Introduction to Psychiatric Rehabilitation

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
M-PED/01 MED/25
Learning objectives
- to study the main features of the general mechanisms of cultural processes as an historical-cultural interpretative key to help the learning of the concepts of normality, health, illness, disability, handicap and the historical evolution of assistance, care and rehabilitation;
-Improve the knowledge of the theoretical principles underlying psychiatric rehabilitation and the methods of the rehabilitation interventions; study the mechanism of the evolution and characteristics of the theory and conceptual models of psychiatric rehabilitation;
- to take a deeper look of the ethical and historical aspects of medicine with a particular interest in psychiatric rehabilitation.
Expected learning outcomes
To achieve a good historical knowledge about the development of psychiatry as a specific discipline, including the evolution of the main theoretical models and the work done by the rehabilitation technicians.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge required
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment of the learning will take place through a oral /written test.
The evaluation criteria used will be the ability to list and organize the acquired knowledges as well as their application for the resolution of short questions. The evaluation of the teaching will be expressed in 30th and will be the result of the weighted average of the votes acquired in each module of the teaching. Ongoing written tests may be planned towards the end of the course. The results of the tests will be communicated to the students through online verbalization system of university.
Course syllabus
Module: Introduction to psychiatry
Introduction to the aims of the degree course as a whole and in the specific case of rehabilitation work in psychiatry. Psychiatry as the science of man and his existence: refer to culture, history, the person. Focus on tools and techniques in rehabilitation
Module: Psychiatry history.
Mental Health Management in the Pre-Contemporary Era; Psychiatry in the Contemporary Age I Part (1789-1945) Psychiatry in the Contemporary Age II Part (1945-); Colonial Psychiatry; Psychiatry in the Age of Globalization;

Module: Psychiatric rehabilitation history.
Recognition and analysis of the elements of psychiatric rehabilitation, historically isomorphic to the different conceptions of mental illness occurred over time. Analysis of persistent or recurrent themes, not strictly related, as in the case of physical medicine, to the cultural temperaries of a specific period. Identify, as persistent strands of the concept of mental illness, widely reflected in the mode of rehabilitation, the regulation of the physical distance of patients from the society to which they belong, the adjustment of the affections, the adjustment of living and doing. Analysis of some historical examples (the heterofamilial entrustment of Geel, the"public stem"of the Republic of Venice, the experience of esquirol and pinel around the French Revolution, Connolly's experience in Britain, etc.). Legislative evolution of the organisation of mental health care and rehabilitation services in Europe and Italy, with the transition between the laws of 1904 and 1978; parallel analysis of the birth of the therapeutic community in Europe after the Second World War and its implementation in Italy in the 80's. Exploring the evolution towards more evolved models ("l'abitare per la cura") and the value that the great phenomenological determinants of the relationship (space, time, objects, body) have in this area. An excursus on how the contemporary organization of services, especially in Lombardy, reflects these conceptual themes.

Module: Psychopathological elements
The basic concepts of descriptive psychopathology. Normal health and mental illness.
Psychic functions: a) Consciousness and disturbances of consciousness b) Intelligence and disturbances of intellectual functions c) Attention, concentration, orientation and related disorders d) Memory and its disorders e) Perception f) Thought g) Language and speech h) temperament and mood i) Physiological and pathological anxiety l) volition, instinctuality, aggressiveness m) The concept of personality.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Ba G "Strumenti e tecniche della Riabilitazione psichiatrica", FrancoAngeli Ed
Elementi di psicopatologia
Rasore E.: Elementi di semeiotica. In: Giberti - Rossi (a cura di), Manuale di psichiatria, VI ed., Piccin, Padova, 2009.
Garbarini M.: Psicopatologia generale. In: Invernizzi G. (a cura di), Manuale di psichiatria e psicologia clinica, IV ed., McGraw Hill, Milano, 2012.
Storia della psichiatria e storia della riabilitazione psichiatrica
Vita A., L. Dell'Osso, A. Mucci "Manuale di Clinica e riabilitazione psichiatrica " Eds G. fioriti 2019 (cap 1 e cap 41)
Theories and science of education and social education
Course syllabus
The fundamental characteristics of pedagogy and of the educational relationship; the fundamental components of the educational action and to discuss its own aspects such as relationality, systematism, asymmetry and the development of autonomy; discussion on the relationship between pedagogical knowledge and the treatment of mental illness, with particular attention to its historical evolution; examination of the relationships between educational action and rehabilitation intervention; importance in the educational processes of materiality and everyday life . Discuss the meaning and modalities of educating mental health.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Tom Burns. Psychiatry: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. Edizione italiana: Psichiatria, traduzione di Michelle Nebiolo, Codice Edizioni
Materiale fornito dai docenti (slide, dispense)
MED/25 - PSYCHIATRY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 40 hours
Theories and science of education and social education
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Zannini Lucia