Student's Z and T tables, a calculator, and correction fluid to the exam; use of a mobile phone calculator is not allowed.

Regarding the "Endurance" and "Strength" modules, the exam will be oral and it will cover the whole course contents. The student will have to positively pass both modules ("Endurance" and "Strength") in order to pass the exam. If the student will fail one of the two modules (either "Endurance" or "Strength"), the exam will be considered failed and the student will need to retake the exam in both modules ("Endurance" and "Strength"). To be able to take the exam for the "Endurance" and "Strength" modules, the student must take, first of all, the exam for the "Data Analysis" module.

The overall grade is the average between the three grades of each module: data analysis, endurance and strength
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 3
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Practicals: 60 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
To be agreed via email.
Via Giuseppe Colombo 71, Edificio 2, Piano terra, Milano
Appointment by email
Appointment by email