Internship in University Labs
A.Y. 2023/2024
Learning objectives
The course is organized in several alternative choices with the aim to introduce the students to the main experimental techniques used in different research topics, the way in which experimental data are processed and analyzed, and the guidelines for drafting a scientific paper.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will acquire skills in experimental biology, will know the basic rules of good laboratory practice, will be able to use basic techniques and instrumentation, and will have the necessary information to organize the lab-book. The student will also be able to write a scientific paper and to read and analyze a scientific article.
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Attestato frequenza
Assessment result: senza verifica abilita
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Course syllabus
The internship offers students the possibility to choose a program among the 13 proposed:
1. Ecotoxicology
2. Animal physiology and cell biology
3. Immunology and Functional Genomics
4. From organisms to molecules: transcriptional factors and regulation of development and differentiation
5. Molecular approaches to study oncosuppressor genes and their role to prevent neoplastic transformation
6. Bioinformatics and Data Science for Biology
7. Animal-environment relationships and environmental monitoring
8. Analytical techniques and cellular models for the investigation of oxidative damage and the regulation of translation
9. An in-silico and in-vivo integrative approach to study Pax transcription factors
10. Molecular Genetics and Cellular Biology of Cancer
11. Neurobiology
12. Biomembrane physiology and molecular imaging
13. Plant genetics and epigenetics: from genome-editing to chromatin organization
Laboratory activities on specific research topics are foreseen in each program. Programs can be consulted on the website:
1. Ecotoxicology
2. Animal physiology and cell biology
3. Immunology and Functional Genomics
4. From organisms to molecules: transcriptional factors and regulation of development and differentiation
5. Molecular approaches to study oncosuppressor genes and their role to prevent neoplastic transformation
6. Bioinformatics and Data Science for Biology
7. Animal-environment relationships and environmental monitoring
8. Analytical techniques and cellular models for the investigation of oxidative damage and the regulation of translation
9. An in-silico and in-vivo integrative approach to study Pax transcription factors
10. Molecular Genetics and Cellular Biology of Cancer
11. Neurobiology
12. Biomembrane physiology and molecular imaging
13. Plant genetics and epigenetics: from genome-editing to chromatin organization
Laboratory activities on specific research topics are foreseen in each program. Programs can be consulted on the website:
Prerequisites for admission
The student must meet the requirements for enrollment at the third year: all the exams of 1st year and 30 ECTS related to the exams of the 2nd year , including Biological Chemistry (by September 16, 2020). Furthermore, it is recommended to have acquired skills in the teachings indicated by the Professor responsible for the selected course (see Ariel website;
Teaching methods
Method of teaching: traditional. Laboratory experiences with the direct involvement of students that will be engaged in the realization of different experiments on specific research topics. Students will also be actively engaged in the discussion of the results to improve their critical skills, their ability to re-elaborate the acquired data and communicate the results in an appropriate way.
Teaching Resources
All materials needed for the planned activities and the experimental protocols are posted at:
Assessment methods and Criteria
The student at the end of the course must submit a report in which the results obtained in the experiments, carried out during the internship, are reported and discussed. Together with the report, the student delivers the analysis of a scientific article assigned to him/her by the examination committee that is made up of the teachers responsible for the selected course. If the paper and the analysis of the article are approved by the committee, the student can take the oral examination, otherwise he must rewrite the paper and/or the analysis of the article. The oral examination must be taken, after the approval of the report, on the date agreed between the teachers and the students. The oral examination focuses on the different experiences carried out in the laboratory and on the assigned article. The teachers verify that the student has understood the experimental techniques used, the objectives of each experiment carried out, the critical analysis of the results.
In case of insufficiency, the oral exam can be repeated only once on a date agreed with the teachers within six months from the end of the internship. The examination grade is converted into points that enter into the calculation of the final degree mark. After the second fail, the student will have to repeat the entire internship the following year.
In case of insufficiency, the oral exam can be repeated only once on a date agreed with the teachers within six months from the end of the internship. The examination grade is converted into points that enter into the calculation of the final degree mark. After the second fail, the student will have to repeat the entire internship the following year.
- University credits: 6
Laboratories: 96 hours
Amadeo Alida, Benzoni Patrizia, Cappelletti Graziella, Cereda Matteo, Chaves Sanjuan Antonio, Chiara Matteo, Colombo Graziano, Del Giacco Luca Pasquale Carmelo, Della Torre Camilla, Dolfini Diletta, Fantin Alessandro, Gandellini Paolo, Giannuzzi Giuliana, Gnesutta Nerina Bruna, Guerrini Luisa Francesca Isotta, Magni Stefano, Manenti Raoul, Manfrini Nicola, Marini Federica, Masiero Simona, Parolini Marco, Pesaresi Paolo, Scari' Giorgio Ulisse Salvatore, Sertic Sarah, Sugni Michela, Zuccato Chiara
Percorso 6
Cereda MatteoPercorso 9
Chaves Sanjuan Antonio, Chiara Matteo, Del Giacco Luca Pasquale Carmelo, Giannuzzi GiulianaEducational website(s)
Monday 10.00-18.00 (by appointment)
Department of Biosciences, Via Celoria 26, 20133 Milan.
Ask for an appointment via email
Biosciences Dept, building (torre) B, 7th floor
by appointment requested by e-mail
Via Celoria 26 tower C floor 6
on request, via email
via G. Celoria, 26 20133 Milano, B tower, 6th floor
to be agreed by e-mail
Dept. Biosciences, floor 7, tower B
tuesday 11.30-12.30, by appointment via email
Every day (date and time to be arranged via email with the professor)
By sending an email, I will immediately arrange a meeting
Via Celoria 26, 4th floor, A tower
to be agreed by prior appointment via e-mail
wednesday 14.30-15.30
Via Celroia 26, Tower A, ground floor
by appointment previously agreed by e-mail
INGM, Padiglione Invernizzi, Via F. Sforza 35 4 piano Ala A